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40 Cards in this Set

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classical conditioning

organism comes to associate/anticipate events

uncoditioned stimlulus

elicits response before conditioning

unconditioned response

unlearned response to UCS

conditioned stimulus

elicits a conditioned response due to the pairing with a repetative stimulus that already causes a response

conditioned response

learned response to CS


CR to be evoked by similar stimuli


distinguish between stimuli and similar stimuli

high order conditioning

previously neutral stimulus comes to elicit the response brought forth by CS by being paired with that CS

biologically preparedness

readiness to acquire a certain kind of CR due to biological make up of orgnaism


pleasant stimuli with fear evoking stimuli


fear exposed until fear lost

systematic desensitization

fear evoking stimuli present while subject is relaxed

law of effect

pleasant events(rewards) stamp in responses while unpleasant events(punishment) stamp out

operant behavior

behavior that operates/manipulates env.

operant conditioning

organism engage in certain behavior due to reinforcement

positive reinforcer

PRESENTED increases frequency of operant

negative reinforcer

REMOVED increases frequency of operant

primary reinforcers

biological makeup

secondary reinforcers

stimulus gains reinforcement value through association with established reinforces

discriminative stimulus

stimulus indicates reinforcement is avaibale

fixed interval schedule

fixed time between reinforcement

variable interval schedule

variable time between reinforcement

fixed ratio schedule

reinforment provided after a fixed number of correct responses

variable ratio schedule

reinforcement provided after a variable number of correct repsonses

successive approximations

behavior progressively closer to target point

behavior modifications

teach adaptive behavior and extinguish maladaptive behavior

programmed learning

breaks task into small tasks that are each reinforced and combined to form correct behavioral chain

cognitive map

metal rep of layout of env

latent learning

hidden/concealed learning

observational learning

form of cognitive learning in which observation is used


organism engaged in response that is imitated by others


procedure for teaching complex behaviors that t first reinforces approximations of target behavior

partial reinforcement

not every correct response is reinforced

continuous reinforcement

every correct response is reinforced

time out

removal of organism from situation in which reinforcement is shown when unwanted behavior is shown

conditioned reinforcer

secondary reinforcer


follow a response with a stimulus that increases frequency of response

spontaneous recovery

recurrence of extinguished response over time


stimuli lose ability to evoke response


permanent change in behavior due to experience