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29 Cards in this Set

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In what ways does operant differ from classical conditioning?

In classical conditioning, the relevant outcome(US) arrives regardless of animals behavior.

In the case of Thorndikes cats learning to escape,

Inside of the puzzle box; the movements that opened the door; the food

Thorndikes law is effect

Both c and d

The process of providing consequences for a behavior that decrease the probability of that behavior


Discriminative stimuli are

Stimuli that signal where a particular response will lead to a particular outcome

Main difference between

Increases a behavior, decrease a behavior.

Positive reinforcement involves

Adding an outcome to increase a behavior

Negative punishment involves

Adding an outcome to decrease a behavior

Suppose a man has his drivers license revoked

Negative punishment

Children may misbehave

Positive reinforcement

Operate conditioning

In order to obtain or

Which of the following drugs increases the ability of dopamine and thus increase activity in the reward pathway

All of the above

The reinforcement mechanism in the brain involves the release of dopamine

The ventral tegmental area (VTA)

One suggestion in regarding the roles of dopamine and opioids in reinforcement is that

Dopamine is involved in “wanting” a drug whereas opioids

The orbitofrontal cortex is particularly important for learning

To predict outcomes of behaviors

Rats that are given a dopamine antagonist will

Choose rat chow that is freely

A rat with a dorsal striatum lesion would have trouble learning to

Rear up on its hind legs to relieve food when a discriminative stimulus

Early experiments showed that electrical stimulation of the ___ is reinforcing in rats

Ventral tegmental area (VTA)

Drug addiction arises through the

Operant conditioning principals of reinforcement

Heroin and morphine are highly addictive drugs that are classified as ____ because they target opiate receptors in the brain.


Amphetamines and cocaine are classified as ________ and work by increasing brain dopamine levels, thereby activating the dopamine reinforcement pathway


Amphetamine causes dopaminergic neurons to release levels of

Dopamine (DA)

Reduce the strength of the conditioned association between the R-O through


Avoiding the stimuli that trigger the unwanted response


Reinforcement of alternate behaviors

Reduces likelihood of engaging in addictive behaviors

Delayed reinforcement

A fixed delay before an addict gives into addiction

Naltrexone drug treatment

Blocks opoiate receptors, indirectly inhibiting dopamine production.

Addictions to behaviors that produce reinforcements or highs, as well as carvings and withdrawal symptoms when the behavior is presented

Behavioral addiction

A strong drug habit maintained despite harmful consequences

Pathological Addiction