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15 Cards in this Set

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Definition of Toxic Leadership
These are what make up the definition of toxic leadership:

-The Toxic Triangle

- Toxic Leadership involves more than just the destructive leader

-There is a difference between being good and being a toxic leader

-We can distinguish toxic leadership from the following viewpoints:
- Leader and trait behaviors
- Group processes
-Group outcomes
-There is a range of outcomes (toxic vs. non-toxic) in any leadership situation
The Toxic Triangle
The Toxic Triangle consists of:
- destructive leaders
-susceptible followers (colluders and conformers)
- and a conducive environment
Leadership Versus Goodness
Mao, Stalin, Hitler- are they leaders or rulers?
-most would define them as rulers because they did not lead their people
- they did not "create meaningful lasting opportunities"
-BUT leadership is temporary
-BUT they did influence others to pursue objectives

The point:
- that toxic leaders sometimes do good things
- and constructive leaders are not always good
Four Definitional Elements of Toxic Leadership
Destructive Leadership is:

1) More than just about the destructive leader
- destructive org. outcomes also depend on susceptible followers and conducive environments

2) Destructive Leadership is rarely entirely destructive
- most leadership outcomes have desirable and undesirable outcomes
-destructive leadership outcomes are on the negative spectrum

3) Destructive leadership involves control and coercion
- rather than using persuasion and commitment
-focuses more on the leaders objectives and goals and less about the larger org.
-centralization of power and control over followers

4)Effects of destructive Leadership results in bad consequences for the group
- destructive leadership outcomes result from the toxic triangle and often affect the whole group
Toxic Leaders and their Characteristics
*Some overlap with constructive leader traits

Four critical leader factors associated with toxic leaders and destructive group results are:
-charisma and narcissim
-personalized use of power vs. social
-negative life themes
-ideology of hate
- this refers to attractive aspects of an individuals personality- sets them apart
-"eye of the beholder"- meaning that someone may view a person as charismatic while another may not

Charismatic features can be a negative thing in too much proportions
- charismatic leaders (and destructive leaders) may exhibit extreme self-confidence, dramatic flair, willingness to test limits, and expansive visionary thinking
- these things can make a leader impressionable and destructive leaders may use this as self-promo and not for the greater good
-also to get draw followers in

Charismatic destructive leaders:
- HAVE A VISION: (usually of threat to the group and based on insecurity)- to enhance their power
-PERSONAL ENERGY- motives, very persistent

Narcissim and self-concept gone wild:
- it is good to be confident about your skillls and self but not in excess
-charisma can often overlap with narcissim in destructive leadership

*lack of empathy
*monumental self-esteem
*rude arrogance

-destructive leaders use power for personal gain and self-promotion

-they also use control and coercion to impose their goals while censuring others with opposing views

-While CONSTRUCTIVE LEADERS use power to help others and for the org. to be successful
-destructive leaders tend to have negative life stories that result in a destructive image of the world and peoples roles in it

This may be caused by:
-child adversity
-severe parental discord
- low socio-economic status
-paternal criminality
-childhood abuse

*Adversity can result in positive things, but some experiences are extremely hard to overcome

-Not everyone with these things in their life become destructive leaders
Toxic Leader Traits: IDEOLOGY OF HATE
-Worldviews, visions, of destructive leaders often involved images of hate and anger

-They tend to vanquish rivals and destroy enemies (mlk vs. hitler)

-This is usually the result from negative life stories

-Self-hatred can turn into displacing that onto others

-can be shown through violence or creating intimidation
Susceptible Followers: CONFORMERS

*Conformers- comply
*Colluders- participate

-Conformers allow bad leaders to assume and retain power because of their unmet needs

-This makes them very vulnerable to to such influences and manipulation

-Charismatic/destructive leaders can create a sense of self that conformers could not create on their own

Characteristics of Conformers are:
-unmet basic needs
-negative core-evaluations
-low psychological maturity

*They are susceptible to manipulation because of: low self-esteem, and low self-efficacy

-Conformity can lead to unethical behaviors
Susceptible Followers: COLLUDERS
-Colluders support destructive leaders because they want to promote themselves within an enterprise that shares the same worldviews as them

-Colluders seek personal gain through collaboration with destructive leaders- they participate and follow because of similar values

Characteristics of Colluders:
- ambition
-congruent beliefs
-unsocialized values shares with a toxic leader
Conducive Environments
-Arguably, the most important determinant of eventual toxicity is the presence or absence of checks and balances

*transparent procedures are necessary for mitigating toxic consequences

Tolitarian, repressive regimes create conducive environments:
- they seek to retain power and eliminate necessary checks
-this creates fear and crisis
-they want to squash any opposition

There are Four environmental factors for destructive leadership and environments:
- absence of checks and balances and institutionalism
-org, industry or national instability
-perceived threat
Absence of Checks and Balances and Managerial Discretion within Toxic Environments
*checks and balances are implemented in order to impede abuse of power and unilateral control same with managerial discretion and presidentialism

-Although leaders need discretion and flexibility to do their jobs, unconstrained authority presents too many opportunities for destructive leaders to abuse power

Likely to happen:
-in senior jobs
-young orgs
-high-growth industries

Destructive leaders have less success when the following checks and balances are implemented:

-The Media (external): public opinion, counterblance for toxic exposure
-Government agencies (External): regulate national or.
-Board of Directors (internal): oversee, influence ethics, better if they are from the outside
-culture of openness and org. support (whistle blowing)

-Allthough these do not entirely eliminate toxic leadership

*turbulence and dynamism may lead to destructive leadership
*complexity increases unethical behavior (not transparent)
*destructive leaders creat I/E threats to hold power
Preventing and Minimizing Power
Some serious toxic leadership situations are called "wicked"
- they are not easily changed and many appear unsolvable
-they are interrelated and have incomplete, contradictory, or changing requirements

Leadership Selection, Development or Diagnosis

*sometimes it is hard to identify destructive leadership during a persons climb to becoming. it is important to...
- have proper evaluations of background during job changes or promotions
-personality tests
-executive development: meaning working on developing potential leaders, leadership and content area skill and competencies

Empowering Followers:

*focusing on followers, different followers, different treatments

-Colluders should be examined similarly to future leaders
-conformers are freed by strong organizational culture and support: (whistle blowing)

*it is rare to see absolute destruction in a leadership episode
*destructive leadership is more rare in non-profits
Paradox of Toxic Leadership
* destructive leadership does not happen from person alone it also take the susceptible followers and conducive environments

-In order for followers to be empowerred and for environments to be less toxic, the leader must give up some power and control

- toxic leaders do everything to fight controls and democratic conditions

-But constructive leaders know that internal checks and balances, persuasion, motivation towards goals are better in long run