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67 Cards in this Set

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What are the bones of the pelvis?

Name the structures of anterior pelvis

Name the structures of anterior pelvis

Name the structures of posterior pelvis

Name the structures of posterior pelvis

Name the structures

Name the structures

Which ligaments form greater and lesser sciatic foramena?

1) Sacrotuberous ligament turns sciatic notch into sciatic foramen

2) Sacrospinous ligament divides it into greater and lesser sciatic foramena

What are the contents of greater and lesser sciatic foramena?

Name structures on the femur

Name structures on the femur

Name all the structures

Name all the structures

Name all the structures

Name all the structures

What are the muscles of the gluteal region?

What are the muscles of the gluteal region?

1) Gluteus maximus

2) Gluteus medius

3) Gluteus minimus

4) Tensor fasciae latea

5) Periformis

6) Obturator internus

7) Superior and inferior gemelli

8) Quadratus femoris

What is the origin of gluteus maximus?

What is the origin of gluteus maximus?

Posterior ilium, dorsal sacrum and coccyx, and sacrotuberous ligament

What is the insertion of gluteus maximus?

What is the insertion of gluteus maximus?

Mostly iliotibial tract which inserts into the lateral condyle of tibia

What is the innervation of gluteus maximus?

Inferior gluteal nerve (S1, S2 and some L5)

What is the blood supply of gluteus maximus?

Superior and inferior gluteal arteries

What is the function of gluteus maximus?

What is the function of gluteus maximus?

Hip extension and some external rotation

What is the origin and insertion of gluteus medius, and its function?

What is the origin and insertion of gluteus medius, and its function?

External surface ilium to lateral surafce of greater trochanter

Abduction and internal rotation of the thigh

What is the innervation and blood supply of gluteus medius?

Superior gluteal (L5 and some S1) nerve and superior gluteal artery

What is the origin and insertion of gluteus minimus, and its function?

What is the origin and insertion of gluteus minimus, and its function?

External surface of ilium to anterior surface of greater trochanter

Abduction and internal rotation of the thigh

What is the innervation and blood supply of gluteus minimus?

Superior gluteal nerve (L5 and some S1) and artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of tensor fasciae latea muscle?

What is the origin, insertion and function of tensor fasciae latea muscle?

ASIS and anterior iliac crest to iliotibial tract

Abduction and medial rotation of the thigh

What is the innervation and blood supply of tensor faciae latae muscle?

Superior gluteal nerve and lateral circumflex femoral, superial gluteal arteries

What is the origin, insertion and function of piriformis muscle?

What is the origin, insertion and function of piriformis muscle?

Anterior surface of sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament to superior border of greater trochanter

Lateral rotation of extended thigh and abduction of flexed thigh

What is the innervation and blood supply of piriformis m.?

Branches of anterior rami of S1 and some S2, and inferior, superior gluteal and lateral sacral arteries

What is the origin, insertion and function of obturator internus m.?

What is the origin, insertion and function of obturator internus m.?

Pelvis surface of obturator membrane and surrounding bones to medial surface of greater trochanter

Lateral rotation of extended thigh and abduction of flexed thigh

What is the innervation and blood supply to obturator internus m.?

Nerve to obturator internus and inferior gluteal artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of superior and inferior gemelli mm.?

What is the origin, insertion and function of superior and inferior gemelli mm.?

Superior: ischial spine

Inferior: ischial tuberosity

to medial surface of greater trochanter

Lateral rotation of extended thigh and abduction of flexed thigh

What is the innervation and blood supply of gemelli mm.?

Superior: nerve to obturator internus

Inferior: nerve to quadratus femoris

Both: inferior gluteal artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of quadratus femoris?
What is the origin, insertion and function of quadratus femoris?

Lateral border of ischial tuberosity to quadrate tubercle on the intratrochanteric crest

Lateral rotation of the thigh

What is the innervation and blood supply to quadratus femoris?

Nerve to quadratus femoris and inferior gluteal artery

What are the hip flexor muscles of the anterior thigh?

1) Pectineus
2) Iliopsoas = psoas major + iliacus
3) Psoas minor
4) Sartotius

1) Pectineus

2) Iliopsoas = psoas major + iliacus

3) Psoas minor

4) Sartotius

What is the origin, insertion and function of pectineus muscle?

Superior ramus of pubis to pectineal line of femur, just inferior to lesser trochanter

Adduction and flexion of the thigh, some medial rotation

Superior ramus of pubis to pectineal line of femur, just inferior to lesser trochanter

Adduction and flexion of the thigh, some medial rotation

What is the innervation and blood supply of pectineus m.?

Femoral nerve (L2 and some L3) and obturator artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of iliopsoas muscle?

iliacus: iliac crest, iliac fossa, ala of sacrum and anterior sacroiliac ligaments to tendon of psoas major and lesser trochanter
Psoas major: sides of T12 - L5 vertebrae, lumbar transverse processes and IV discs to Lesser trochanter

Flexion of ...

iliacus: iliac crest, iliac fossa, ala of sacrum and anterior sacroiliac ligaments to tendon of psoas major and lesser trochanter

Psoas major: sides of T12 - L5 vertebrae, lumbar transverse processes and IV discs to Lesser trochanter

Flexion of the hip joint

What is the innervation and blood supply of iliopsoas m.?

iliacus: femoral nerve (L2 and some L3) and medial circumflex femoral artery

psoas major: Anterior rami of lumbar nerves (L1, L2 and some L3) and lateral branch of iliolumbar artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of psoas minor m.?

Sides of T12 - L1 and IV discs to pectineal line, iliopectineal eminence

Sides of T12 - L1 and IV discs to pectineal line, iliopectineal eminence

What is the innervation and blood supply to psoas minor m.?

Anterior rami of lumbar nerves and who knows

What is the origin, insertion and function of sartorius muscle?

What is the origin, insertion and function of sartorius muscle?

ASIS to superior part of medial surface of tibia

Flexion, abduction and lateral rotation of hip joint and flexion of the knee joint

What is the innervation and blood supply of sartorius m.?

Femoral nerve and artery

What are the knee extensor muscles of the anterior thigh?

1) Rectus femoris
2) Vastus lateralis
3) Vastus medialis
4) Vastus intermedius

1) Rectus femoris

2) Vastus lateralis

3) Vastus medialis

4) Vastus intermedius

What is the origin, insertion and function of rectus femoris?

Anterior inferior iliac spine and ilium superior to acetabulum to

to base of patella via quadriceps tendon and indirectly via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity


Knee joint extension

Anterior inferior iliac spine and ilium superior to acetabulum toto base of patella via quadriceps tendon and indirectly via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity

Knee joint extension

What is the innervation and blood supply of rectus femoris?

Femoral nerve and branch of deep femoral artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of vastus lateralis?

Greater trochanter and medial lip of linea aspera

to base of patella via quadriceps tendon and indirectly via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity

Knee joint extension 

Greater trochanter and medial lip of linea asperato base of patella via quadriceps tendon and indirectly via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity

Knee joint extension

What is the innervation and blood supply of vastus lateralis m.?

Femoral nerve and branch of deep femoral artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of vastus medialis?

Intertrochanteric line and medial lip of linea aspera to base of patella via quadriceps tendon and indirectly via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity

Knee joint extension

Intertrochanteric line and medial lip of linea aspera to base of patella via quadriceps tendon and indirectly via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity

Knee joint extension

What is the innervation and blood supply of vastus medialis?

Femoral nerve and artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of vastus intermedius?

What is the origin, insertion and function of vastus intermedius?

Anterior and lateral femoral shaft to to base of patella via quadriceps tendon and indirectly via patellar ligament to tibial tuberosity

Knee joint flexion

What is the innervation and blood supply of vastus intermedialis?

Femoral nerve and artery

What are the adductor muscles of the medial thigh?

1) Obturator externus
2) Adductor longus
3) Adductor brevis
4) Adductor magnus
5) Gracilis (most superficial and medial)

1) Obturator externus

2) Adductor longus

3) Adductor brevis

4) Adductor magnus

5) Gracilis (most superficial and medial)

What is the origin, insertion and function of obturator externus m.?

What is the origin, insertion and function of obturator externus m.?

Margins of obturator foramen and obturator membrane to trachanteric fossa of femur

Lateral rotation of the thigh; femoral head stabilisation in acetabulum

What is the innervation and blood supply of obturator externus?

Obturator nerve and artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of adductor longus m.?

What is the origin, insertion and function of adductor longus m.?

Body of pubis inferior to pubic crest to middle third of linea aspera of femur.

Thigh adduction

What is the innervation and blood supply of adductor longus?

Anterior division of the obturator nerve and deep femoral artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of adductor brevis m.?

What is the origin, insertion and function of adductor brevis m.?

Body of inferior ramus of pubis to middle 3rd of linea aspera of femur

Thigh adduction and some flexion

What is the innervation and blood supply of adductor brevis m.?

Anterior division of the obturator nerve and deep femoral artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of adductor magnus m.?

What is the origin, insertion and function of adductor magnus m.?

Adductor part: inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium to gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera and medial supracondylar line

Hamstrings part: ischial tuberosity to adductor tubercle of femur

Adducts thigh;

Adductor part: flexes thigh

Hamstrings part: flexes thigh

What is the innervation and blood supply of adductor magnus?

Adductor part: posterior division of the obturator nerve

Hamstrings part: tibial part of sciatic nerve

Deep femoral artery

What important structure is located in adductor magnus m. and what passes through it?

Adductor hiatus. It transmits femoral artery and vein from the adductor canal in the thigh to the popliteal fossa posterior to the knee

Adductor hiatus. It transmits femoral artery and vein from the adductor canal in the thigh to the popliteal fossa posterior to the knee

What is the origin, insertion and function of gracilis m.?

What is the origin, insertion and function of gracilis m.?

Body and inferior ramus of pubis to superior part of medial surface of tibia

Thigh adduction, leg flexion and some medial rotation of the leg

What is the innervation and blood supply of gracilis m.?

Obturator nerve and medial circumflex femoral artery

What are the muscles of the posterior thigh?

1) Semitendinosus 
2) Semimembranosus
3) Biceps femoris

1) Semitendinosus

2) Semimembranosus

3) Biceps femoris

What are the posterior thigh muscles collectively known as?


What is the origin, insertion and function of semitendinosus?

What is the origin, insertion and function of semitendinosus?

Ischial tuberosity to medial surface of superior tibia

Thigh extension, knee flexion and medial rotation

What is the innervation and blood supply of semitendinosus m.?

Tibial division of the sciatic nerve and inferior gluteal artery

What is the origin, insertion and function of semimembranosus m.?

What is the origin, insertion and function of semimembranosus m.?

Ischial tuberosity to posterior part of medial condyle of tibia

Thigh extension, knee flexion and medial rotation

What is the innervation and blood supply of semimembranosus m.?

Tibial division of the sciatic nerve, and deep femoral and gluteal arteries

What is the origin, insertion and function of biceps femoris?

What is the origin, insertion and function of biceps femoris?

Long head: ischial tuberosity

Short head: linea aspera and latreal supracondylar line of femur

to lateral side of head of fibula

Thigh extension; leg flexion and lateral rotation when knee is flexed

What is the innervation and blood supply of biceps femoris?

Long head: tibial nerve

Short head: common fibular (perineal) nerve

Deep femoral artery