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59 Cards in this Set

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adjective forming; capable of(being), able to; suffix
noun forming; indicating an action or process; the act of (being), the result of (being), something that is; suffix
noun forming; the act of (being); the state of (being); suffix
noun forming; the act of (being); the state of (being); suffix
adjective forming; capable of being; suffix
adjective forming; in a state or condition of; suffix
adjective forming; capable of being, like; suffix
noun forming; the act of; suffix
adjective forming; pertaining to; suffix
noun forming; agent or instrument; suffix
noun forming; agent or instrument; suffix
noun forming; place for something; suffix
adjective forming; place for something; pertaining to; suffix
-ure, ura
noun forming; result of an action; suffix
present participle; sounding
present participle; lying hidden
present participle; falling
present participle; beginning
present participle; feeling
present participle; a person who inhabits
present participle; a drug that produces sleep
present participle; that state of being redundant or superfluous
present participle; the state of being revered
present participle; the act of following
present participle; the state of knowing
front, in fron; combining form
upper arm; combining form
-cid, cis
cut, kill; combining form
-cip, cept
take; combining form
-cresc, cret
being to grow; combining form
finger, toe; combining form
-duc, duct
lead, bring, conduct; combining form
-fac, fic, fect
make; combining form
-faci, fici, facies
face, appearance, surface; combining form
-febr, bebris
fever; combining form
-fer, lat
carry, bear; combining form
-flect, flex
bend; combining form
mushroom, fungus; combining form
pur; combining form
bring forth, give birth; combining form
-ger, gest
carry, bear; combining form
exempt, safe, protected; combining form
below; combining form
-lab, laps
slede, slip; combining form
side; combining form
-or, os
mouth, opening; combining form
bone; combining form
louse; combining form
-poster, posterior
behind, in back; combining form
cut; combining form
sleep; combining form
-stabil, stabl
stable, fixed; combining form
above; combining form
be swollen; combining form
-midsagittal plane
a vertical plane dividing the body into two equal and symmetrical right and left halves
a vertical plane at right angles to the midsagittal plane dividing the body into anterior and posterior portions
-transverse plane
a horizontal plane across teh center of teh body and at right angles to the midsagittal and frontal planes dividing the body into upper and lower portions
movement away from the median plane of the body
movement toward the median plane