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40 Cards in this Set

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Give the author and the meaning of:
Vēritās numquam perit.
Truth never perishes.
Give the author and the meaning of:
Manus manum lavat.
The hand washes the hand
Give the author and the meaning of:
Vae victīs!
Woe to the conquered!
Give the author and the meaning of:
Vēnī, Vīdī, Vīcī
I came, I saw, I conquered.
Give the author and meaning of:
Nihil dictum quod non dictum prius.
Nothing is said which was not said before.
Give the author and meaning of:
Occāsiō aegrē offertur, facile āmittur.
Opportunity is offered with difficulty but lost with ease.
-Publilius Syrus
Give the author and meaning of:
Mēns sāna in corpore sāno.
A sound mind in a sound body.
Give the author and meaning of:
Nēmō sine vitiō est.
No one is without fault.
-Seneca the Elder
Give the author and meaning of:
Amīcus certus in rē incertā cernitur.
A sure friend is discerned in an unsure situation.
Give the author and meaning of:
Necessitūdō etiam timidōs fortēs facit.
Necessity makes even the timid brave.
Give the author and meaning of:
Labor omnia vincit.
Labor conquers all.
Give the author and meaning of:
Nihil rēctē sine exemplō docētur et discitur.
Nothing is taught or learned correctly without an example.
Give the author and meaning of:
Longius aut propius mors sua quemque manet
Sooner or later death waits for each one.
Give the author and meaning of:
Suum cuique placet.
One's own possessions please one.
-Pliny the Elder
Give the author and meaning of:
Crūdēlitātis māter est avāritia.
Greed id the mother of cruelty.
Give the author and meaning of: Quī timet Deum, omnia timent eum; quī vērō nōn timet Deum, timet omnia.
Everything fears him who fears God; he who does not fear God fears everything.
-Petrus Alphonsus
Give the author and meaning of: Glōria virtūtem tamquam umbra sequitur.
Glory follows virtue as a shadow does.
Give the author and meaning of: Multī fāmam, cōnscientiam paucī verentur.
Many fear rumor, few fear conscience.
Give the author and meaning of: Nēmō regere potest nisi quī et regī.
No one can govern who cannot also be governed.
Give the author and meaning of: Dulce et decōrum est prō patriā morī.
It is sweet and proper to die for one's country.
Give the author and meaning of: Cōgitō, ergō sum.
I think, therefore I am.
Give the author and meaning of: Prīmus in orbe deōs fēcit timor.
Fear first in the world created the gods.
Give the author and meaning of: Dīvīna nātūra dedit agrōs; ars hūmāna aedificāvit urbēs.
Divine nature gave the fields; human skill built the cities.
Give the author and meaning of: Trīstis eris sī sōlus eris.
You will be sad if you are alone.
Give the author and meaning of: Quī prior strīnxerit, ējus victōria erit.
Victory will be his who first draws the sword.
Give the author and meaning of: Contrā verbōsōs nōlī contendere verbīs.
Against the wordy, do not contend with words.
-Dionysius Cato
Give the author and meaning of: Quī dēsīderat pācem, praeparet bellum.
Let him who desires peace prepare for war.
Give the author and meaning of: Rapiāmus, amīcī, occāsiōnem dē diē.
My friends, let us seize opportunity from the day.
Give the author and meaning of: Omnia vincit Amor; et nōs cēdāmus Amōrī.
Love conquers all; and let us yield to Love.
Give the author and meaning of: Nōn ut edam, vīvō; sed ut vīvam, edō.
I live, not to eat, but I eat to live.
Give the author and meaning of: Sī tacuissēs, philosophus mānsissēs.
If you had been silent, you would have remained a philosopher.
Give the author and meaning of: ōderint, dum metuant.
Let them hate, provided they fear me.
Give the author and meaning of: ēventus docuit fortēs Fortūnam juvāre.
The out come has been proven that Fortune aids the brave.
Give the author and meaning of: Forsan et haec ōlim meminisse juvābit.
Perhaps sometime it will be pleasant to recall even these (misfortunes).
Give the author and meaning of: Injūrārium remedium est obliviō.
The cure for wrongs is forgetfulness.
-Publilius Syrus
Give the author and meaning of: Lēgum omnēs servī sumus ut līberī esse possīmus.
We are all servants of the law in order that we can be free.
Give the author and meaning of: Nēmō timendō ad summum pervenit locum.
No man by fearing reaches the highest place.
-Publilius Syrus
Give the author and meaning of: Hominis mēns discendō alitur et cōgitandō.
The mind of man is nourished by learning and thinking.
Give the author and meaning of: Nihil sine ratiōne faciendum est.
Nothing should be done without reason.
Give the author and meaning of: Nōn scholae sed vītae discimus.
Not for school but for life we learn.