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26 Cards in this Set

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Define the continuum of naturalness
represents the extent to which the settings and activities of intervention resume in real life
3 parts of naturalness continuum
1. Child centered (most natural)
2. Hybrid
3. Clinician directed (least natural)
Define the child centered theory
- indirect language stimulation
- use facilitative play
- pragmatics
- Observe, wait and listen
What are the 7 types of indirect language stimulation
1. self talk
2. parallel talk
3. imitations
4. expansions
5. extensions
6. recasting
7. build ups / break downs
What are 7 factors for structuring intervention
1. activities to maximize learning
2. linguistic stimulus (repetition)
3. appropriate frequency
4. response modality
5. consequence for client response
6. context for therapy
7. service delivery model
What is the family-centred practise?
teaches the parents to carry out treatment activities at home. The profession must be accountable and follow through with commitments to the family. The family must communicate the child's needs and recognize joint interventions
What should the adult do if the child has their own agenda?
- recognize what captures the child' s
- create high interest activities
- get down to their level
- imitate
What should the adult do if the child is unsociable?
- take the time to wait for the child to participate
- choose questions carefully
- acknowledge communication attempts
What should the adult do is the child is shy or passive ?
- take the time to OWL
- be face to face
- give opportunities to anticipate what comes next
- capture curiosity
List some goals for a pre-linguistic child
- teach parents about normal communication
- teach parents to tune in
- enjoy your baby
- model interactions
- promote imitation of simple sounds
List some goals for emerging language
- develop symbolic play
- increase intentional communication
- increase sound inventory
- increase receptive and expressive vocab
- develop word combinations
List semantic goals for developing language
increase vocabulary, verbs, pronouns and descriptive words
List syntax goals for developing language
increase sentence length, complexity, sentence type and copula
List morphology goals for developing language
- increase simple noun, verb markings, irregular forms, comparatives and articles
List pragmatic goals for developing language
- initial communication, contingent response to keep conversation going, maintain topic and request clarification
List play goals for developing language
- increase pretend play with life size props, play with mini props and social role
"Point to the blue ball" is an example of
receptive language
"What colour is the ball?" is an example of
expressive language
What communication intervention would be suitable for high risk infants?
- turn taking
- imitation
- recognition or routines and games
- joint attention
What are some behavioural characteristics of Autism?
- social issues reliance on routines, sensory activities, fixation on topics, unusual response to sensory stimulation
Communication characteristics for austism
- echolalia, phonology, pragmatics (largest difficulty), semantics (difficulty understanding message), syntax/morphology (use short simple sentences) and cognition
Autism Treatment approaches
2. Social communication programs (floor time)
3. Intensive Behaviour Intervention/Applied Behavioural Approach
4. Social stores
5. Video therapyGe
6. Milieu training
Genetic Syndromes
runs in the family and are presumed to be transmitted genetically. Possible genetic links to dyslexia, stuttering and autism
Chromosomal Syndromes
related to differences in structure of individuals chromosomes by deletion, addition and re-arrangment
Autosomal disorder
Down syndrome
Sex linked disorders
fragile X, turners and klinefelters