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16 Cards in this Set

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What nerve innervates all of the muscles of facial expression?

CN VII - Facial nerve

Diagram of the Muscles of the scalp

Identify the labeled muscles

Identify the labeled muscles

A - Orbicularis oculi

B - Zygomaticus

C - Buccinator

D - Orbicularis Oris

E - Epicranius

F - Frontal Belly of Epicranius

G - Occipital belly of Epicranius

H - Temporalis

I - Masseter

What connects the frontal and occipital bellies of the Epicranius?

- the epicranial aponeurosis

Which ones are the muscles of mastication?

What is mastication?

Muscles of mastication:

- Masseter

- Temporalis

Mastication - chewing, the crushing and grinding of food by the teeth

What is the action of the following muscles?

a) Frontalis/ Frontal belly of epicranius

b) Occipitalis/ Occipital belly of epicranius

c) Orbicularis Oculi

d) Zygomaticus

a) Frontalis/ Frontal belly of epicranius

- raises eyebrows & wrinkles forehead horizontally

b) Occipitalis/ Occipital belly of epicranius

- fixes aponeurosis; pulls scalp posteriorly

c) Orbicularis Oculi

- closes eye

d) Zygomaticus

- raises the corners of the mouth as when smiling

What is the action of the following muscles?

a) Buccinator

b) Orbicularis Oris

c) Masseter

d) Temporalis

a) Buccinator

- compresses cheek

b) Orbicularis Oris

- closes lips and allows puckering lips

c) Masseter

- elevates the mandible

d) Temporalis

- elevates and retracts the mandible

Diagram showing the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)

What is the structural classification of the TMJ?

structural: Synovial hinge

functional: diarthrotic

structural: Synovial hinge

functional: diarthrotic

What are the types of movement of the TMJ and what do they mean?

a) Elevation - lifting the mandible to close mouth

b) Depression - lowering mandible, open mouth

c) Protraction - pushing mandible anteriorly

d) Retraction - pulling mandible posteriorly

Where is the Atlanto occipital joint?

- between the occiput and atlas (first vertebra)

- between the occiput and atlas (first vertebra)

What is the structural and functional classification of the Atlanto-occipital joint?

What type of movement is it capable of?

Structural - synovial hinge (modified)

Functional - diarthrotic

Movement - circumduction

What is a suture?

What is its functional classification?

What type of movement is it capable of?

Suture - a seam-like immovable junction between 2 bones

Functional - Synarthrotic

Movement - none

Identify the indicated sutures

Identify the indicated sutures

A - Lambdoid suture

B - Coronal suture

C - Squamous suture

Identify the indicated sutures

Identify the indicated sutures

A - Lambdoid suture

B - Sagittal suture

What are fontanels?

Fontanels - unossified remnants of fibrous membranes (in infants)

Identify the indicated areas on a newborn skull

Identify the indicated areas on a newborn skull

A - Posterior fontanelle

B - Posterior fontanelle

C - Mastoid (Posteriolateral) fontanelle

D - Anterior fontanelle

E - Sphenoidal (Anteriolateral) fontanelle