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22 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the cardiovascular system?
What makes up the two divisions of the system?
Heart, Blood Vessels
List, from superficial to deep, the three layers of arteries and veins.
T. adventitia, T. Media, T. Intima
How do the arterial and venous systems differ?
A - High pressure, away from heart
V - Low pressure, to heart
What special feature do veins have, and what are there functions?
One way halves. They prevent blood from collecting in the extremities.
What are aneurysms and varicose veins?
A - Weak spots on arteries.
V - Distrended veins due to malfunction of valves.
Describe the structure of capillaries.
Thin walls, ssq epithilium.
What are vascular shunts, and their function?
Blood vessels that connect arteries directly to venules, allow caps to be bypassed.
What is the difference between systemic, pulmonary and coronary circularion?
C - Myocardium
P - Lungs
S - Everywhere else
Which chamber recieves systemic blood?
Right atrium
Which recieves pulmonary blood?
Left Atrium
Which chamber pumps blood to the lungs?
Right ventricle.
What is the function of the valves within the heart?
Ensure one way flow.
Name and locate the 2 A-V Valves.
Tricuspid - Between right artery and right ventricle.

Bicuspid - Between left atrium and left ventricle.
Name and locate the 2 semilunars.
Pul. semi - Exit of right ventricle.
Aortic semi - exit of left ventricle.
What causes the 2 separate sounds associated with the heart beat?
First sound - AV closing
Second sound - Semis closing
Why do the coronary arteries recieve blood during ventricular relaxation?
Origins of the coronary arteries covered by the flaps of the aortic semi during contraction.
What is the only artery that carries deoxygenated blood?
What forms the pericardial cavity?
Bibrous pericardium.
What lines the pericardial cavity?
Parietal pericardium.
Which adheres directly to the heart?
Visceral pericardium.
Which line the inside of the heart?