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47 Cards in this Set

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Move the humerus in the sagittal plane:
a. name the anterior movement
b. name the posterior movement
c. axis of movement
a. flexion
b. extension
c.frontal horizontal
move the humerus in the frontal plane
a. name the movement away from the midline
b. name the mnidline
c. axis of movement
a. abduction
b. adduction
c. sagittal horizontal
move the humerus in the transverse plan
1. name of movement as anterior aspect turn to face medially
2. name of movement as anterior aspect face laterally
3. axis of movement
1. internal rotation
2. lateral rotation
3. vertical
move the upper extremity in such a way that a circle is described bu the tips of fingers
a. this movement is called
b. it is a combination of what fundamental movements
a. circumduction
b. flexion, extension, hyperextension, abduction, adduction, rotation
name a functional classification for the shoulder joint
ball and socket triaxial
from a positon of 90 degrees of shoulder join abduction,
a. adduction in the transverse plane about a vertical axis
b. abduction in the transverse plan about a vertical axis
a.horizontal flexion/adduction
b. horizontal extension/abduction
move the tibia and fibula into the sagittal plan
a. name the posterior movement
b. name the anterior movement
c. axis of movement
a. flexion
b. extension
c. frontal horizontal
with the knee flexed rotate the tibia and fibula so that the anterior aspect turns medially and then laterally
a. medial __ around a vertical axis
b. lateral ___around a vertical axis
Name of functional classification of the knee joint
hinge joint, biaxial
what movement occurs when lateral rotation of the tibia and fibula is attempted with the knee join in complete extensions
external rotation of the hip
move the ankle in the sagittal plan. name the movement in which the dorsal surface of the foot moves toward the anterior aspect of the leg
name the movement in which the dorsal surface of the foot moves away from the anterior aspect of the leg
plantar flexion
name the axis of movement for dorsiflexion and plantar flexion in the sagittal plan
frontal horizontal
movement at the ankle is limited to this one plane so it is classified functionally as
hinge joint, biaxial
move the foot so the sole faces medially. this is a combination of adduction and lateral rotation movements named
move the foot so that the sole faces laterally. this is a combination of abduction and medial rotation and is named
move the forearm in a sagittal plan
a. name the anterior movement
b. name the posterior movement
c. axis of movement
a. flexion
b. extension
c. frontal horizontal
is possible for frontal or transverse movement at the elbow joint?
no, joint does not allow that movement
name the functional classification of elbow joint
hinge joint
in the anatomical position the radioulnar joins are in
movements of the radioulnar joints result in
pronation and supination
name the functional classification if the radioulnar joint
pivot joint, uniaxial
move the wrist in the frontal plame
a. movement away from the midline
b. movement toward the midline
a. radial deviation
b. ulnar deviation
with the radius and ulna firmly fixed, attempt transverse plane movement. can this be done?
with the radius and ulna still firmly fixed, attempt to describe a circle with the tips of fingers
a. can this be done
b. name the movement
yes, circumduction
name the functional classification of the wrist joint
condyloid joint, biaxial
Hip Joint movement
a. flexion and extension
b. abduction and adduction
c. roation and circumduction
name the axis
a. frontal horizontal
b. sagittal horizontal
c. vertical
name the functional classification of the hip join
ball and socket, triaxial
what is eccentric muscle action
when the muscle lengthens under tension
activity: kicking a ball
a. name one muscle performing hip flexion in this activity
b. concentric action
c. eccentric action
a. rectis femoris
b. leg going up
c. leg coming down
what is concentric muscle action
when muscle shortens under tension
elbow flexion.
a. example
b. name muscles performing
c. concentric action
d. eccentric action
a. bicep curl
b. biceps brachii
c.elbow at 90 degree
d. elbow extended
ankle plantar flexion
a. example
b. muscle performing action
c. concentric
d. eccentric
a. pointing toes
b. soleus
c. dorsiflexion
d. plantarflexion
what is an agonist muscle
a contraction muscle whose action is opposed by another muscle
a. agonistic action
b. prime or assistant mover
a. plantar flexion, prime mover
b. knee flexion, prime mover
biceps brachii
a. agonistic action
b. prime or assistant mover
a. elbow flexion, prime
b. shoulder flexion, assistant
c. forearm supination, prime
rectus femoris
a. agonistic action
b. prime or assistant mover
a. hip flexion,assistant
b. knee extension, prime
what is antagonist muscle
a muscle that work in opposition to another muscle
shoulder joint abduction
a. anatagonistic muscles
pectoralis major

latissimus dorsi

teres major
internal rotation of the hip
a. antagonistic muscles


psoas major
hip extension
a. antagonistic muscles
rectus femoris

gluteus maximus

Push up
stabilized joint action: shoulder girdle retraction (adduction)
name the stabilizer muscles

Push up
stabilized joint action: trunk in neutral
rectus abdominis

erector spinae
Push up
stabilized joint action: knee joint extension
name the stabilizer muscles
rectus femoris

vastus medialis
what is a synergist muscle
facilitates the activity of another muscle
Movement desired:
shoulder joint extension
agonist: latissimus dorsi
triceps brachii
movement desired:
plantar flexion
agonist: gastrocnemius