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73 Cards in this Set

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Endocrine System

Plays a big role in maintaining homeostasis

-The organs of this system are the endocrine glands that secrete messengers called hormones directly in to the bloodstream and then carried to their target organ, tissues or cells


if a gland secretes too much hormone--target will overreact


The gland secretes too little hormone--target will not be active

Organs of Endocrine System

Pituitary Gland

Pituitary Gland

-also known as the hypophysis is located inferior to the hypothalamus and is connected to the hypothalamus by a narrow stalk of tissue called the infundibulum

-It is divided into two lobes: the anterior and posterior

-These lobes function independently of one another

-Called the master gland because of its role of regulating other endocrine glands

The following are hormones secreted by Pituitary Gland:


From the Anterior Pituitary:


TARGET: Bones, muscles, and other tissues

ACTION: Stimulates Cell Growth and division


TARGET: Adrenal Cortex

ACTION: Stimulates release of Adrenal Cortex Hormones


TARGET: Thyroid Gland

ACTION: Stimulates release of Thyroid Hormones


TARGET: Gonads

ACTION: Stimulates development of ova and sperm


TARGET: Gonads

ACTION: Stimulates secretion of sex hormones


TARGET: Mammary Glands

ACTION: Stimulates milk production


TARGET: Melanocytes

ACTION: Stimulates Melanin production

Posterior Pituitary:


TARGET: Renal Tubules

ACTION:Stimulates water reabsorption


Target: Uterus and Mammery Glands

ACTION: Stimulates Uterine contractions during labor and delivery and the release of milk

Posterior Lobe:

Also called the neurohypophysis and composed of neurons that originate in the hypothalamus


Anterior Lobe

Also called the Adenohypophysis

Composed of granular tissue and regulated by the hypothalamus




Function Independently of one another


T4 and T3: Secreted by Follicle Cells

Target: essentially every cell of the body

Action: Work together to regulated oxygen utilization and rate of metabolism of the cells

CT: Secreted by parafollicular cells

Target: bone and kidneys


There are Four Pea Like thyroid glands located on the posterior surface of the thyroid gland however they are completely independent of the thyroid--they are parathyroid glands composed of chief cells and oxyphil cell

The chief cells secrete the Parathyroid Hormone (PTH):

Target: Bone and Kidneys

Action:Raises blood calcium levels by causing calcium to be removed from bone and reabsorbed by the kidney



Parathyroid Slide

Parathyroid Slide

Adrenal Glands

Adrenal Glands

Located above each kidney--function independently of the kidney

-Is subdivided into two regions with different functions: the outer cortex and the inner medulla.

It produces many steroid hormones called corticosteroid hormones.

From the Cortex:


Target: Kidney

Action: Increases renal absorption of sodium


Target: Most cells

Action: affects rate of glucose metabolism

Zona Glomerulosa
Zona Fasciculata
Zona Reticularlis
Adrenal Medulla--secretes epinephrine and nonepinephrine


Zona Glomerulosa

Zona Fasciculata

Zona Reticularlis

Adrenal Medulla--secretes epinephrine and nonepinephrine




The pancreas is unique in that it is both an exocrine and endocrine gland. The exocrine cells are arranged into pancreatic acini. They secrete digestive enzymes and buffers into the pancreatic duct that carries them into duodenum to aid in the digestion of food in the intestine. The endocrine cells are visible clumps of cells scattered throughout the pancreas called pancreatic islets

Outer-Exocrine pancreatic acini
Inner- Endocrine Pancreatic Islets
Along with Alpha and Beta Cells

Outer-Exocrine pancreatic acini

Inner- Endocrine Pancreatic Islets

Along with Alpha and Beta Cells

Hormones :


Target-essentially every cell of the body

Action: lowers blood glucose levels by stimulating the uptake of glucose from the bloodstream by the cells of the body


Targets: Liver

Action: Raises blood glucose level by stimulating liver to break down glycogen and release glucose back into the bloodstream.

Thymus Gland

Is located in the superior mediastinum of the thoracic cavity posterior to the sternum. It is large in infants and children and virtually disappears as an adult. Secrets Thymosin which plays a role in the maturation in the T Lymphocytes

Pineal Gland

Located on the posterior wall of the Thalamus

-Secrete Melatonin, which regulates the body's 24 hour clock


Male Gonads and produce male gametes or sperm along with testosterone


Female Gonads which produce female gametes or ova.

-Secrete estrogen and progesterone

Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone

Gigantism-bones grow too fast

Hyposecretion of Growth Hormone


Hyposecretion of Antidiurtec Hormone

Diabetes Insipidus- the kidneys are not able to reabsorb water when the body needs to conserve water

Hyposecretion of Parathyroid Hormone

Tetany- low blood level of calcium, leading to muscle and nerve irritability

Hypersecretion of Parathyroid Hormone

Recklinghausen's Disease- the bones lose calcium and blood calcium level is too high

Hyposecretion of Insulin

Diabetes Mellitus- There are high levels of glucose in the bloodstream

Hypersecretion of Epinephrine

Pheochromocytoma- increased heart rate and blood pressure

Hypersecretion of Androgens

Virilism-The appearance of male secondary sexual characteristics in a female

Hyposecretion of T3 and T4

Hashimoto's Disease- low metabolic rate, weakness, mental and physical sluggishness

Hypersecretion of Insulin

Hypoglycemia-low levels of glucose in the bloodstream, producing fatigue and fainting

Cardiovascular Physiology

In order to pump blood, the heart alternates between relaxation phase DIASTOLE during which the heart chambers FILL up with blood. And a contraction phase SYSTOLE during which the heart EJECTS blood.

Cardiac Cycle

The alternation between diastole and systole.

Each heart beat lasts one cardiac cycle.

As the surge of blood that has been ejected from the heart moves through the blood vessels it can be palpated as the pulse in arteries

Heart Valves

Heart Valves

One pair of valves- the Antrioventicular valves--the TRICUSPID on the right side and the MITRAL valve on the left) are found between the atria and the ventricles. They prevent blood in the ventricles from flowing back into the atria when the ventricles contract.

The second pair of valves are SEMILUNAR with the PULMONARY valve on the right and the AORTIC on the left) these prevent blood that has just been ejected into the great arteries from flowing back into the ventricles when they relax.

The two sounds LUB (longer and louder) AND DUB (shorter and shaper) occur when these valves close

Blood Pressure

Is the pressure exerted by blood against the walls of the blood vessels.

-Blood pressure rises and falls as the heart contracts and relaxes. So it is necessary to report it as two numbers such as 120/70

The higher number represents SYSTOLIC -produced by the left ventricle contracts to eject a fresh bolus of blood into the Aorta. The lower number represents the DIASTOLIC Pressure or when the ventricles and fill with blood

Conduction System

Conduction System

is a network of modified, autorhythmic heart muscles cells that are ableto stimulate a heartbeat.


The pacemaker of the heart

-Contractile cells that initiate stimulus that results in heart contraction

-Stimulates internodal pathway

2. Internodal Pathway

-Conductile Cells

-receives stimulus from the SA Node

-distributes stimulus throughout atria

-Stimulates atrial contraction and AV node

3. AV Node

-Receives stimulus from internodal pathway

-Stimulates AV Bundle

-contractile cells may initiate stimulus if SA Node

does not

4. Right Bundle Branch

-Conductile cells that carry stimulus to apex of the right ventricle

-Stimulates Purkinje fibers

5. Purkinje Fibers

-network in each ventricle wall

-carry stimulus to ventricular cardiac muscle cells

6. Left Bundle Branch

-Conductile cells that carry stimulus to apex of left ventricle

AV Bundle

Located in Atrioventicular Septum

-receives stimulus from AV NODE

-Conductile cells carry stimulus to bundle branches

-Also called bundle of His

QRS Complex

QRS Complex

Q-small downward deflection

R-Very Tall upward deflection

S-small to medium downward deflection

Represents: Ventricular Depolarization

Followed By: Ventricular Systole

P Wave

A small, upward deflection

Represents: Atrial Depolarization

Followed by: Atrial Systole

T Wave

Medium, Upward deflection

Represents: Ventricular Repolarization

Followed By: Ventricular Diastole


Is a general term that refers to a change in the rhythm of the heartbeat



The ECG wave is normal, but the heart rate is usually less than 60 bpm. This occurs when the SA Node does not initiate the wave of stimulation often enough

Ventricular Tachycardia

Ventricular Tachycardia

The ECG shows multiple QRS complexes without visible P or T waves. This rhythm indicates damage to the ventricles.

Atrial Flutter

Atrial Flutter

-The atria are being stimulated at a very fast rate. This results in a quivering in the atrial heart muscle. The ECG shows several small P waves before each QRS

Ventricular Fibrillation

Ventricular Fibrillation

There is no organized wave of stimulation.

-Since there is no organized contraction of th ventricles blood is not effectively ejected from the heart

Respiratory System


The process of moving air in and out of the lungs


Brings fresh air into the AVEOLI of the lungs where OXYGEN is loaded onto the red blood cells for delivery to the cells of the body.


Expels stale air containing CARBON DIOXIDE that was removed from the blood stream

Inhalation and exhalation are the processes by which the body brings in oxygen and expels carbon dioxide. The breathing process is aided by a large dome-shaped muscle under the lungs called the diaphragm.

When you breathe in, the diaphragm contracts downward, creating a vacuum that causes a rush of fresh air into the lungs.

The opposite occurs with exhalation, where the diaphragm relaxes upwards, pushing on the lungs, allowing them to deflate.




Volume of Air moving into or our of lungs during quiet breath


Inspiratory Reserve Volume

Maximum volume of air that can be inhaled above tidal volume


Expiratory Reserve Volume

Maximum volume of air that can be exhaled below tidal volume


Residual Volume

Volume of Air that remains in respiratory system after maximal exhilaration


Inspiratory Capacity



Functional Residual Capacity



Vidal Capacity



Total Lung Capacity



Breathing Faster and Deeper increases the amount of Carbon Dioxide expelled from the body


Increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in inhaled air


Increases the rate of cellular respiration, for powering muscle, thereby increasing the amount of carbon dioxide waste produced