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27 Cards in this Set

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4 types of tissue in the human body

epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous

Blood is a type of

connective tissue

simple epithelial means

single layer of epithelial cells and the underlying basal lamina

Stratified epithelial means

two or more layers of epithelial and the underlying basal lamina

Squamous cell

a flat cell with a flattened nucleus

supportive extracellular matrix consisting of the basal lamina made by the epithelial cells and the reticular lamina made by the underlying cells of connective tissue.

basement membrane

This gives tissue tensile strength

collagen fibers

this makes a tissue distensible(stretches)

elastic fiber

Tough but flexible tissue resistant to tension, stretching, and compressive forces


Having a stripped appearance

(need to know)


3 types of muscle

skeletal, smooth, cardiac

Voluntary means

we have control

involuntary means

we have no control

skeletal muscle is (voluntary/involuntary)


caridac muscle is (voluntary/involuntary)


This is what kind of tissue?

This is what kind of tissue?

skeletal muscle

This is what kind of tissue?

This is what kind of tissue?

Cardiac muscle

This is what kind of tissue?

This is what kind of tissue?

smooth muscle

The study of tissues is


The study of cells is


Tissue made of short BRANCHING striated muscle fibers.

Cardiac muscle

This tissue is

This tissue is


This tissue is

This tissue is

adipose tissue

This tissue is

This tissue is

Hyaline Cartilage

This tissue is

This tissue is

Dense irregular connective tissue

This tissue is

This tissue is

Dense regular connective tissue

This tissue is

This tissue is

Nerve tissue