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87 Cards in this Set

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Organs of the male reproductive system?
– Testes
– Ducts
– Accessory Gland
Which organ of the male reproductive system produce testosterone?
Which organ of the male reproductive system transport and store sperm?
Ducts that transport and store sperm are the _____, _____, and _____?
– Epididymis
– Vas Deferens
– Urethra
Which organ of the male reproductive system are seminal vesicles and prostate gland?
Accessory Glands
Which organ is paired oval glands?
Testes contain _____ tubules that are the site of sperm production?
Testes are lined by _____ cells?
With spermatogenesis, seminiferous tubules are the site of _____ _____?
Sperm Production
What forms secondary spermatocytes?
Merosis I
Spermatogenesis results in the formation of 4 _____ sperm cells and each have ___ chromosomes?
– Haploid
– 23
Production of sperm is ____million/day?
Sperm survive for ___hrs?
Sperm have 2 parts?
– Head
– Tail (flagellum)
Which part of the sperm contain enzymes that penetrate eggs?
Which part of the sperm permits movement?
Tail (flagellum)
Hormonal control is controlled by a _____ feedback?
With hormonal control, at puberty the hypothalamus releases _____?
GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone)
With hormonal control, at puberty the hypothalamus releases GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone) which stimulate the anterior pituitary to release _____ and _____?
– LH (luteinizing hormone)
– FSH (follicle stimulating hormone)
LH (luteinizing hormone) stimulates _____ cells that release _____?
– Leydig
– Testosterone
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and testosterone act together to stimulate _____?
With androgen effects,at puberty levels _____, developing male sex characteristics?
Androgens _____ spermatogenesis?
Androgens stimulate anabolism causing _____ and _____ growth?
– Muscle
– Bone
With accessory glands, the seminal vesicles secrete _____, seminal fluid rich in fructose that neutralizes _____ in the female reproductive tract?
– Alkaline
– Acidity
With accessory glands, the prostate surrounds the upper _____?
With accessory glands the prostate size usually remains _____ until about age ___?
– Stable
– 45
With autonomic control, the parasympathetic impulses cause _____?
With autonomic control, the sympathetic impulses cause _____?
With autonomic control, the parasympathetic impulses cause erection, and blood flow is _____?
With autonomic control, when the sympathetic impulses cause emission, what contracts?
Vas Deferens
With autonomic control, when the sympathetic impulse cause emission, the sphincter at the base of the bladder _____?
Organs of the female reproductive system?
– Ovaries
– Fallopian Tubes
– Uterus
The ovaries produce _____ and _____?
– Estrogen
– Progesterone
Parts of the ovarian structure?
– Ovarian Cortex
– Mature (Graafian) Follicle
What part of the ovarian structure is the outer portion that contains developing follicles?
Ovarian Cortex
The ovarian cortex contains developing _____?
What part of the ovarian structure ovulates oocyte then develop into corpus luteum (= yellow body) that produce estrogen and progesterone?
Mature (Graafian) Follicle
Mature (Graafian) follicle ovulates oocyte then developed into _____ _____ (= yellow body) that produces _____ and _____?
– Corpus Luteum
– Estrogen
– Progesterone
Formation of gametes in the ovaries is termed _____?
Unlike spermatogenesis, oogenesis begins _____ birth?
Oocytes that form eggs are _____ replaced afterbirth?
With oogenesis, this starts before birth and forms primary oocytes?
Meiosis I
With oogenesis, after puberty, during each reproductive cycle, primary _____ forms _____ haploid secondary oocyte (ovulated)?
– Oocyte
– 1
With oogenesis, after puberty, during each reproductive cycle, primary oocyte forms 1 _____ _____ oocyte (ovulated)?
Haploid Secondary
With oogenesis, following fertilization, the secondary oocyte becomes the _____ (egg)?
With oogenesis, following fertilization, the sperm cell and ovum unite forming _____ _____ cell?
Diploid Zygot
The fallopian tubes extend _____ from the _____?
– Laterally
– Uterus
With the fallopian tubes, the _____ pulls the _____ oocyte into the fallopian tube?
– Fimbriae
– Secondary
With the fallopian tubes, the _____ move the secondary oocyte toward the _____?
– Cilia
– Uterus
Fertilization usually occurs in the?
Fallopian Tubes
In the Fallopian tubes, the fertilized egg reaches the uterus in ___days?
7 days
The uterus is the site of?
Parts of the uterus?
– Fundus
– Body
– Cervix
– Endometrium
– Myometrium
What part of the uterus is the dome shaped area?
What part of the uterus is the central portion?
What part of the uterus is the narrow portion?
What part of the uterus is the inner layer?
What part of the uterus is the muscle layer?
The female reproductive cycle includes events in the _____ and _____ that averages ___ days?
– Ovaries
– Uterus
– 28
Events of the female reproductive cycle?
– Ovarian Cycle
– Uterine Cycle
What event of the female reproductive cycle involves formation of secondary oocyte and corpus luteum?
Ovarian Cycle
What event of the female reproductive cycle involves changes to the endometrium?
Uterine Cycle
With the female reproductive cycle, the GnRH secreted from the hypothalamus controls _____ and _____ secretion?
– LH
With the female reproductive cycle the FSH initiates _____ growth and _____ secretion?
– Follicular
– Estrogen
High estrogen initiates _____ surge, which initiates _____?
– LH
– Ovulation
What prepares the endometrium for implantation?
Phases of the female reproductive cycle?
– Menstrual Phase
– Preovulatory Phase
– Ovulation Phase
– Postovulatory Phase
1st 5 days of 28 day cycle is what phase of the female reproductive cycle?
Menstrual Phase
What phase is it when the ovarian follicles enlarge?
Menstrual Phase
With the uterus during the menstrual phase, uterine arteries _____, and the _____ sloghs off?
– Constrict
– Endometrium
6th – 13th day and most variable phase is what phase of the female reproductive cycle?
Preovulatory Phase
With the preovulatory phase, the ovarian follicles continue _____, secreting _____?
– Growth
– Estrogen
With the uterus during the preovulatory phase, there is a growth of new _____?
14th day is what phase of the female reproductive cycle?
Ovulation Phase
What phase is it when the ovaries have a LH surge?
Ovulation Phase
With ovulation phase a over-the-counter test measures _____ levels?
15th – 28th day is what phase of the female reproductive cycle?
Postovulatory Phase
In the postovulatory phase, ovaries have _____ follicles that forms the _____ _____?
– Graafian
– Corpus Luteum
With the female reproductive cycle, if no fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum forms corpus _____, and estrogen and progesterone _____, restarting a new cycle?
– Albicans
– Decrease
With the female reproductive cycle, if no fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum forms corpus albicans, and estrogen and progesterone decrease, restarting a new cycle by _____ GnRH, FSH, and LH causing _____ in the uterus?
– Increasing
– Menstruation
With the female reproductive cycle, if fertilization occurs, what is produced and is detected by a pregnancy test?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
With females at puberty, GnRH rises, stimulating _____ and _____ secretion, increasing sex _____ levels?
– LH
– Hormone
In females, menopause occurs between ages __–__?
40 – 50
When menopause occurs, the ovaries become _____ responses to GnRH stimulation, causing a _____ in estrogen secretion?
– Less
– Decrease
When menopause occurs, it increases the rate of getting _____?
In males, the testosterone declines at age ___?