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63 Cards in this Set

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What is the general mole balance equation
Fjo - Fj + Gj = DNj/dt
What is the rate of generation in a chemical reaction?
G = r*integral(V)
r = rate of reaction
V = volume
What is the equation for a batch reactor?
dN/dt = r*V
What is the equation for a continous flow process?
Fj = Fjo + rV = 0

V = (Fj - Fjo)/r
What is the equation for a tubular reactor?
dFj/dV= r
What is the equation of a PFR?
dFa/dW = r'a
What are some assumptions of the CSTR?
-steady state
-perfectly mixed
What are some assumptions of a batch reactor?
-no inflow nor outflow
-perfectly mixed
What are some assumptions of a tubular flow reactor?
continously consumed as it goes down the reactor
-no radial variation in reacton rate
-turbulent flow
Equation relation Flow rate and concentration
Fj = Cj*v
What are the assumptions of a plug flow reactor?
-no readial gradients in concentration temperature or reactionr ate
-steady state
What is conversion?
moles of A reacted/moles of A fed
What is the relation between conversion and moles?
Na = Nao(1-X)
What is the batch reactor equation in terms of conversion?
Nao(dX/dt) = -RaV
What is the design equation for a CSTR in terms of conversion?
V = FaoX/(-rA)
What is the design equation for a tubular flow reactor (PFR) in terms of conversion?
V = Fao(integral(dX/-Ra)
What is the design equation for a PBR in terms of conversion?
W = Fao(integral(dX/-Ra)
What happens when a bunch of CSTRS in in series?
It behaves as if it is FR
How do PFRs behave in series?
It does not matter if you have two PFRs or one continous PFR, since the equation is the same.
What is space time?
tau = V/vo, reactor volume/(volumetric flow rate). it is in seconds.
What is space velocity?
inverse of space time.
How are the reaction rates related?
aA + bB -> cC + dD
-ra/a = -rb/b = rc/c = rd/d
How are reaction per unit weight and rate per unit volume related?
-ra = (bulk density)(-r'a)

bulk density is a function of volumetric flow rate
How does one substutite partial pressures with concentration in ideal gas reaction?
Pi = CiRT
How is concentration and moles related in a batch reactor?
Ca = Na/V
How is concentration of A(limiting reactant) related to concentration i (other reactant)?
Ci = Cao (omega(i) -i/aX)
omega = Cio/Cao = Nio/Nao = uop/yao
omega = 1 if equimolar
omega = i/a if stoichoimtric
What is the total change in moles in batch reactor ?
Nt = Nto + delta*Nao*X
delta = d/a + c/a - b/a -1
In a gas reactor, what is v (volumetric flow rate)
v = vo(Ft/Fto)(Po/P)(P/To):
v = vo(1+ epilson*X)(Po/P)(P/To)
derived from:
Ct = Ft/v = P/(ZRT)
Cto = Fto/vo = Po/(ZoRTo)
How can Ft/Fto be reduced?
Ft/Fto = 1 + epislon*X
epislon = yao*(delta)
What is the Damkohler number?
Da = -raoV/Fao
for a first order reactor Da = time-space*k1
for a second order reaction Da =
X = Da/(1+Da) in first order reaction
For a series reactor how is time-space, and the damkohler number related for CSTR?
X = 1 - 1/(1+Da)^n - 1-1/)(1+theta*k)^n
assuming the CSTR are same size and operating at same temeperatue and first order
Estimatation of Da and X relation for firreversible reaction
Da<0.1 then X <0.1
Da > 10 then X> .9
In a pressure drop raction, dX/dW, it is a function of what two variables
function of X and P
dP/dz equation (complex)
-G/(pgD)(1-porosity)/porosity^3[150(1-porosoity)*viscosity)/D + 1.75G]

G = density*velocity = superificial mass velocity
p = gass density
z = length down packed bed
D = diameter of particle in bed
equation for density
density = (initial density)* vo/v
= initial density *(P/Po)(To/T)(Fto/Ft)
dP/dz equation (simplified)
dP/dz = -Bo(Po/P)(T/To)(Ft/Fto)
from dP/dz to dP/dw
W = (1-porosity)Acz*density of solid catalyst
Ac = cross sectional aread
dW = (1-porosity)Ac*density of solid catalyst
dP/dW = dP/dz*dz/dW
= -BoPoTFt/(Ac(1-porosity)pc*P*To*Fto)
dP/dW simplified
y = P/Po
dy/dW = -alpha/2u(T/to)*(1+epislon*X)
dP/dW = alpha/2u(T/to)*(1+epislon*X)(Po/(P/Po))
What is the energy balance equation
Q - Ws +sum(FioHio) - sum(FiHi) = dEsys/dt
What is the Energy balance of a CSTR with heat exchanger?
Xeb = [(UA/Fao(T-Ta) + sum(Ni0/Na0*Cpi(T-To)]/-DeltaHrxo)
PFR with heat exchanger:
r*deltaHrx(T)-Ua(T-Ta)/[Fao(sum(Ni/Na)*Cpi + DeltaCpX)]
U = heat transfer coefficient
a = heat exchange area per volume of reactor(m^2/m^3)
PBR in terms of conversion w/ heat exchanger
r'*deltaHrx(T)-Ua](bulk density)(T-Ta)/[Fao(sum(Ni/Na)*Cpi + DeltaCpX)]\
PBR heat exchanger in terms of molar flow rates
PBR heat exchanger in terms of molar flow rates
r'*deltaHrx(T)-Ua](bulk density)(T-Ta)/[Fao(sum(Ni/Na)*Cpi + DeltaCpX)]\
batch with heat exhcanger: dT/dt
Ta= temperature of coolant/heater
U = heat exchange coefficient
A = area of heat exchange
semibatch or unsteady CSTR:
multiple reactions in a PFR
[sum(rDelaH) -Ua(T-Ta)]/[sum(FjCpj]
variable heat exchange fluid temperature,Ta
dTa/dV = Ua(T-Ta)/(mCp)

V= 0, Ta = Tao
variable heat exchange fluid temperature,Ta
dTa/dV = Ua(Ta-T)/(mCp)
V = Vfina Ta = Tao
d/aCpd +c/aCpc - b/aCpb - Cpa
Adiabatic and no shaft energy balance for conversion
X = sum(Ni/Na*Cpi(T-To)/-[Hrx(Tr) + deltaCp(T0Tr)]
Adiabatic and no shaft energy balance for temperature
T = X[-deltaH(Tr) + sum(Ni/Na)CpiTo + XdeltaCpTr]/[sum(Ni/NaCpi) + X*deltaCp]
instantaneous selectivity
Rd/Ru = [rate of formation of D]/[rate of formation of U]
overall selectivity
Fd/Fu = [exit molar flow rate of desired product]/[exit flow rate of undesired product]
instanous yield
overall yield
Nd/(Fao - Fa)
maximumizing the desired product of one reactant in cased of only one reactant and unknown activation energy
if alpha1 (desired) greater than alpha2(undesired) then keep concentration of A as high as possible. USe a PFR or batch
if alpha1(desired) less than alpha 2 (undesired used dilutes)
maximization of desired product in tersm of activation energy
If Ed > Eu, then run at higher temperature. If Ed < Eu then run at a lower temperature.
maximization of desired product of two reactants
alpha 1 > alpha 2, beta 1 < beta 2
-semibatch reactor with B moving in slowly
-tubular reactor with side stream of B
-series of small CSTR with only small amounts of B
what is the integration factor
dy/dt + f(t)y = g(t)
y = e^(-int(fdt))*int(g(t)e^int(fdt)_K1e^(-int(fdt)
dy/dt + k2y = k1e^(-k1t)
y = k1/(k2-k1)[e^(-k1t)-e^(-k2t)]
semi-batch reactor mass balance
raV = dN/adt
Fbo = dNb/dt
semi-batch reaction, equation for b
d(VCb)/dt = dV/dtCb + VdCb/dt = rbV + Fbo = rbV + voCbo
dV/dt = vo
dCb/dt = rb + vo(Cbo-Cb)/V
V = Vo + vot
membrane reactor
dFb/dV = rb - Rb
Rb = rate of diffustion out.
Rb = kcCb=kc''(Cb-Cbs)
A = AREA/volume = 4/D