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33 Cards in this Set

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Define outcome goals

Typically focus on a competitive result of an event, such as winning a race, earning a medal, or scoring more points than an opponent

(depend on performer or other external factors)

define performance goals

Focus on achieving standards or performance objectives independently of other competitors, usually on the basis of comparisons with one's own previous performance. (more flexible and within performer control)

Define process goals

Focus on the actions an individual must engage in during performance to execute or perform well.

Factors that most consistently enhance the effectiveness of goal setting in sport and exercise environments:

goals of moderate difficulty

short and long term goals

feedback on progress


public acknowledgement, record goals


○ participant's input in goal setting process

○ combination of goals; performance, process, and outcome goals.

-set practice and competition goals

According to the research of Weinberg and colleagues, what are the goal setting practices of coaches?

Virtually all coaches set goals for competition and practice as well as personal coaching related goals

coaches evaluated their goals

coaches dictated some goals and got input from the players about others

use performance process and outcome goals but favored performance and process,

main reason for setting goals was to provide purpose and direction, followed by improvement and fostering team cohesion

goal barriers were seen as physical, psychological, and external

most important aspect of goal commitment was personal enjoyment

only disadvantage was seen when goals were set too high and produced failure

set both long and short term goals goals; focused more on short that provided feedback on progression toward meeting long term goals

coaches were inconsistent in writing down goals.

How to researchers explain why goal setting works?

Goals direct performers attention to important elements of the skill that the performer may not normally attend to. (direct mechanistic view)

Goals mobilize effort and persistence by providing incentives.

According to Smith 1994, what characteristics do goals that follow the SMARTS acronym share?

-Specific. Goal should precisely indicate what is to be accomplished. -Measurable. Goal should be quantifiable.

-Action oriented. Specific actions to achieve stated goals.

-Realistic. Should be achievable given various constraints.

-Timely. Should be achievable in a reasonable amount of time.

-Self-determined. Goal should be set by, or with input from the participants.

Explain the three stages of goal setting system

1 preparation and planning:

assess abilities and needs, setting goals in diverse areas, identify influences on goal-setting systems, and plan achievement strategies.

2 education and acquisition: schedule meetings, focus on one goal at a time, share examples.

3 implementation and goal follow up and evaluation:

identify appropriate goal evaluation procedures, provide support and encouragement, and plan for reevaluation

Explain the six common problem associated with the process of goal setting.

1 convincing students, athletes, and exercisers to set goals:

goal setting takes time, previous negative failures setting goals, perception of public failure if don't reach school, too structured.

2 failing to set specific goals: numerical goals, specific characteristics, and feedback.

3 setting too many goals too soon: almost invariably abandoned. Experienced can have multiple goals.

4 failing to adjust goals:

discuss adjustment at beginning of goal setting. Then, make adjustments part of new staircase that ultimately surpasses original goal.

5 failing to recognize individual differences:

not everyone like schools; can't force goals. Recognize task / ego oriented.

6 not providing follow up and evaluation:

setting goals, but not using effectively. Lack of follow up or evaluation equals failure.

define subjective goals
general statements of content such as having fun or doing best (not measurable)
define objective goals
attaining specific standards of efficiency on a task, usually in a specified time (measurable)
which kind of goals should athletes use?
A combination of all 3 types of goals
which goal(s) is/are particularly useful before or during competition
performance and process goals
too much focus on which goal can create anxiety?
performance goals; less likely to happen than with outcome goals
indirect thought process view
direct mechanistic view
-direct attention to important elements of a skill
-mobilize performers efforts
-prolong performers persistence
-foster development of new learning strategies
athletes who set ______ goals have less anxiety and more confidence and satisfaction
performance (rather than outcome)
Having a goal to be cooler than your friend is a _____ goal.
a. outcome
b. process
c. intrinsic
d. impossible
a. outcome goal
general statements of intent such as having fun or doing you best are _____ goals.
a. objective
b. subjective
c. outcome
d. intrinsic
b. subjective
____ lead to best performance
a. short term goals
b. long term goals
c. moderately difficult goals
d. "do your best" goals
c. moderately difficult goals
for every outcome goal, there should be several ____ and ____ goals with it.
a. subjective and objective goals
b. process and performance goals
c. mid-term and long-term goals
d. intrinsic and extrinsic goals
b. process and performance goals
"improving my diet" is an example of ____
a. an ineffective goals
b. an objective goal
c. a process goals
d. an ineffective goal
d. an ineffective goal
experts suggest setting ____ goals when beginning a program.
a. 1-2
b. 2-3
c. 3-4
d. 4-5
a. 1-2
low achievers generally adopt ________.
a. very easy or very difficult goals
b. challenging but realistic goals
c. "do your best" goals
d. no goals. this process is too scary for them
a. very easy or very difficult goals (easy because they will make it, difficult because if they don't make it they know no one would have made it)
when doing goal setting with a team, the following people should be involved:
a. coaches
b. captains and key positioned players
c. captains and coaches
d. all team members
d. all team members
the attainment of specific standards of group proficiency, usually within a specific time refers to
a. group evaluations
b. group goals
c. collective self-efficiency
d. goal cohesion
g. group goals
having a meeting to introduce a goal setting system and goal setting principles occurs during ___
a. 1st stage - preparation and planning
b. 2nd stage - education and acquisition
c. 3rd stage - implementation, follow up, evaluation
d. 4th stage - revisit goals and plan for next season
b. 2nd stage - education and acquisition
goal setting with a team:
-establish long term goals first
-establish clear paths of longterm and shortterm goals
-involve all team members
-monitor progress towards team goals
-reward progress made towards team goals
the most neglected part of most goal setting systems is
a. planning prior to implementation
b. using goal achievement strategies
c. educating the athletes about good goals
d. evaluation
d. evaluation
which statement represents the direct mechanistic view why goal setting works?
a. direct attention to elements of skills
b. mobilize performers efforts
c. prolong performers persistence
d. all of the above
d. all of the above
when discussing goal adjustments, Burton noted that athletes have difficult adjusting goals
a. upward
b. downward
c. upward and downward
d. no difficulty adjusting goals
b. downward
according to experts, setting goals
a. saves time because athlete is more organized
b. may lead to public failure if not achieved
c. can reduce athlete spontaneity
d. can reduce athlete confidence
a. saves time because athlete is more organized
for gymnasts with a(n) ____ setting their own goals was most effective (Lambert et al)
a. internal locus of control
b. external locus of control
c. comprehensive goal plan
d. previous medal win
a. internal locus of control