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28 Cards in this Set

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What is the other gaol of healthy People 2010 besides increase life expectancy?
eliminate health disparities
what is Healthy People 2010
A national health report that is a blue pring for improving health of individuals & health status of nation
What is pirmary info?
Published results of original research.
Info is determined by research, not outside person
What is secondary info?
(second hand) after the fact = Analyses, interpets, relates to primary article. Isn't determined by researcher (bestbook, newspaper)
4 health benefits of PA
1. lower heart disease
2. prevent obesity
3. increased energy
4. better overall health
to get benefits, how often for PA and what intensity?
Mod: intesity 30 mins cardio 5d/wk & weights 2d/wk (8-10 ex. 8-12 reps)
Vig: cardio 20 mins 2d/wk + weights
3 different areas of study in K&HP dept?
Education, Exercise science, preprofessional?
What is PA?
PA = any body movement produced by the contraction of skeleal muslces that icnerase energy expenditure above basline
What is Exercise?
planned, structured & repetitive w/ purpose of developing, improving or maintaining physical fitness
What does sub-discipline mean?
organized body of knowledge embraced in a formal course of learning
What are 5 subdisiplines of kinesiology
1. ex. phys
2. sports med
3. sports history
4. sports psych
5. sports biomechanics
Why is it important to know popular vs. scholarly?
cuz they're very different. Scholarly is written by expert for expert audiences, cites info, no profit
Popular-for general audience. Only written by Professional, no referenecs
What are implications for PEEXSPT?
Program and education must reach people in poverty.
2. be sensitive to ethnic & racial needs.
3. be able to reach out to elderly
Ex. Phys?
study of impact of exercise of body
Sports med?
med. relationship between PA, sprots injuries & body
Sports biomechanics?
stud effects of force on body & sport objects
Sport Philosophy
study of nature of reality & values of movement for all participants
Sport history
looks at past w/ focus on events, people, trends
Sport/Ex. Psych
study human behavior (motivation, goal setting, ex. addiction
Motor development
interaction of genetic and environmental influences on movement & lifespan motor dev.
Motor learning
study factors that influence individual's performance & acquistion of skills
Sport Sociology
study of role of sport in society
Adapted PA
Providing indiv. programs & services that encourage participation to fullest extent for disabled
Sport Management
Mangerial aspects of sport/enterprise
Why is scholarly more credible than popular?
cuz it's written by expert in field with purpose of researching topic, not getting piad
what is meant by inequalities in PA opportunities?
not equal opportunity & access for everyone
What is focus of exercise phys?
impact of exervise & PA on human body
compare and contrast health related and performance related fitness
Health-related=participating in PA or exercise w/ purose of overall health (cardiovascular, muscular, flexibility)
Performance-fitness assoc. w/ enhanced performance in sport/motor skill.

They're both about capacity of people to perform PA, just different levels