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16 Cards in this Set

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anomic suicide
people who commit suicide when regulations are low, largely free to run wild, do not have a sense of purpose. Dissapointed in lives.
Egoistic Suicide:
People are not well integrated into the colletivity and largely their own, feel a sense of futlitiy, meaninglessness and more of them feel they are morally free to kill themselves
alturistic suicide:
when people are too well integreated into the collectivity, they are likely to kill themselves in greater numbers because the group leads them, or even forces them to
fatalistic suicide:
in situations of excessive regualtion eg. slavery, people are often so distressed and depressed by they own lack of freedom that they take their own lives.
Breakdown/seperation from the naturation interconneciton between people and thier productive activites, the products they produce and the fewllo works with whom they produce those things and with they are potentiall capable of becoming
an economic system composed mainly of capitalists and the proletariat, in which one class exploits the other.
means of production:
those things that are needed for production to take place (eg. tools, machinery, raw materials and factories)
Those who, because they do not own means of production, must sell their labor time to capitalists in order to get access to those means.
substinince wage:
The minimum wage a worker can be paid so that he can survive and support a family and children, so when the worker falters the child can take over
labor theory of value:
marx's theory that all value comes from labor and is therfore traceable, in capitalism, to the prolitariat
surplus value:
the difference between the value of a product when it is sold and the value of elements consumed in production of the product (including workers labor)
in capitalism the capitalists get the lions share of the rewards and the proletatariat get enough to subsist even though, based on the labor theory of value, the situation should be reversed.
false consciousness:
in capitalism, both the proletariat and the capitalists have an inaccurate sense of themselves, their relationship to one another, and the way which capitalism operates.
class consciousness:
the ability of a class, in particular the proletariat, to overcome false consciousness and attain an accurate understaind of the capitalist system
The idea that people, especially the proletariat, must take concrete action in order to overcome capitalism
the social system that permits, for the first time, the experession of full human potential.