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92 Cards in this Set

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Media Literacy
ability to understand, analyze, and use words, images, sounds, and multimedia formats (set of perspectives that we use to process media
4 Dimensions for Analysis
Communication Technologies, Economics of Mediated Communication, Functions of Media in Everyday Life, Meaning of Messages in the Media
Communication Technologies
understanding how new media changes and how the new media is changed by us
Economics of Mediated Communication
how ownership and profit influence who gets to say and sell what to whom, how big companies shape culture and journalism
Functions of Media in Everyday Life
being aware of how we use media and their contents to satisfy your personal and social interaction (use to fit in, entertainment, and shape personal identity)
Meaning of Message in the Media
questioning how others select and shape the "stories" that validate (or negate) your life
when our minds protect us against the large flood of media messages, allows mass media to condition our thought process
Direct Exposure
when we perceive a media message (listen to music)
Indirect Exposure
when we think about some element in a media message
Automatic Routines
sequences of behaviors or thoughts that we learn from experience and then apply with little effort (ex: brushing teeth)
state where our minds operate without any conscious effort from us
3 Building Block
Personal locus, knowledge structures, skills
Personal Locus:
goals and drives
Knowledge Structures
sets of organized information in memory, the "how and why"
Factual vs. Social Information

Factual: raw facts

Social: accepted beliefs that are not verified


analysis, evaluation, grouping, induction and deduction, synthesis , abstraction

(skills that help us perceive media

Media is Multidimensional

Cognitive: facts and thinking

Emotional: attachment, feelings

Aethetic: beauty

Moral: Values

Characteristics of "New Media"

1. Internet blurs distinction between individual and mass audiences (many to many)

2. Notion of known senders & anonymous receivers became problematic

3. Communication is interactive

Interactiveness blurs distinction between producers and receivers

audience and readers of media
Technological Determinism

overstating influence of media technology by claiming it dictates processes of social change

(emphasizes technology effects on user


Invented by Marconi

Then called Wireless

Conflict between government and amatuers

Amatuers began entertainment of radio

Radio Act of 1912

regulated use of airwaves by requiring all transmitting stations to be licensed by federal government

-Created centralized licensed senders and large number listeners

1% Rule
for every person who creates content, 99 people do not
90-9-1 Principle
web participation = 90% users are lurkers, 9% sometimes provide content, 1% are contributors
make content for others

share opinions with consumers

Respond to others' content
Organize content for themselves/others
Maintain a profile on social-networking issues
Consume content generated by others
Neither create nor consume media
Medium Theory

Body of literature that focuses on the technological aspects of media beyond content


Media's Impact on Time and Space

-Never-Ending News

-Time Shifting (practice of recording media)

-Place Shifting (enabling users to access media anywhere)

-Binge Viewing

Neil Postman

increase of television leads to decrease of seriousness in life

With new technology: news didn't have to be geographically relevant, connect to action, increased speed, decreased content

Culture of Distraction
New culture where new skills like retrieving and receiving are more important than understanding
Gatekeep sites where users start exploring web
Search Engines
help users find what they want
Social Construction
uses of media are determined by social forces and human agency
Social Forces
government, social norms, market pressure
Human Agency
individual ability to influence the development and application of media technology

-Medium Theory and situational geography

-TV Blurs Social boundary (child v. adult)

-Children Grow Up Faster, have same access as adults


-Medium is the Message

-Global Village


Print vs. Image

-Loss of context and literacy

-Less serious and less rational

Modern Theories

-Often critical of new media

-Don't like the "happy thoughts"

New media discourages reading and rigorous thinking, increases attention deficit culture, alters brain development, and encourages selfish society

Janus Principle
think about potential drawbacks and benefits (pros and cons) of media
Cognitive Type Effect
when media effects what we know, uses social models to teach info
Belief Type Effect

-belief: faith that something is real or true

-media shows us values in fictional and people in news

Attitudinal Type Effect

Attitudes evaluate judgements about things

-when the media shows us how we should feel about things

Emotional Type Effect
media makes us feel things

Overtime you lose sympathy for victims both in media portrayals and in real life
Physiological Type Effect
Influence automatic bodily functions, beyond conscious control
Behavioral Type Effect

media triggers actions

Long Term Effect example: overtime you visit fewer sites but spend more time on them

Macro Type Effects:
media also influences larger units like society, family
Valence of Effects

Positive: Media effects help you achieve personal goals

Negative: When media goals conflict with personal goals

Manifested Effects
effects we can easily observe
Process Effects
always in process of being influenced by mass media messages
Baseline Effects:
typical degree of risk that continues over time (normal behaviors)
Fluctuation Effects
sudden spike from normal baseline, usually temporary, after a time risk level returns to base level (ex: when you get mad at something on tv)
Influencing Baseline Factors

Developmental Maturities, Cognitive Abilities, Knowledge Structures, Sociological Factors, Lifestyle, Personal Locus

Fluctuation Factors
Content of Messages, context of portrayals, cognitive complexity, motivations, state of minds, degree of identification
Cognitive Ignorance
confronting information about a topic where you have no context of background information, usually shortlived
3rd Person Effect
they are effected not me
Cumulative Effect
looking at a lifetime's exposure/ consumption of pattern
Field Dependancy

ability to separate noise and media messages

(more exposure to diverse media means less likely to believe nonfacts)

4 Dimensional Perspectives of Media Effects
timing, types, valence, intentionality
Herbert Blumer

The mass is:

1. Membership from all walks of life

2. Anonymous

3. Little interaction between members of the mass

4. Mass is loosely organized

Uses and Gratifications

use of media is highly selective and motivated activity, we use media to get a gratification

-Active Audience

Why we use media:

1. Informational

2. Personal Identity

3. Integration and Social Interaction (sense of belonging)

4. Entertainment

Reception Analysis (Audience Centered Theory)
audiences decode/interpret media tests in ways in which they subjectively experience those circumstances
Bullet Theory (Hyperdermic Needle)
pessimistic theory, powerful media exposure with passive audience
Agenda Setting
claims media set our agenda by telling us what's important
Socialization Effect
how the media makes us think about society
Generalization Effects
creating stereotypes
misleading or untrue representation of an individual or a group
shorthand used to classify individuals and groups, often simplified, overgeneralized and biased
Henry Louis Gates
professor at Harvard, saying that there is very little connection between social status of African Americans and the way they are represented in media images
Emmett Till Generation
media showed image of the brutality of African Americans during civil rights movement that caused negativity in international affairs and some action against brutality
Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing
shows conflict of representation (Italian Pizza Parlor v. African American)
60 Minutes Tobacco Video

shows how companies can influence what journalists are allowed to broadcast

-scare media with billion dollar lawsuits

AT&T Video

technology is a quick moving platform for info

(girl who as crush on boy tells friends and information spreads to the boy)

Diner video

-Husband and Wife fighting over record organization

-shows the different uses of media and how we use media to create our identity

Visa Commercial

Father wants to get daughter everything she wants (like an elephant)

-shows how media can influence values and stereotypes

In Real Life Video
British people video about girl with blackberry and shows how media and technology has become such a crucial part of our lives and its negative effects on children
Consuming Kids Video
Shows how advertisements are trying to catch consumers from the minute they get out of the womb and hold them until they die
Killing Us Softly Video
Focuses on the negative ways media portray women (dismemberment, objectification, sexualized)
Amos and Andy Video
Showing racial stereotypes of African Americans through an all African American Cast
Pocahontas Video

Showed how slowly American media is trying to incorporate the importance of ethnic identity.

Melting Pot is out, ethnic diversity and identity in

CBS Eating Disorder Video
media's images of women's bodies have caused the increased of dieting and increased consciousness of body images
Binary Opposition

the opposition between two forces

-patriarchal stereotype:

men and boys media images vs. women and girls images

Complimentary Copy

how ads control magazines

content stories reflects ads

when you judge others based on your way
making body that is normal seem abnormal so people will want to fix it and be willing to buy things for it