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31 Cards in this Set

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Q1. Why did the English want to colonize in America?
Q2. What did England hope for in an American colony?
Q3. Jamestown was primarily an ________________venture.
Q4. Who financed the settlement of Jamestown?
Q5. What year was the first English settlement in America?
Q6. Describe the landform where Jamestown was founded?
Q7. Where is Jamestown currently located?
Q8. Name 4 reasons why settlers chose Jamestown as the site to settle.
a) silver and gold
b) raw materials
c) new markets for trade
A1. wealth and power
A4. The stockholders of the Virginia Company of London.
A3. economic
A6. a narrow peninsula bordered by water on three sides by the James River
A5. 1607
a) instructions told settlers to go inland
b) could defend from attack by sea (Spanish)
c) deep water to dock ships
d) believed site had fresh water
A7. on an island in the James River
Q9. Who granted the charter for the English settlement?
Q10. Why were the Virginia charters important? (2 reasons)
Q11. What year did the governor call a meeting of the General Assembly?
Q12. What makes up the General Assembly and how did they meet?
Q13. Who could take part in the General Assembly?
Q14. Why is the Virginia General Assembly of 1619 important?
Q15. What happened to the burgesses in 1640?
Q16. How did Africans first arrive to the Jamestown settlement?
a) established a settlement in North America

b) extended English rights to the settlers
A9. The King of England
A12. two representatives, a governor's council, and governor.

They met as one legislative body.
A11. 1619
A14. 1st elected legislative body and gave them opportunity to control their own government.
A13. free adult men
A16. Portuguese sailors captured the African men and women from what is present-day Angola.

(It is unknown whether they came as servants or enslaved persons.)
Became separate legislative body, called the House of Burgesses

Q17. What year did Africans arrive to Jamestown?

Did they come freely or against their will?
Q18. How did the arrival of Africans help the English colony.
Q19. When did women arrive at Jamestown and why were they important?
Q20. What hardships did the settlers face? (3)
Q21. What changes occurred to help the survival of Jamestown? (3)
Q22. Who inititated trade relationships with the native people?
Q23. The native people traded food in exchange for ____________. (3)
Q24. How did the native peoples contribute to the survival of the Jamestown settlers? (3)
A18. It made it possible to expand the tobacco economy.
A17. 1619

Against their will
a) site was marshy and lacked safe drinking water

b) settlers lacked skills

c) died of starvation and disease
A19. 1620

- families

- allowed for a permanent settlement
A22. John Smith
- supply ships

- forced work program and leadership of John Smith

- agriculture
- Chief Powhatan (leadership and taught survival skills)
- Pocahontas (contact between natives and English)
- Natives (taughts settlers to plant corn and tobacco)
A23. tools, pots, and copper for jewelry
Q25. Over time, how did the native peoples view the settlers?
Q26. What is the name of a crop that is grown to make money?
Q27. The Virginia colony depended on _______________ as the primary source of wealth.
Q28. What was the most profitable agricultural product sold in England as a cash crop?
Q29. How did agriculture in the Virginia colony influence the institution of slavery?
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A26. cash crop
A25. as invaders who would take over land
A28. tobacco
A27. agriculture
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- enslaved people worked on plantations