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29 Cards in this Set

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What are the components of citta?
Mind has the power of attention, selection, and rejection
Intelligence has the faculty of reasoning and reflecting
I-ness or I-consciousness
What are the three attributes of citta?
What are the three gunas, the qualities of nature?
Sattva brings harmony, calmness.
Rajas-vibration, activity.
Rajas brings mobility.
Tamas-inertia, dullness
Tamas brings steadiness.
What are the three eternal principles recognized by yoga darsasana?
Isvara-God, Universal Soul, Supreme Soul
Purusa-individual self, soul, atman
Prakrti-nature, universe
What is the difference between philosophy and darsana?
Both philosophy and darsana are a quest for wisdom and knowledge. Philosophy is a speculative and intellectual inquiry while darsana is an experiential knowledge, which leads to transformation.
What are the 5 vayus?
1. Prana-this energy moves in the region of the heart and controls respiration.
2. Apana-this energy moves in the sphere of the lower abdomen and controls the function of eliminating urine and faeces.
3. Samana-this energy strokes the gastric fires to aid digestion.
4. Udana-this energy dwells in the thoracic cavity and controls the intake of air and food.
5. Vyana-this energy pervades the entire body and distributes the energy derived from food and breath all over the body.
What are the three tiers of Kriya Yoga?
1. Tapas-burning zeal
2. Svadhyaya-self study
3. Isvara pranidhana-surrender to God
Sutra 2:1 Tapah svadhyaya Isvarapranidhanani kriyayogah.
Burning zeal in practice, self-study and study of scriptures, and surrender to God are the acts of yoga.
What are the four paths of self-realization?
1. Karma marga-path of action
2. Bhakti marga-path of devotion
3. Jnana marga-path of knowledge
4. Yoga marga-path of yoga
What are the 5 klesas? the 5 afflictions.
1. avidya-ignorance, lack of spiritual knowledge
2. asmita-ego, pride
3. raga- attachment, desire
4. dvesa-aversion, animosity
Sutra 2:3 Avidya asmita raga dvesa abhinivesah klesah.
The five afflictions which disturb the equilibrium of consciousness are ignorance or lack of wisdom, ego, pride of the ego or the sense of "I", attachment to pleasure, aversions to pain, fear of death and clinging to life.
5. abhinivesa-love of life, fear of death
What is the threefold quest?
1. bahiranga sadhana-external quest
2. antaranga sadhana-inner quest
3. antaratma sadhana-spiritual quest
What are the five sheaths of the body?
1. annamaya kosa-anatomical, skeletal sheath, corresponds to the earth element
2. pranamaya kosa-physiological or organic sheath, includes respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, endocrine, excretory and reproductive systems and corresponds to the water element.
3. manomaya kosa-mental or emotional sheath, motivation, feeling, awareness and corresponds to the fire element.
4. vijnanamaya kosa-intellectual sheath, reasoning and corresponds to the air element.
5. anandamaya kosa-pure bliss and corresponds to the ether element. This sheath belongs to the causal body.
What are the yamas? Ethical disciplines
1. ahimsa-non violence
2. satya-truthfulness
3. asteya-non stealing
4. brahmacharya-celibacy, self control
5. aparigraha-non haording, non greedy
Sutra 2:30 Ahimsa satya asteya brahmacarya aparigrahah yamah.
Non-violence, truth, abstentions from stealing, continence, and absence of greed for possessions beyond one's need are the five pillars of yama.
What are the niyamas? Individual desciplines
1. sauca-cleanliness
2. santosa-contentment
3. tapas-burning zeal
4. svadhyaya-self study
5. Isvara pranidhana-surrender to God
Sutra 2:32 Sauca santosa tapah svadhyaya Isvarapranidhanani niyamah.
Cleanliness, contentment, religious zeal, self-study, and surrender to self to the supreme Self or God are the niyamas.
What are the eight limbs of yoga?
1. yama-ethical disciplines
2. niyama-individual disciplines
3. asana-postures
4. pranayama-control of the breath
5. pratyahara-withdrawl of the senses
6. dharana-concentration
7. dhyana-meditation
8. samadhi-absorption of the consciousness in the Self
Sutra 2:29 yama niyama asana pranayama pratyahara dharana dhyana samadhayah astau angani
Moral injunctions (yama), fixed observances (niyama), posture (asana), regulation of breath (pranayama), internalization of the senses toward their source (pratyahara), concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana), and absorption of the consciousness in the self (samadhi), are the eight constituents of yoga.
What is yoga?
Yoga means union. It is the union of the individual self with the Universal Self.
Sutra !:2 Yogah cittavrtti nirodhah
Yoga is the cessation of movements in the consciousness.
Define sadhana.
Practice, quest
Define Abhyasa.
Constant and determined study or practice.
Sutra 1:13 Tatra sthitau yatnah abhyasah
Practice is the steadfast effort to still these fluctuations.
Define Vairagya.
Absence of worldly desires.
Sutra 1:12 Abhyasa vairagyabhyam tannirodhah.
Practice and detachment are the means to still the movements of consciousness.
Vairagya or absence of worldly desires can be achieved by controlling the senses, by carrying out one's duties without thought of reward and by acting with goodness and purity.
Define Prakriti.
Nature, the original source of the material world consisting of three qualities, sattva, rajas, and tamas
Define Prana.
Breath, respiration, life force.
Define Purusa.
Individual Self
Define Samyama.
Samyama is a technical word that defines the integration of dharana, dhyana, and samadhi. (concentration, meditation, and absorption)
Define Parinama.
When is an asana considered to be perfect?
Sutra 2:47 Prayatna saithilya ananta samapattibhyam
Perfection in an asana is achieved when the effort to perform it becomes effortless and the infinite being within is reached.
What is the effect of asana according to Patanjali?
Sutra 2:46 Sthira sukham asanam
Asana is perfect firmness of body, steadiness of intelligence and benevolence of spirit.
Sutra 2:48 Tatah dvandvah anabhighatah
From then on, the sadhaka is undisturbed by dualities.
Patanjali says that the aspirant remains undisturbed, unperturbed and unaffected by objective as well as subjective dualities. His body, mind, intelligence amd consciousness remain in unison with the Self without disparities.
What are the names and definitions of the four Padas of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras?
1. Samadhi Pada (on contemplation)
2. Sadhana Pada (on practice)
3. Vibhuti Pada (on properties and powers)
4. Kaivalya Pada (on emancipation and freedon)
What are the various ways to still the fluctuations in the citta given in Samadhi Pada?
Sutra 1:12 Abhyasa vairagyabhyam tannirodhah.
Practice and detachment are the means to still the movements of the consciousness.
Sutra 1:23 Isvara pranidhanat va.
The citta may be restrained by profound meditation upon God and total surrender to Him.
What are the Jnanendriyas?
The 5 sense organs. (nose, tongue, eyes, ears, skin)
What are the Karmendriyas?
The organs of actions. (hands, feet, organs of speech, generations and excretion)
Define asana.
Sutra 2:46 Sthira sukham asanam.
Asana is perfect firmness of body, steadiness of intelligence , and benevolence of the spirit.