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1000 exabytes
Difficulties in managing data: 4
Amount of data increasing exponentially
Data are scattered throughout organizations and collected by many individuals using various methods and devices.
Data come from many sources.
Data security, quality, and integrity are critical.
Data governance
is an approach to managing information across an entire organization
Master data management
is a process that provides companies with the ability to store, maintain, exchange, and sychnronize a consisten, accurate, and timely "single version of the truth" for the company's core master
Master data
are a set of core data, such as customer, product, employee, vendor, geographic location, and so on, that span all of an enterprise’s information systems.
Master Data
Transaction Data
-What is difference, example
Master data is the different sets like Student, Course, Time, Weekday while Transaction data is whats transacting like Nicole Vouzianas ITM 145 Mon Wed
Data redundancy:
The same data are stored in many places
Data isolation:
Applications cannot access data associated with other applications.
Data inconsistency:
Various copies of the data do not agree.
Data security:
Keeping the organization’s data safe from theft, modification, and/or destruction.
Database management system (DBMS) minimize the following problems:
Data redundancy
Data isolation
Data inconsistency
DBMSs maximize the following issues:
Data security
Data integrity
Data independence
Data integrity:
Data must meet constraints (e.g., student grade point averages cannot be negative).
Data independence:
Applications and data are independent of one another. Applications and data are not linked to each other, meaning that applications are able to access the same data
Data Hierarchy
File (or table)
A Bit
is a binary digit, a "0" or a "1"

File (or table)
A Byte
a group of eight bits that represents a single character (ex. a letter, a number, or symbol)

File (or table)
A field
is a group of logically related characters (ex. a word, small group of words, or identification number)

File (or table)
A record
is a group of logically related fields (ex. student in a university database)

File (or table)
A file
is a group of logically related records

File (or table)
A database
is a group of logically related files that stores data and the associations among them

File (or table)
Data model
-is a diagram in a DBMS that represents the entities in the database and their relationships.
Primary key
Secondary keys
Is a person, place, thing, or event about whcih information is maintained. A record generally describes an entity
each characteristic or quality describing a particular entity
Primary key
is a field or attribute that uniquely identifies a record
Secondary key
another field that has some identifying info but typically do not identify the file with complete accuracy
The Data Model
is a diagram that represents the entities in the database and their relationships
entity-relationship (ER) modeling.
Entity-relationship (ER) diagram
modeling- The process of designing a database by organzing data entities to be used and identifying the relationships among them
diagram- document that shows data entities and attributes and relationships among them (rectangles for entities-- student, class, professor, diamonds for relationships-- can have)
Entity-relationship (ER) consists of..
Entities, attributes, and relationships
Entity classes
are groups of entities of a certain type
refers to max number of times an instance of one entity can be associated with an instance in the related entity (1 or many)
refers to min number of times an instance of one entity can be associated with an instance in the related entity (1 or 0)
An instance of an entity class is
the representation of a particular entity in an entity class, ex. John is the instance of the STUDENT entity class
Entity instances have identifiers which
are attributes that are unique to that entity instance, Ex. attributes for a CLASS entity are ClassName, ClassTime, ClassPlace
Database management system (DBMS)
is a set of programs that provides users with tools to add, delete, access, and analyze data stored in one location
The relational database model
is based on the concept of two-dimensional tables (records listed in rows, and attributes listed in colums)
Structured query language (SQL)
allows users to perform complicated searches by using relatively simple statements or keywords
Query by example
database language that allows users to fill out a grid or template to construct a sample or description of the data they wants (can use drag drop features)
(SQL) a time when you would use it
you want to know who will graduate with cum laude, so you would query student relational database with an SQL statement Selecting student name where grade point average is <3.6
Data Dictionary
-defines the format necessary to enter the data into the database
-collection of definitions of data elements; data characteristics that use the data elements
is a methof for analyzing and reducing a relational database to its more steamlined form for minimum redundancy, maximum data intergrity, and best processing performance--> when data are normalized attributes in table depend only on the primary key
A data warehouse
is a repository of historical data organized by subject to support decision makers in the organization. Bc so expensive, used by large companies
A data mart
is a low-cost, scaled-down versaion of a data warehouse that is deisnged for the end-user needs in a strategic business unit (SBU) or department
Data warehouses and Data Marts characteristics
Organized by business dimension or subject
Use online analytical processing
Time variant
Organized by business dimension or subject
data are organized by subject, ex. by customer, vendor, product, price level
Use online analytical processing(OLAP)
involves the analysis of accumulated data by end users (usually in data warehouse)
Historical data
in data warehouses can be used for identifying trends, forecasting, and making comparisons over time
not OLAP, online transaction processing, not for data warehouses or data marts
processing of business transactions online as soon as they occur. Objectives are speed and efficiency
Relational databases store data in 2 dimensional tables while, data warehouses and marts store data in more than two dimensions
thats all
Benefits of Data Warehousing
1. access data quickly and easily
2. Conduct extensive analysis
3. Consolidated view
Access data quickly and easily (benefits of Data Warehousing)
End users can access data quickly and easily via Web browsers bc they are located in one place
conduct extensive analysis
(benefits of Data Warehousing)
End users can conduct extensive analysis with data in ways that may not have been possible before
Consolidated view
(benefits of Data Warehousing)
End ueser have a consolidated view of organizational data
Knowledge management
is a process that helps organizations manipulate important knowledge that is part of the organization’s memory, usually in an unstructured format.
that is contextual, relevant, and actionable. Information in actions. Ex. creating class schedule, schedule would be info and then awareness of your work schedule, your major, desired social life, could be constructed as knowledge. knowledge can be excercised to solve a problem
Intellectual capital
is another term often used for knowledge.
Explicit knowledge
objective, rational, technical knowledge that has been documented.
Examples: policies, procedural guides, reports, products, strategies, goals, core competencies
(iceberg above the waterline)
Tacit knowledge:
cumulative store of subjective or experiential learning. Highly personal and hard to formalize.
Examples: experiences, insights, expertise, know-how, trade secrets, understanding, skill sets, and learning
(iceberg below the waterline)
Knowledge management systems (KMS)
refer to the use of information technologies (the internet, intranets, etranets, databases) to systemize, enahnce, and expedite intrafirm and interfirm knowledge management. Bringing explicit and tacit knowledge in formal information systems.
Knowledge management systems are meant to help an organization
cope with turnover, rapid change, and downsizing by making the expertise of the organization's human capital widely accessible

ALSO KMS improve customer service, more efficient product devolpment, and impvoed employee moral and retention
Best practices (KMS)
Are the most effective and efficient ways of doing things, readily avaialbe to a wide range of employees
2 problems associated with KMS
people must actually want to share their personal tacit knowledge, to encourage this orgs must create a knowledge management culture that rewards employees who add their expertise to the knowledge base. Second, the knowledge base must be continually maintained and updated, adding and deleting info
A functioning KMS follows a cycle that consists of
six steps: creat knowledge, capture knowledge, refine knowledge, store knowledge, manage knowledge, disseminate knowledge
clicksteam data
data collected about user behavior and browsing patterns by monitoring users' activities when they visit a Web site
attributes that are unique to an entity instance
other terms for knowledge
intellectual captial or intellectual assets
multidimensional structure
storage of data in more than 2 dimensions; a common representation is the data cube
a grouping of logically related records