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10 Cards in this Set

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Q1. List the id , zoo name and species for all animals

SELECT Animalid, ZooName, Species From Animal;

-Q2. List the id, name and species for all animals in the Tiger species

SELECT AnimalID, ZooName, Species FROM Animal WHERE Species = 'Tiger';

-Q3. List the employee no., name and salary for all employees whose salary is at least $40000 but is no more than $75000

SELECT EmpNo, EmpName, Salary FROM EmployeeWHERE Salary >= 40000 AND Salary <=75000;

Q4 List the details for all male employees who are Tiger experts

SELECT EmpName, Gender, Species FROM EmployeeWHERE Gender = 'M' AND Species = 'Tiger';

-Q5. List the details for all animals who are either of the Tiger species or who are held in the Bowmanville zoo

SELECT * FROM AnimalWHERE Species = 'Tiger' OR ZooName = 'Bowmanville zoo';

--Q6. List the details for all male employees whose experties is either in the Tiger or Lion species

SELECT * FROM EmployeeWHERE Species = 'Tiger' OR Species = 'Lion';

-Q7. List details for all animals whose species is neither Tiger nor Lion

SELECT * FROM AnimalWHERE Species <> 'Tiger' OR Species <> 'Lion';

-Q8. List the details for all employees. Sequence the output by name within species expertise

SELECT * FROM EmployeeORDER BY Species, EmpName;

-Q9. List the details for all employees with a salary under $45000. Sequence the output from the highest to lowest salary amount

SELECT * FROM EmployeeWHERE Salary < 45000ORDER BY Salary DESC;

-Q10. List the details for all employes whose species expertise is either Lion or Tiger, and who also have a salary under $100,000 but over $50,000 -- Sequence the output by employee name within zoo name

SELECT * FROM EmployeeWHERE (Species = 'Tiger' or Species = 'Lion') AND Salary <= 100000 AND Salary >= 50000ORDER BY ZooName, EmpName;