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41 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following organs is contained in the retroperitoneal region of the abdomen?


A 16 year old girl is rescued from a burning house. She has 25% partial thickness burns and the burned areas are hot to the touch. what is the appropriate treatment?

Apply clean water to burned areas fro up to 1 - 2 minutes

Proper immobilization of a forearm (radius and ulna) fracture involves splinting which of the following?

Wrist, elbow and fracture site

Which of the following sets of vital signs is most compatible with a diagnosis of isolated head injury with increasing intracranial pressure?

BP 170/100, pulse 50/ min. When the ICP increases the systemic blood pressure increases to try to preserve blood flow to the brain. The body senses the ris in systemic blood pressure and this triggers a drop in the pulse rate as the body tries to lower the systemic blood pressure. Chapter 10, Objective 5 Pg 193

Prolonged scene times may reflect?

Ineffective team collaboration

Which of the following indicates a state of hyperventilation?

An end tidal carbon dioxide level less than 30 mmHg

Which of the following is considered on one of the four essential components to maintain normal perfusion?

Fluid Levels

When performing ITLS Primary Survey the team leader may minimize errors by?

Delegating interventions

A 27 year old male with blunt chest trauma from a motor vehicle collision was successfully intubated at the scene. While ventilating the pt you note resistance with an absence of right chest wall movement. You should suspect a:

Tension pneumothorax

Which of the following assessment findings is associated with neurogenic shock?

Decreased pulse, normal skin color and temperature Pg 154

Hemostatic agents applied directly to the source of bleeding must be used in conjunction with:

Direct pressure to the wound

Which finding requires interrupt the ITLS Primary Survey?

Complete airway obstruction

Which of the following is true regarding pulmonary contusion?

Caused by hemorrhage into the lung parenchyma

In the absence of herniation syndrome, adult patients with suspected traumatic brain injury should be ventilated as a rate of?

8- 10 per minute

What is the most likely cause of unequal pupils in an altered mental status pt with a head injury?

Increased intracranial pressure

A 45 year old female is found unconscious at the scene of a MVC. Her vitals signs are BP80/40, P 130 and R 30. Which of the following is the most likely cause fro her vital signs?

Bleeding int the chest or abdomen

The cause of a secondary brain injury is?


What is the most serious early complication of burns from electrical contact?

Cardiac dysrhythmia

Which of the following changes is most useful to monitor in the child with head injury?


In a rear impact MVC which area of the spine is most susceptible to injury?


A 54 year old male is involved in a MVC. The steering wheel is bent/ During your initial assessment, you note his skin is pale, radial pulses are present and breath sounds are clear. Which one of the following is most consistent with these findings?

Cardiac contusion

What is the most common cause of cardiopulmonary arrest in the trauma pt?


Which one of the following is typically associated with post-traumatic hemorrhage early shock?

Narrowed pulse pressure

Which of the following viruses is there currently an effective vaccine?

Hep B

A 16 year old girl is rescued from a burning house. She has 25% partial thickness burns and burned areas are hot to the touch. What is the appropriate treatment?

Apply clean water to burned areas for up to 1-2 minutes

Among the following, what is the most common cause of preventable trauma death in the injured adult pt?

Hemorrhagic shock

Clinical signs of a Tension pneumothorax

Dyspnea, Anxiety, tachypnea, distended neck veins and possibly tracheal deviation away from the affected side

BOOTS Stands for?

Beards, Obesity, Older pt, Toothlessness, Snores or stridor

You may interrupt the assessment sequence only if?

1. The scene becomes unsafe 2. You must treat exsanguinating hemorrhage 3. You must treat an airway obstruction 4. You must treat cardiac arrest

As intracerebral pressure rises after an isolated head injury, what does the systolic blood pressure do?


Which of the following mechanisms of injury does not commonly cause damage to the spinal cord

Lateral stress

A 4 year old female is unc after falling off a bicycle. Which of the following is the best method to open the airway?

Modified jaw thrust

You have place an NPA in your pt and now observe mild hemorrhage from the nares. You should:

Leave the NPA in place so as not to disturb the clot or reactivate bleeding

Common mechanisms of injury for the paediatric pt include all of the following except;

Animal bites

Which of the following injuries would change a trauma pt transport classification from "Stable" to "load and go"?

Pelvic fracture

Bag valve mask ventilation

May exceed 60 cm H2O pressure in the airway

Which is of the following is true regarding pulmonary contusion?

Caused by hemorrhage into the lung parenchyma

A -23 year old female fell from a scond floor balcony. Upon arrival you find her lying in the grass. She responds to berbal coomands and your assessment reveals flat neck veins and normal chest abdomen and pelvis examinations. Her skin is cool, clammy and shenl respirations are rapid and shallow; radial pulses are too rapid to count and thready. You place her on the heart monitor and it shows a wide complex tachycardia of about 280 per minute. You should suspect?

Cardiogenic shock

Routine use of hyperventialation in the traumatic brain injured (TBI) pt will cause:

Cause vasoconstriction and increased cerebral ischemia

What is the most likely cause of unequal pupils in an altered mental status pt with a head injury?

Increased intracranial pressure

A 57 year old male has respiratory rate of 36 ETCO2 of 30 mmHg and an oxygen saturation 80%. You should

Provide supplemental oxygen

Pg 192