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31 Cards in this Set

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compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures

structural isomers

Differ in how and where atoms are connected. Same formula, different framework and number of atoms bonded together


only differ in spatial orientation


both substituents are on the same same of the double bond


substituents are on opposite sides of double bond


both substituents with first priority are on the same side of the double bond (zee zame zide)


both substituents with highest priority are on opposite sides of double bond (epposite)

chiral molecules

non superimposable on mirror image, like your right and left hands

asymmetric atom

carbon atoms with 4 substituent groups and no plane of symmetry


chiral pairs of molecules that are not the same

Fischer projections

3D representation of molecules

horizontal lines = out of the page

vertical lines = behind page

If you switch 1 pair or rotate 90 degrees, it is the enantiomer

relative configuration

configuration in relation to other chiral molecule

absolute configuration

describes the spatial arrangement of a molecule using R or S. R goes clockwise, and S goes counterclockwise in numbering the substituents in order of priority ignoring #4.

optical activity

Ability to rotate plane polarized light by an angle (alpha). Enantiomers rotate the plane of polarized light in opposite directions. Direction of rotation must be determined experimentally


rotates the plane clockwise, indicated by +


rotates the plane counterclockwise, indicated by -

specific rotation

observed rotation/(concentration(g/ml)xlength(dm))

racemic mixture

equal concentrations of + and - enantiomers


stereoisomers that are not mirror images


diastereoisomers that vary only at one carbone, important to chemistry of carbohydrates

meso compounds

molecules with multiple chiral centers that also have an internal plane of symmetry, not optically active because the light rotation of one chiral center is matched by opposite rotation of other chiral center

conformational isomers

differ only by rotation about one or more single bonds, same compounds in a slightly different position

Newman projection

line of sight is alond a C-C bond so the second C is drawn as a circle

staggered conformation

in a Newman projection, none of the atoms overlap

anti conformation

groups are antiperiplanar to eachother, most stable conformation

gauche conformation

atoms/groups are 60 degrees appart, must pass through eclipse phase to get to anti conformation

eclipse formation

in Newman projection, all similar molecules line up, highest energy level, very unstable

cyclic conformations

cycloalkanes attempt to adopts non planar conformations to alleviate angle, torsional, and nonbonded strains

cyclic conformations of cyclohexane

chair=most stable, hydrogen groups are axial and equatorial

boat=chair flips, hydrogens that were axial become equatorial and vice versa, all atoms are eclipsed

twisted boat=atoms are in gauche formation, so they are slightly more stable


bulky groups prefer the equatorial position, so a large group can lock the molecule into one conformation


cis=bone substituents are on the same side of ring

trans=two groups on opposite sides of ring