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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the usual cause of RAS?
atherosclerotic occlusive disease
This condition AKA "spillover" aortic disease
2 general problems in RAS
renovascular hypertension and ischemic nephropathy
Clues to diagnosis of RAS
refractory HTN, new onset HTN in older pt, pulm edema w/ poorly controlled BP, and acute renal failure when pt. starts an ARB
Common PE finding in RAS
renal bruit
What can labs show in RAS?
increased BUN and serum creatinine
What can abdominal US show in RAS?
asymmetric kidney size if one is worse than the other
Risk Factors for Atherosclerosis
smoking, DM, obesity, HTN, metabolic syndrome, high LDL, low HDL, high TG, high CRP, family hx
Non invasive study used to diagnosis RAS
MRA with or without contrast
Gold standard for diagnosis of RAS
renal angiography
What imaging study used for Raps is contraindicated in pregnancy?
renal angiography so use MRA
Options for RAS tx
tobacco cessation, medical management of BP and lipids, interventional angiography/angioplasty/stent, surgical bypass
What is the goal of RAS treatment?
prevent end organ damage, disease, and renal failure
This is hardening of the kidney due to overgrowth and contraction of interstitial connective tissue
Causes of nephrosclerosis
Characteristics of nephrosclerosis
HTN, edema, HA, retinal hemorrhage
What will labs in nephrosclerosis show?
low level proteinuria, increased BUN and creatinine
Usual course of nephrosclerosis
chronic and progresses to ESRD
Treatment of nephrosclerosis
treat the underlying condition- DM and HTN
#1 cause of chronic renal disease
What causes renal infarction?
arterial occlusion
What happens to the function f the kidney
Major Causes of renal infarction
sub acute infective endocarditis, atrial or ventricular thrombi, art
Lab value that you should think off in renal infarct
epitheluria (sloughing of renal tubular epithelial cells)
Imaging that makes the definitive diagnosis of renal infarct
renal angiography or CT
Tx for renal infarct
anticoagulation with infusion of streptokinase and IV heparin, control HTN, and surgical revascularization
After tx of renal infraction, what should happen
renal function should return to normal
What syndrome is renal vein thrombosis usually associated with?
nephrotic syndrome, esp. membranous nephropathy
Patients with renal vein thrombosis are also at risk for _______ and _______ (related).
DVT and PE
RVT can be also caused by invasion of _________ by tumor or retroperitoneal disease, or secondary to acute trauma.
renal vein
Symptoms in renal infarction.
acute onset flank pain, nausea, fever
What conditions do patients with renal infarction present with (2)?
HTN or renal insufficiency
Lab values in Renal Infarction
hematuria, proteinuria, epitheluria; leukocytosis on CBC, increased LDH
What is epitheluria?
sloughing of renal tubular epithelial cells
Rat can mimic what condition.
How do patients with RVT present?
flank pain that is unilateral and insidious onset, hematuria
Labs in RVT
urinary albumin, thrombocytopenia on CBC, decreased serum albumin
What is the best test to diagnose RVT?
renal venogram
Tx for RVT
ACE (decrease protienuria), Heparin followed by Coumadin long term, catheter thrombectomy, nephrectomy
Purpose of ACE in RVT
decrease protienuria