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87 Cards in this Set

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why is autism more appropriately thought of in terms of the broader phrase "autism spectrum disorder?"
Because everything that falls under this category has varying degrees of problems with Communication skills, social interactions, and repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior
explain Hidden cirriculum and give three examples from own experiences?
the dos and donts of social interactions that most people learn without being told or tought. some examples especially in a school setting are, some teachers dont care if you whisper in class, some techers allow you to talk without raising your hand. some outside of school may be issues with talking or taking rides from strangers.
in the early 1940's he wrote an important paper describing autism
Leo Kanner
according to most researchers in the area of autism, what three aspects should be included in educational programming for studdents with autism spectrum disorders?
1. direct instruction of skills
2. Behavioral managment using functional and positive behavioral intervention and support
3. instruction in normal settings
discuss some important points made by guest speaker Susan Sybert, concerning students with autism and strategies to work with them in the classroom?
made things with sounds to help them made things with vecroe, one child uses an i pad, talks about indivudal needs, gives rewards when they do well. Always uses positive instruction.
normal development for up to five months and even up to four years of age. this is followed by regression and mental retardation
Rett syndrome
developed a theory that cold and unresponsive mothers caused autism
Bruno Bettelheim
characterized by varying degrees of impairment in three areas, communication skills, social interactions as well as repetitive and stereotyped behavior patterns
Autism spectrum Disorders
individuals who use no or almost no language
repetitive and ritualistic motor behaviors such as twirling, spinning objects, flapping the hands, and rocking
Stereotypic behaviors
those dos and donts of everyday living that most people learn incidentally or with very little instruction
Hidden Curriculum
the socal use of language
T or F
Some Children with autism are extremely alone and seemingly isolate from the outside world
T or F
Autism has been a sperate category in IDEA since 1990
T or F
Rett syndrome is more common in males than females
T or F
in general, we can think of Aspergers syndrome as milder form of autism?
T or F
Children with autism and those with schizophrenia exhibt the same behaviors?
defects in children from birth
Congenial anomaly
a motor disability or paralysis resulting from the involvement of all four limbs
involves only the legs
a congential midline defect resulting from failure of the bony spinal column to close completely during fetal development
spina bifia
an artificial replacement for a missing body part
a device that enhances the partical function of a part of a person's body
adaptions of ordinary items found in the home, office, or school
adaptive devices
is one of the most common syndromes involving physical malformations and mental retardation. today is known to be
cerebral palsy
T and F
data indicates that the population of children and youth with physical disabilities is growing
T or F
Cerebral palsy is a diease that is contagious and progressive
T or F
Spina Bifia is one of the nost common birth defects resulting in physical disability; its causes are not known
Prior Convictions are usable to impeach if
The conviction is for the proper kind of crime
T or F
Children with disabilites, inculding those with disabilites, are at more risk for abuse than nondisabled children
remarkable early development in particular areas such as language, music, or mathematics
a special ability or aptitude
extremely rare intellectual power
the ability to sperate relevent from irrevelant information or find new and novel ways of combing new and old information
the practice of placing stdents to educational programs ahead of their same aged peers.
additional experiences provided to students without placing them in a higher grade
T or F
People with special gifts and talents are superior in every way, and they comprise a disticnt category of human beings.
T or F
Many children who are gifted
learn to read early
who developed the seven intelligences
Howard Gargner
List and define the three categories of physical disabilities decribed in the chaoter and provide one example of each. define each condition.
1. neuromotor impairments- these are impairments to the brain or spinal cord that also effect the ability to move parts of ones body. ex- TBI tramatic Brian Injury.
2. Orthopedic and musculosketal disorders- this is a diease or defect of the muscles . ex- muscular distrophy
3. Other conditions affecting health or physical ability- these are an array of different dieases disorders, malformations, and injuries that can cause them to need speical services ex asthma or childhood obesity
what is the procedure to be followed when a child has a seizure
remain clam, do not interefere unless you are trying to prevent the child from hitting their head on something dangerous, turn the face to the side so the salivia can flow out of the mouth, do not put anyhting in the mouth, when it has stoped allow the child to rest, tell the parents,
discuss the four ways of child abuse
1. physical abuse- hitting hurting
2. neglect- leaving the child to fend on their own
3. sexual abuse- rape, inapporpriate touch
4. emotional abuse-
what are some signs of abuse
1. physical abuse- has unexpalined bruses or other injuries, seems frightened of the parents, shrinks at the approch of adults.
2. neglect- frequently absent from school, lacks needed medical dental care, lacks suffiencet clothing
3. sexual abuse- diffuculty walking or sitting, refuses to change for gym,
4. emotional abuse- extremes in behaviors, has attempted suicide,
Identify and discuss wheelchair courtesy
always remember that the person uses a wheel chair and is not confied to it, only offer assistance if it seems needed, talk face to face with the person and maintian a normal voice level, make sure the wheelchair is kept within reach when they are not in it, when nessasary give advice like better routes to the user, respect the wheelchair, regrad the wheelchair in a positive manner
common characteristics of a gifted child?
manages and processes info, has wide intrest, is highly motivated by academic tasks, critizes self, is intense, takes risks, strives for perfection
describe acceleration and enrichment also give examples of these programs
acceleration is putting the student in a higher grade than his same aged peers, example is sending a 16 year old to college.
Enrichment- additional learning experiences are provided while keeping the student with their own aged peers. Example is a system called challenge where the gifted students would go for an hour or two each day to do advanced learning
describe possible reasons for why females are underrepresented in programs for giftedness
females are not looked at as the bright ones in the past it has always been men who made great discoveries.
The words ʺautisticʺ and ʺautismʺ come from the Greek word autos, meaning )
Which term is used to describe disorders similar in many ways to autism? (Points : 1)
autism-like disorder
autism spectrum disorder
autism behavior disorder
autism developmental disorder
autism spectrum disorder
3. Someone who exhibits echolalia would (Points : 1)
reverse pronouns.
sound robotic when speaking.
speak too loudly.
parrot what he or she hears.
parrot what he or she hears.
4. Autism spectrum disorder and pervasive developmental disorder are characterized by varying degrees of impairment in each of the following areas EXCEPT (Points : 1)
social interactions.
gross motor skills.
communication of ideas and feelings.
repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior.
gross motor skills.
How many people have an autism spectrum disorder? (Points : 1)
about 1 out of 170
about 1 out of 2,500
about 1 out 1,000
about 1 out of 10
about 1 out of 170
The disorder that is much more prevalent in females than males is (Points : 1)
Asperger syndrome.
childhood disintegrative disorder.
pervasive developmental disorder.
Rett syndrome
Rett Syndrome
Which term was once commonly applied to mothers of children with autism? (Points : 1)
warmhearted moms
coldhearted moms
refrigerator moms
neglectful moms
refrigerator moms
Repetitive, ritualistic motor movements such as twirling, flapping hands, and rocking are known as (Points : 1)
impaired social responsiveness.
impaired communication.
preoccupation with objects.
stereotypic behaviors.
stereotypic behaviors.
Jeremy has severe autism. He does not interact with others socially and his intellectual functioning appears to be very low. However, Jeremy has extraordinary ability as a pianist (though he is not interested in performing for other people). Which term best describes Jeremy? (Points : 1)
Asperger syndrome
Rett syndrome
autistic savant
autistic genius
autistic savant
10. The social skills that are not taught directly but people are assumed to know, or social rules or conventions that most of us learn incidentally, are what is referred to to as the (Points : 1)
hidden curriculum.
secret curriculum.
social curriculum.
undisclosed curriculum.
hidden curriculum.
The three most prominent theories that identify the major impairments attributed to autism spectrum disorders include each of the following EXCEPT (Points : 1)
executive functions.
family systems.
weak central coherence.
theory of mind.
family systems.
Which intervention for autism spectrum disorders seems to have the strongest scientifically based research support? (Points : 1)
facilitated communication
relationship development intervention (RDI)
play-oriented strategies
applied behavior analysis (ABA)
applied behavior analysis (ABA)
Which statement about the causes of autism spectrum disorder is true? (Points : 1)
Autism spectrum disorder is likely caused by parental attitudes and behavior.
Scientists have established unequivocally that the cause is neurological.
Psychoanalytic ideas attribute autism to brain malfunction.
Psychoanalytic ideas attribute autism to brain malfunction.
Scientists have established unequivocally that the cause is neurological.
Who was the guest speaker in class on Monday, Nov. 15, who spoke about students with autism in the classroom? (Points : 1
Susan Sybert
. Impairments that a child is born with are referred to as (Points : 1)
primary characteristics.
congenital anomalies.
secondary problems.
congenital anomalies
2. What effect have advances in medicine had on the need for special education due to physical disabilities? (Points : 1)
almost eliminated the need for special education for the majority of students with physical disabilities
increased the need for special education for students with severe disabilities
made it more difficult to identify students with physical disabilities
the number of students needing services has been unaffected by medical advances
increased the need for special education for students with severe disabilities
Impairments that are the result of injury to the brain that also affect the ability to move parts of oneʹs body are (Points : 1)
neurological impairments.
traumatic brain injuries.
orthopedic impairments.
neuromotor impairments.
neuromotor impairments.
Cerebral palsy is classified by (Points : 1)
the limbs involved and type of motor disability.
time period during which brain damage occurred.
severity of the symptoms.
the effect on intellectual functioning.
the limbs involved and type of motor disability.
5. When all four limbs are involved about equally in paralysis, the classification is (Points : 1)
. All of the following procedures should be followed if a student has a seizure in school EXCEPT (Points : 1)
turning childʹs face to the side.
inserting an object between the teeth.
loosening clothing.
allowing child to sleep or rest after the movements stop
inserting an object between the teeth.
7. Harris has a congenital midline defect resulting from failure of the bony spinal column to close completely during fetal development. His condition is known as (Points : 1)
cleft lip.
spinal meningitis.
spina bifida.
cleft palate.
spina bifida
. Tim has a hereditary disease characterized by progressive weakness and degeneration of muscle fibers. His condition is (Points : 1)
muscular dystrophy.
spina bifida.
cerebral palsy.
multiple sclerosis.
muscular dystrophy
. Jim has an artificial leg. This is an example of a/an (Points : 1)
adaptive device.
assistive device.
. Which principles are most important to keep in mind when considering prosthetics and orthotics? (Points : 1)
residual function, simplicity, reliability
age of person, length of limb, intelligence of person
residual function, length of limb, cost of device
residual function, simplicity, health of person
residual function, simplicity, reliability
. Which statement is FALSE? (Points : 1)
A teacher who fails to report child abuse or neglect may be held legally liable.
Even though a personʹs brain may be intact and functioning properly, he or she may have neurological impairment because of damage to the spinal cord.
Although cerebral palsy is not contagious, it is progressive.
Teenage mothers are more likely than older women to give birth to premature or low-birthweight
Although cerebral palsy is not contagious, it is progressive.
. A person who provides support for daily living skills and fine motor skills is a(n) (Points : 1)
physical therapist.
occupational therapist.
adaptations specialist.
cognitive therapist.
occupational therapist.
Which one of the following statements reflects a common misconception about giftedness?
(Points : 1)
Children who are gifted usually like school.

Motivation and creativity are as much of an indicator of giftedness as IQ.

Some people are gifted in one area only.

Individuals who are gifted intellectually tend to be socially inept.
Individuals who are gifted intellectually tend to be socially inept.
Claudia has an exceptional ability to separate relevant from irrelevant information and to relate new and old information in a novel and productive way. Claudia demonstrates which characteristic?
(Points : 1)
Having a spectacular aptitude or capacity in any area or extremely rare intellectual power refers to
(Points : 1)
Special ability, aptitude, or accomplishment ordinarily refers to
(Points : 1)
What services are mandated by federal law for students who are gifted?
(Points : 1)
Students who are gifted are protected by IDEA and so have the same rights to receive an appropriate education.

Similar services are mandated as are required by IDEA although the student generally does not need to have an IEP.

Schools must provide programs but they do not need to be individualized.

None; services are not required by federal law.
None; services are not required by federal law.
According to the most common elements of state definitions, giftedness is evidenced by all of the following EXCEPT
(Points : 1)
superior intellectual ability.

extraordinary capacity for leadership.

superior athletic ability.

exceptional creativity in music
superior athletic ability.
Sternbergʹs theory of intelligence suggests three kinds of giftedness:
(Points : 1)
verbal, quantitative, and spatial.

analytic, synthetic, and practical.

academic, artistic, and interpersonal.

abstract, concrete, and intuitive.
analytic, synthetic, and practical.
Federal reports and legislation have assumed that the prevalence of giftedness in the school population is about
(Points : 1)
1 to 2 %
3 to 5 %
10 to 12 %
15 to 20 %
3 to 5 %
Which statement is true?
(Points : 1)
Intellectually gifted children are often insensitive to the feelings of others.

Students who are gifted do not need education in morality.

Advanced cognitive abilities often result in poor emotional adjustment.

Intellectually gifted children are often highly concerned about interpersonal relationships, intrapersonal states, and moral issues.
Intellectually gifted children are often highly concerned about interpersonal relationships, intrapersonal states, and moral issues.
The largest group of neglected students with gifts is
(Points : 1)
students with disabilities
students from lower socioeconomic levels.
students from culturally diverse backgrounds
Additional experiences provided to students without placing them in a higher grade are known as
(Points : 1)
resource programs
mentor programs
Larry, a student who is gifted, skipped third grade. This is an example of which programming strategy?
(Points : 1)
independent student
special class
Renzulliʹs approach to schoolwide enrichment focuses on
(Points : 1)
cooperative learning.

real-life investigations.

science and math.

independent study
real-life investigations.
T or F
about 435,000 students in U.S. public schools have physical disabilities