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8 Cards in this Set

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Enumeration of Campylobacter (ISO 10272 - 2:2017)

The solid selective medium, modified Charcoal Cefoperozone Deoxycholate Agar (mCCD agar) is inoculated with a specified quantity of the test portion if the product is liquid or of the initial suspension in the case of other products.

Other plates are prepared under the same conditions, using decimal dilutions of the test portion or of the initial suspension.

The plates are incubated at 41.5°C in a microaerobic atmosphere and examined after 44 hours to record the number of suspect Campylobacter colonies.


The suspect Campylobacter colonies are examined for morphology and motility using a microscope and sub-culturee on a non-selective blood agar and then confirmed by detection of oxidase activity and an aerobic growth test at 25°C.

Campylobacter - Gram? Morphology?

Gram Negative. Comma or S shaped

Campylobacter Growth

Optimum temp = 20°C to 45°C


Campylobacter is found where?

The intestines of many types of animals.

Campylobacter survival

Survives up to 15 times longer at 2°C than at 20°C

Symptoms of Campylobacter food poisoning

Diarrhea, fever, headache and abdominal pain

Why is the Campylobacter sample kept within 1 to 8°C?

Is it so as to allow for a small degree of growth that can be measured