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40 Cards in this Set

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The adult ear canal?

rises upward and forward, then descends to the drum

The isthmus is ?

where the canal narrow to enter the temporal bone

The pinna and external canal together:

gather and reinforce acoustical signals

with the irregular shape of the auricle, causes increases and decreases at different frequencies as the sound arrives at the ear

forms a resonating tube

All of the above

The average resonant frequency of the ear canal plus concha is ?

2700 Hz

The dividing line between the external ear and the middle ear is the?

tympanic membrane

The ear canal contains?

cilia, ceruminous glands, sebaceous glands

The Vagus Nerve (Xth Cranial) is found?

along the bottom of the ear

Which of the following terms is not part of the tympanic membrane?

pars tensa


pars flaccida


An otoscopic inspection should reveal?

a view of the pearly white tympanic membrane

Which of the following is part of the pinna?


intertragal notch

triangular fossa

all of the above

Atresia refers to:

A closure of the auditory canal

Perforation of the ear drum is?

Any tearing of the eardrum that can be caused by many things, like an infection, explosion or fracture of the temporal bone

What are the 4 types of hearing loss





Conductive losses can be caused by

A. a prolapsed canal B. impacted cerumen C. damaged hair cells D. (a) and (b) above

Which surgical technique repairs a torn TM?


A Cholesteatoma is described as:

a pouch of skin filled with epithelial debris

When an excess of cerumen or a blockage of cerumen is detected, the hearing aid specialist should:

Refer to physician

A swollen ear may be caused by:

A. eczema B. otitis externa C. dermatitis D. all of the above

Tympanosclerosis may be described as:

calcium deposits

A tympanic perforation may cause what type of hearing loss


Theoretically, the increase in sound pressure provided by the middle ear structure is about how many DB


The footplate of the stapes fits into the:

the Oval Window

A type 'A' tympanogram would indicate which kind of compliance?


The difference in area size between the tympanic membrane and the footplate of the stapes increasing the sound pressure at the footplate is:

the transfer function or aerial ratio

The middle ear cavity contains:

annular ligament, malleus, stapes and tensor tympani

The middle ear system is often referred to as :

fundamental transformer

The middle ear cavity, as a transducer, changes energy from one form to another. The energy change is from:

Acoustic, mechanical, hydraulic

The middle ear muscles contract, resulting in:

Acoustic Reflex

he middle ear muscles contract, resulting in:


The eustachian tube of a child is:

A. straight B. short C. horizontal D. all of the above

A cholesteatoma:
A. occurs in the middle ear B. may perforate the eardrum C. is usually accompanied by a constant odorous discharge D. all of the above
Changes in either stiffness or mass occur when the normal middle ear function is altered by disease or trauma causing:
a feeling of stuffiness or a complaint of hearing in a barrel
Otosclerosis is?
A. occurs more often in women than men B. occurs more often in Caucasians than other races C. appears to be inherited D. all of the above

Most dysfunctions of the outer or middle ear cause what kind of loss

Conductive loss

Otitis media may occur with:

fluid in the middle ear

A plastic or steel strut replaces the stapes during a:


Treatment for chronic otitis media may include:


A radical mastiodectomy includes removal of:

ossicular chain, mastoid

he ossicular chain is supported and suspended by:

stapedius, tensor tympani and ligaments

The ear, due to its physical characteristics, enhances which frequencies?
