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46 Cards in this Set

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Why do we eat?

To obtain nutrients used to supply energy, growth and repair of our bodies.

What is the word equation for Respiration?

Oxygen + Glucose - Water + Energy + Carbon Dioxide

What is the chemical equation for Respiration?

6O₂ + C₆H₁₂O₆ - 6H₂O + 6CO₂ + Energy

What are Biological Molecules?

The basic types of molecules that are made by or used by living organisms.

What are the Main sources of energy?

Main sources of energy are:



Proteins (mainly growth, can be respiration)

What parts of our diet help metabolism and digestion?

Help metabolism and digestion:





Which elements do all Carbohydrates contain?

Hint: Carbo-hydr-ates

All Carbohydrates contain:

Carbon (C)

Hydrogen (H)

Oxygen (O)

What are sugars?

Are they soluble?

Sugars are smaller, soluble carbohydrates that taste sweet.

They are normally soluble in water.

Why do we eat sugars?

When eaten, sugars are absorbed quickly.

They can then be respired to release energy quickly.

What are the two types of sugar?

Give examples of each.

1. Monosaccharides (one sugar)

eg: glucose, fructose, galactose

2.Disaccharides (two sugar)

eg: maltose, sucrose, lactose

What are Polysaccharides?

Give examples.

Polysaccharides (many sugar) are large insoluble carbohydrates.

Eg: Starch, Cellulose, Glycogen

How are Carbohydrates made?

Carbohydrates are made of:

many glucose molecules joined in a chain

What are Starch and Glycogen made from?

At what speed are they digested?

Starch and Glycogen are made from simple sugar.

They are slowly digested.

They release energy slowly

Name 3 Starch rich foods

Starch rich foods:




Name 3 Glycogen rich foods

Glycogen rich foods:

-Lamb Liver



Name 3 Sugar rich foods

Sugar rich foods:




Which elements do Proteins contain?

Proteins contain:

-Carbon (C)

-Hydrogen (H)

-Oxygen (O)

-Nitrogen (N)

-Sulphur (S)

How are Protein Molecules made?

Protein molecules are made of amino acids.

These are joined by peptite bonds, in a chain.

This chain folds into specific shapes to carry out different jobs.

What does Protein do?

Protein helps our bodies grow and repair damaged tissues.

Name 3 Protein rich foods

Protein rich foods:




What are Lipids?

Lipid molecules are triglycerides that are used to store energy in our bodies.

Which Elements do Lipids contain?

Lipids contain:

-Carbon (C)

-Hydrogen (H)

-Oxygen (O)

What do Lipids do?

Give an example

Lipids give us energy, insulate and protect organs.

eg: Kidneys protected by Fat

Are Lipids Soluble in Water?

Lipids are insoluble in water

What are solid lipids called?

Solid Lipids are known as fats

What are fluid lipids called?

Fluid Lipids are known as oils

What are lipids made from?

Lipids are made from Fatty Acids and Glycerol

How do you test for starch?

1. Place sample in test tube.

2.Add 2-3 drops of iodine solution.

3.Shake gently.

4.Check if result is positive or negative.

What is the positive result for starch?

Positive - The solution changes colour:

Brown - Blue / Black

What is the negative result for starch?

Negative - Solution stays same colour:

brown / yellow

How do you test for Glucose?

NB: step 3. Put Beaker on a heatproof mat.

1. Put known volume of sample in test tube.

2. Add =volume of Benedict's solution

4. Half-fill beaker w/ boiling water and put test tube in for 5 mins.

5.Check if result is positive or negative

What is the positive result for Glucose?

Positive - Solution changes colour:

Blue - Red / Yellow / Green

What is the negative result for Glucose?

Negative - Solution stays same colour:

Stays Blue

What fraction of our body mass is water?

What % of our Blood is water?

Our body mass is approx. 2/3 water

Our blood is approx 96% water

Why is water vital for life?

- Needed for Chemical reactions in body

- Blood

(needed to transport substances around body)

1.Why must we drink sufficient quantities of water?

2.How much should we drink?

1.Water is lost when metabolic waste is excreted

2.We need approx. 2L of water a day

What is fibre made of?

Does it provide energy?

Fibre is made from indigestible cellulose

(found in fruit and vegetables)

It doesn't provide energy

What is another name for Fibre?

- Dietary Fibre

- Roughage

Why do we need to eat Fibre?

- Fibre adds bulk to food

-Fibre helps movement of food through intestines

-Fibre lowers uptake of cholestrol

(reduces risk of heart disease + bowel cancer)

What are the effects of too little Fibre?

Too little fibre in a diet can cause constipation

What are deficiency diseases?

How can they be cured?

Deficiency diseases are caused when the body doesn't have enough vitamins / minerals

They can be cured by eating right foods.

For Vitamin A, what are the:

1.Sources in diet

2.Uses in body

3.Deficiency Diseases

1. Carrots, Butter, Milk, Liver

2. Good eyesight, Healthy skin

3. Sore eyes, Poor night vision,unhealthy skin

For Vitamin C, what are the:

1.Sources in diet

2.Uses in body

3.Deficiency Diseases

1. Citrus Fruits

2. Tissue repair, Resistance to disease

3. Scurvy

For Vitamin D, what are the:

1.Sources in diet

2.Uses in body

3.Deficiency Diseases

1. Fish oil, Milk, Butter, Sunlight (made during)

2. Strong bones, Strong teeth

3. Rickets

For Iron, what are the:

1.Sources in diet

2.Uses in body

3.Deficiency Diseases

1. Liver, Meat, Cocoa

2. Healthy red blood cells

3. Anaemia

For Calcium, what are the:

1.Sources in diet

2.Uses in body

3.Deficiency Diseases

1. Milk, Green Veg

2. Strong bones, Strong teeth

3. Soft bones