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49 Cards in this Set

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An external force that drives a worker to perform well is:

Ability and motivation

___ determines whether a person can do the job properly and___ determines whether that person will do it properly.

Situational & chronic

____ self-esteem focuses on an individuals feelings in a particular situation, whereas___ self-esteem focuses on how a person feels about himself based in the expectations of others.

Perform better at work

According to research, employees with high self-esteem are likely to:

Doesn't increase subordinate self-esteem

According to research by Eden (1998), training supervisors who use the Pygmalion Leadership Style:


Bob hates his work but will work hard in the supervision is around to punish employees who are not working. Bob is probably____ motivation.


_____ needs are the 3rd level of Maslows hierarchy of needs.

Has shown people skip levels

In general, research on Maslow's theory :


Making goals____ would not increase their effectiveness.

No effect on performance

3 meta-analysis indicate that allowing an employee to participate in goal setting will result in:

Goal setting theory

Brian assigns tasks that are challenging, yet achievable and specifically tells employees what he expects from them. It sounds like Brian believes in:

The Premack Principle

An individual does not like to do laundry but prefers to do laundry over studying for exams. Because doing laundry is liked more than studying,____ predicts that the opportunity to do laundry will motivate a person to study.

Security and incentive

Benefits provide___ and variable pay provides____.


An employer will give $3 each month to every employee with perfect attendance. According to the___ component of expectancy theory, this plan will not motivate employees.


The president of Peso Bank tries to motivate employees by giving them $1000 every time he notices them providing excellent customer service. The problem is that the president is never in branch offices. According to the___ component of expectancy theory, this plan will not motivate employees.


The sales manager at Clinton Inhalants has promised $5000 bonus to any sales rep who increases sales by 500%. According to the___ component of expectancy theory, this plan will not motivate employees.


A waiter is asked to increase his check average by suggestively selling appetizers, salads, and desserts. It has been explained to the waiter that the larger the check average, the more he will make in tips. However, the waiter does not believe that suggestive selling will actually result in increased tips.

Reduce her effort

If an employee feels she is underpaid for the effort she exerts she will probably

Equity theory

All of Armands employees make the same amount of money but he thinks they lie to each other about how much they make. To stop this, he posts all salary info on the bulletin board. Armand seems to believe in___.

More motivated

Employees who work with highly motivated employees are likely to be___ than employees who work with unmotivated coworkers.

Job satisfaction and organizational commitment

___ is the attitude one has toward her job and___ is the extent to which an employee identifies with and is involved in an organization.

High complexity jobs

Job satisfaction is most related to performance in:

Organizational commitment

Job satisfaction is most related to:

Across both time and jobs

According to research, an employees job satisfaction level is consistent :


Research indicates that about___ of job satisfaction is genetically determined.


Which of the following is not a component of a core self-evaluation?


The extent to which the rewards, salary, and benefits received by employees are perceived to be consistent with their efforts and performance is called_____ fit.

Uniform plan

Rauls desk is located in a cubicle next to 30 other cubicles. Rauls company uses a___ to design it's office.

Single strand

When one employee passes information to another, who passes the information to another, they are using what type of grapevine pattern?


According to meta-analysis by Colquitt and his colleagues,___ justice is most related to job performance.

Subconsciously and perceived

An employee determines if she is being treated equitably by____ weighing the___ input and outputs associated with herself and other employees.

Job enlargement and job rotation

With___, employees are given more tasks to do at one time, whereas___ means that an employee performs the same number of tasks at one particular time and the moves on.

Intimacy and social

Husbands and wives usually use the___ spatial distance zone whereas people transacting business will use the___ zone.


The tone, tempo and volume in which one speaks is a nonverbal cue known as:


Ms. Brown has all of her awards and certificates she has earned on her wall. She is using_____ communicate her personality.

Open desk arrangements

Visitors to offices that use___ perceive the offices to be more comfortable and their occupants more friendly and trustworthy.


To help employees cope with stress and personal problems, __ employers provide epas.

Dale-Chall index

The readability index that uses the number of uncommon words is:


Which of the following is NOT important for readability?

MUM effect and serial

A top executive never receive negative information from her staff. This is known as____ and is a disadvantage of___ communication.

Bulletin board

Which of the following is NOT a method to facilitate upward communication?

Complaint box

Which of these is NOT a method of downward communication?


Internal, organization-wide electronic communication networks are called:

One word subject line

Which of the following is NOT good email etiquette?


____ communication is the exchange of a message across a communication channel from one person to another.


A manager is experiencing communication overload to the point that she is throwing away memos without reading them. This approach to handling the overload is:

Omission and Error

____ is a conscious decision not to process certain info whereas___ is an attempt to deal with every message received.


An employee prioritizes an emergency phone call at the top of her to do list.


Which of the following is NOT a method for handling communication overload.