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100 Cards in this Set

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erogenous zones

parts of the body that are especially sensitive to tactile stimulation, strokes, and caresses

Field Study

Also known as a naturalistic observation

the empirical approach to studying human sexuality is based on____.

research evidence

which parts of the brain play a key role in sexual response?

cerebral cortex and the limbic system

Researchers have speculated that the brains of trans individuals may have____

prenatally sexually differentiated in the opposite direction of the genitals


a fertilized ovum


the swelling of the genital tissues with blood

the concept of the third gender challenges____



within the hindu religion refers to the affection between two males

congenital adrenal hyperplasia is caused by the excessive levels of ____


Greek men viewed their wives as being _____ and _______

oversexed; insatiable

It is believed the first human taboo involved

incestuous behavior

(T/F) variations in sexuality, nature, and relationships is the norm.


(T/F) Sexual pleasure within the animal kingdom, builds alliances, encourages cooperation, and defuses hostility.


Correlational research

explores the relationship between variables


the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures.

The sense of _____ may modify other women's menstrual cycles.


Why do researchers choose NOT to measure an entire population?

it is often impossible to study all of a population

When a person has gonads of one sex, but external genitalia that are ambiguous or typical of another sex they are considered to be____


(T/F) Viagra and other erectile dysfunction drugs have been show to work for men but not for women


(T/F) In Kaplain's model of sexual response there is no variability of in the sequence of her phases.

False; she treats the phases as independent components that can have a variable sequence

(T/F) Men and women are equally interested in visually erotic media.

False; generally, men tend to be more interested than women

Immediately after orgasm, a male is unable to have another orgasm due to moving into a______

refractory period


the male condition when one or both testes remains undescended at birth

What is the process by which males and female develop distinct reproductive anatomy called?

sexual differentiation

In the presence of the Y chromosome, male hormones called androgens cause the fetus to___

develop male internal and external genitalia

Steps of the Scientific Method

-Ask a Question.

-Do Background Research.

-Construct a Hypothesis.

-Test Your Hypothesis, Experiment.

-Analyze Your Data and Draw a Conclusion.

-Communicate Your Results.

(T/F) Decreasing masturbation is a chemical free way on increasing ones sex drive.

False, frequency of masturbation does not affect sex drive

Turner Syndrome

when a person has one one X set of chromosomes and no second sex chromosome

(T/F) In India longing for a lover might be considered better than a union between lovers


Historically, eastern tradition emphasizes a balance between ______ and ______

sexuality; spirituality

(T/F) In Mid-eastern thinking, sex was so disruptive to men that women had to be separated and controlled.



love of boys

The term ____ refers to anatomical or biological categories, whereas _______ refers to social or cultural categories.

sex; gender

Name the three stages of Kaplan's three stage model

desire, excitement, orgasm

Evolutionary theory argues that men and women should be more interested in sex when _______.

a woman is ovulating

(T/F) A man in ancient Greece would likely be arrested if caught having sex with a prepubescent boy.


A random sample is;

when every member of the population has an equal chance of participating

What part of the Y chromosome have researchers identified as an important component in sexual differentiation?

sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene

Masters and Johnson found that the human sexual response was comprised of how many phases?

Four; excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

(T/F) Akhenaten was possible an intersex individual


Klinefelter Syndrome

a person with an XXY chromosome pattern

Case study

a long-tern study of a singly individual

What idea most influenced christianity's early views of sexuality?

Augustine's idea that procreation is the only reason a married couple may have sexual intimacy

Sex education classes in most secondary schools in the US do not cover the topic of_____

sexual techniques


beliefs about what is right or wrong, or desirable vs undesirable.

(T/F) Phallic symbols were NOT commonly found in ancient Stone Age art.


the clitoris and the male penis are _____



the ring of tissue that partially or fully covers the vaginal opening

(T/F) Abortion increases a woman's risk of breast cancer.


(T/F) Women are born with all the ova she will ever have.


Mons Veneris

the female structure that consists of fatty tissue that covers the pubic bone in the front of the body

A young woman's first menstrual period is called ______.


Imperforated hymen

when the hymen is almost completely, or is completely closed.

A clear difference between the penis and clitoris is ______

the clitoris has no known function other than sexual pleasure.

Labia majora

the outermost folds that protect the inner female genetalia

The fluid of the Bartholin's gland ______.

provides vaginal lubrication

Fertilization of the ova usually occurs in the______.

Fallopian tubes

During the secretory stage of the menstrual cycle__________.

large amounts of estrogen and progesterone are produced

Proponents of "female circumcision" claim that the removal of the clitoris is an attempt to

ensure chastity


the area between the woman's labia minora

During the menstrual flow, which of the following are shed?

cells from the endomentrial lining


a bladder inflammation

Proliferate phase

the first phase of the menstrual cycle


the dark ring that surrounds the nipple


female circumcision that involves the complete removal of the clitoris along with the labia minora and inner layers or the labia majora

The clitoris responds to sexual stimulation by

engorging with blood


the sheath of skin, or hood, that covers the clitoral shaft

(T/F) The menstrual cycle involves a relationship between the brain, ovaries, and the utuerus


How many cylinders of tissue does the penis consist of?


(T/F) Sperm find their way to the egg by specialized smell receptors.


Sexual arousal, such as erection or vaginal lubrication, is ________.

a reflex

Sterilization of males involves ______.

cutting of the vas defferens

Spermatogenesis takes place in the_______.

seminiferous tubules

Name the parts of the penis from the top to bottom

meatus, glans, corona, shaft, root

What is the amount of time it takes for a teste to develop a mature sperm?

72 days

In the scrotum, each testicle hands from a(n) _________.

spermatic cord

(T/F) Men with spinal cord injuries above the sacral spine can achieve both erection and ejaculation.


(T/F) The most common age in men for testicular cancer is 20-34.


(T/F) In aging males, a drop in testosterone levels can be associated with a reduction in body fat.


Corpa Cavernosa

the side-by-side cylinders in the male penis that stiffen during arousal


the cheese-like, foul smelling substance, that can collect under the foreskin.

the epididymus empties into the _______.

vas deferens

(T/F) A digital rectal examination is a good way to detect cancer of the testes.


Regarding nocturnal erection, is has been established that they are

physiologically based

What houses the chromosomes?

the head of the spermatozoon

(T/F) men experience that an ejaculation is inevitable during the pressure phase of the ejaculation.


In male sex organs, testosterone is secreted by the ________.

interstial cells

(T/F) In males, ejaculation and orgasm do NOT always occur at the same time.


In males during arousal, which gland secretes pre-ejaculatory fluid?

Cowper's glands

The main function of the epididymus is ________.

to house sperm while they finish maturing

Circumcision of a male results in the removal of what?

the foreskin

Combination pills contain synthetic ______.

estrogen and progesterone

(T/F) People tend to rate their own attractiveness about the same as other's ratings of their attractiveness.


(T/F) Most gay people are content with their own gender.


Researchers have found evidence linking a region on _______ to a gay males sexual orientation.

X chromosome

The most likely reason for a woman to have a miscarriage (AKA spontaneous abortion) is _______.

serious genetic abnormalities in the fetus

In terms of attractiveness, cross cultural research suggests that _______.

certain facial features typify beauty universally

What is the most common infertility problem for males?

low sperm count

The best method to prevent pregnancy and prevent against sexually transmitted diseases is ______.
