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127 Cards in this Set

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What term did Oprah Winfrey normalize?


What does the book I'll Show You Mine contain?

Personal stories about 60 women and life-size, close-up, color photos of their vulvas

What does the book Petals contain?

48 black and white photographs of vulvas.

Venus was the Roman goddess of what?

Love and beauty.

In the 90s, removing pubic hair was primarily the practice of who?

Porn stars and exotic dancers.

In the 90s Western World, what were body piercings associated with?

Exotic, faraway peoples seen in National Geographic.

Why do some women contemplate labiaplasty?

In order to make their vulvas look like those of porn stars.

What can aesthetic ideals for the vulva do to women?

Contribute to their negative feelings about their vulvas.

Genital dissatisfaction is connected with what?

Genital self-consciousness and less sexual satisfaction experienced during sexual intimacy.

What is the labia minora?

The inner lips of the vulva, one on each side of the vaginal opening.

What is The Great Wall of Vagina?

A 30 foot long sculpture consisting of 400 casts of vulvas made from real women, ages 18 to 64.

Crura is Latin for what?


How many girls undergo one of several types of genital cutting each year?

2 million girls and women in more than 40 countries.

How many women and girls now living have experienced genital cutting?

Between 100 million and 140 million.

Female genital cutting is still practiced where despite a constitutional ban?


What percentage of women who have undergone genital cutting die from childbirth complications?

50% more than women who have not been cut.

What is one of Sudan's most vile insults?

The son of an uncircumcised mother.

Young girls may experience genital cutting where?

Aftica and the Middle East.

What makes female genital cutting and labiaplasty similar?

Both are done to conform to a cultural ideal of appearance, to transcend shameful feelings about their genitals, and to feel acceptably feminine and to be desirable to sexual partners.

Why might Western women be considered more oppressed than women who undergo genital cutting as children?

Western women have to pay to have their genitals altered, but risk scrutiny if they go unaltered.

What percentage of married women have experienced FGC in Egypt?


What does vestibule mean in terms of architecture?

The entryway of a house.

What is hymenalplasty?

Surgical reconstruction of the hymen.

What are the vestibular bulbs?

Two bulbs, one in each side of the vaginal opening, that engorge with blood during sexual arousal.

What are Bartholin's glands?

Two small glands slightly inside the vaginal opening that secrete a few drops of fluid during sexual arousal.

What are the cavernous bodies?

Two small spongy structures.

What do Bartholin's glands do?

Produce a drop or two of fluid just before orgasm.

Why do women who have recently given birth commonly lose urine when they cough or sneeze?

Excessive stretching and tearing of perineal muscles during childbirth.

Women are more likely to be aware of vaginal contractions at orgasm during manual clitoral stimulation than during what?


The seminal fluid of the male helps do what?

Alkalinize the vagina.

What is douching?

Rinsing out the inside of the vagina.

What has advertising done to our cultural negativity about female sexual organs?

Turned it into an extremely profitable business.

How much do women in the United States spend each year on over the counter douches?

Millions of dollars.

What does anteflexed mean?

Tipped forward toward the abdomen.

What does retroflexed mean?

Tipped back toward the spine.

What is a zygote?

United sperm and egg.

How long are the fallopian tubes?

4 inches.

How big are the ovaries?

Size and shape of almonds.

How many ova are destined for full maturation during a woman's reproductive years?


What are fallopian tubes?

Two tubes, extending from the sides of the uterus, in which the egg and sperm travel.

What does shedding blood symbolize in South Africa?

The transformation into adulthood.

What is an East Indian description of menstruation?

The flower growing in the house of the god of love.

What is one aspect of the menstrual cycle that people often see as positive?

Its cyclic pattern.

Average menarche is earlier where?

Lower altitudes.

What is the average age of menarche for girls born after the 80s?

12.4 years of age.

What percentage of girls who are currently 6 to 11 years old are overweight?


Mittelschmerz is German for what?

Middle pain.

FSH is what?

Follicle-stimulating hormone.

LH is what?

Luteinizing hormone.

If two ova are fertilized, what happens?

Nonidentical twins will develop.

If one egg is fertilized and then divides into two separate zygotes, what happens?

Identical twins result.

What are two hormones that affect the ovaries?

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH).

What is the corpus luteum?

The portion of the follicle that remains after the matured egg has been released.

What do lap dancers earn when ovulating?

$70 per hour.

What do lap dancers on the pill earn compared do dancers not on the pill?

$37 per hour with pill, $53 per hour without.

What is PMS short for?

Premenstrual syndrome.

How many premenstrual symptoms are listed in medical and research literature?


Where do fat layers become slightly thicker before menstruation?

In the waist and thighs.

What percentage of women experience mild discomfort premenstrually?


What percentage of women have symptoms severe enough for a diagnosis of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)?

Five percent.

What percentage of adolescents experience some degree of dysmenorrhea?


What are the two types of amenorrhea?

Primary and secondary.

When was the first report of toxic shock syndrome published?

May 1980.

What product has been removed from the market since the 80s?

Highly absorbent tampons.

What has been suggested as a way to avoid toxic shock?

Using sanity napkins instead of tampons.

What is TSS?

Toxic shock syndrome.

What age do the ovaries begin to slow the production of estrogen?

40 years of age.

What percentage of women experience a change in menstrual patterns and sexual response during premenopause?


At age 40, a woman's level of what is half what it was when she was 20 years old?

Circulating testosterone.

What is menopause?

One of the events of the female climacteric, is the permanent cessation of menstruation.

What percentage of women reach menopause by age 45?


What are perfluorocarbons?

Man-made chemicals used in many household products.

What percentage of women experience hot flashes?


What is HT?

Hormone therapy.

What is CEE?

Conjugated equine estrogen.

Why is CEE opposed?

The treatment of the mares and foals endure in order for the urine to be harvested.

A 12-year French study of almost 100,000 women found what?

Those who used estrogen and a bioidentical progesterone that is unavailable in the United States experienced no significant increase in breast cancer compared to women who never took any menopausal hormones.

What can cause unpleasant odors?

Forgotten tampons or diaphragms.

What does nylon underwear do?

Holds in heat and moisture that encourage bacterial growth.

How much has the death rate from cervical cancer decreased in the United States since 1941?


What percentage of women across the developing works survive cervical cancer?


How many women in the developing world die of cervical cancer in a year?

250,000 women

What does the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommend?

Women should have their first Pap smear at age 21 and have subsequent screenings every 3 years until age 30 and every 5 years between the ages of 30 and 65, depending on their health-care providers recommendations.

What percentage of women have advanced ovarian cancer by the time it is diagnosed?


How many women in the United States have hysterectomies a year?


What percentage of women have a hysterectomy by age 65?


What are secondary sex characteristics?

Physical characteristics other than genitals that distinguish males from females.

In 2008, how many women in the United States had cosmetic breast implant surgery?

Over 355,600.

Increasing numbers of young women have been receiving breast augmentation since when?


What percentage of women with breast implants experience side effects?


What percentage of breast lumps are found by women themselves?

Ninety percent.

What percentage of women can develop breast cancer from flaws in a gene?


How many types of lumps are there in breasts?


What are the two most common breast lumps?

Cysts, which are fluid filled sacks, and fibroadenomas, which are solid, rounded tumors.

What is a malignant tumor?

A tumor made up of cancerous cells.

In one year, breast cancer kills how many U.S. women and how many women worldwide?

40,000 U.S. women and 500,000 women worldwide.

Cancers that occur in young women are often what?

More aggressive and result in a higher mortality rate.

In 2010, how many men had breast cancer? How many fatal cases?

2,000 men. Fatal for 390.

What percentage of breast cancers in postmenopausal women may be prevented by lifestyle factors?


What is a lumpectomy?

Surgical removal of the lump and small amounts of surrounding tissue only.

What is a mastectomy?

Surgical removal of all or part of the breast.

What percentage of women who have had breast cancer experience sexual problems resulting from the physical effects of chemotherapy, radiation, and hormone therapy?


In 2002, how many women in the United States had implants following mastectomy?

About 70,000.

In 1974, who were the first public figures to openly discuss their breast cancer and mastectomies?

Betty Ford and Happy Rockefeller.

Pornography has influenced some women to do what?

Surgically alter their vulvas.

Genital self-exploration is a good way for a woman to do what?

Learn about her body and to notice any changes that may require medical attention.

The mons veneris and labia majora have underlying pads of what?

Fatty tissue.

The labia minora are what?

Folds of sensitive skin that begin at the hood over the clitoris and extend downward to below the vaginal opening.

The clitoris is composed of what?

The external glans and shaft and the internal crura.

The urethral opening is located where?

Between the clitoris and the vaginal introitus.

Many cultures have placed great importance on what?

The hymen as proof of virginity.

Below the surface of the vulva are what?

The vestibular bulbs and the pelvic floor muscles.

How far does the vagina extend into the pelvic captivity?

3 to 5 inches.

What are kegel exercises?

Voluntary contractions of the vaginal muscles.

What is vaginal lubrication important for?

Enhancing the longevity and motility of sperm cells and increasing pleasure and comfort of intercourse.

The Grafenberg spot occupies how much space?

1 centimeter along the surface of the top wall of the vagina.

The vaginal walls and cervix produce what?

Normal secretions?

The menstrual cycle results from what?

A complex interplay of hormones.

Some women have difficulties with what?

PMS, PMDD, or primary or secondary dysmenorrhea.

Amenorrhea occurs normally when?

During pregnancy, while breast feeding, and after menopause.

Menopause signals what?

The end of female fertility.

Hormone therapy is a medical treatment for what?

Menopausal symptoms.

A vaginal infection results in what?

Irritation, unusual discharge, or a disagreeable odor.

The Pap smear has significantly reduced what?

Deaths of cervical cancer.

There is considerable medical controversy about what?

The appropriate use of hysterectomy.

What are the breasts composed of?

Fatty tissue and milk-producing glands.

What are the three types of lumps that can appear in breasts?

Cysts, fibroadenomas, and malignant tumors.