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27 Cards in this Set

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Accommodation (cultural)

Process of partial or selective cultural change in which members of nondominant groups follow the norms, rules, and standards of the dominant culture only in specific circumstances and contexts.


A process of changing one's culture by incorporating elements of another culture; a mutual sharing of culture

Assimilation (cultural)

The process of change whereby individuals of one society or ethnic group are culturally incorporated or absorbed into another by adopting the patterns and norms of the host culture

Bicultural socialization

Process whereby members of nonmajority groups master both the dominant culture and their own culture

Biological determinism

Defining and differentiating social behavior on the basis of biological and genetic endowment

Common sense

Shared ways of perceiving reality and shared conclusions drawn from lived experience; an organized body of culture-bound beliefs that members of a community or society believe to be second nature, plain, obvious, and self-evident

Cultural conflict

Conflict over the meaning of cultural symbols

Cultural hegemony

The all-encompassing dominance of particular structures in society. Not limited to political control but includes a way of seeing the world that includes cultural and political dominance.

Cultural innovation

A process of adapting, modifying, and changing culture through interaction over time.

Cultural relativism

The position that behavior in a particular culture should not be judged by the standards of another culture.


Shared cognitive and emotional frames and lenses that serve as the bases for an evolving map for living. It is constructed from the entire spectrum of human actions and the material circumstances of people in societies as they attempt to create order, meaning, and value

Culture of poverty

A term coined by Oscar Lewis to describe the unique culture and ways of those who are impoverished; it has been used over time to look at impoverished people as having cultural deficits


Beliefs, values, & behaviors, such as marriage practices, child-rearing practices, dietary preferences, and attire, that are handed down through generations and become a part of a people's traditions

Ethnic identity

Feelings, beliefs, and behaviors associated with membership in an ethnic group that are based on common relations such as kinship, language, religion, geographic location, & historical experience


Considering one's own culture as superior and judging culturally different practices by the standards and norms of one's own culture


The moral and aesthetic tone, character, and quality of a people's life; their underlying feelings towards themselves and the world

Ideology (cultural)

The dominant ideas within a culture about the way things are and should work, derived from a group's social, economic, & political interests


Culturally defined standard or rule of conduct


Labeling people who fall outside of one's own group as abnormal, inferior, or marginal


A term used to describe contemporary culture as a postindustrial culture in which people are connected across time and place through global electronic communications; emphasis is on the existence of different worldviews and concepts of reality.

Practice orientation

A way of thinking about culture that recognizes the relationships and mutual influences among structures of society and culture, the impact of history, and the nature and impact of human action.


A system of social identity based on biological markers such as skin color that influences economic, social, and political relations


Discriminatory thoughts, Beliefs, and actions based on the assignment of an individual or group to a racial classification

Socioeconomic status (SES)

Social, economic, & political relations developed around education, economic, & occupational status; social class


Something verbal (language, words) or nonverbal (such as a flag) that comes to stand for something else; a way of expressing meaning


A process of handing down from one generation to another particular cultural beliefs and practices. In particular, a process of ratifying particular beliefs and practices by connecting them to selected social, economic, and political practices


A cognitive picture of the way things-- nature, self, society-- actually are