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10 Cards in this Set

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Smooth muscle
- involuntary
- nonstriated
Cardiac Muscle
- involuntary
- striated
- autorhythmic
Skeletal Muscle
- voluntary
- striated
- somatic NS
Four properties of muscles
- excitability: ability to receive and respond to a stimulus
-contractility: ability to shorten when adequately stimulated
- extensibility: ability to stretch beyond resting length
- elasticity: ability to resume resting length after stretch.
What is the series of elastic elements from (least to most complex)
- Muscle Cells: endomysium
- fascicle: perimysium
- Muscle: epimysium
What are muscle cells innervated by and what are they made of.
- innervated by one motor neuron terminal
- made of myofibrils (80% of the volume)
What are the thick and thin filaments of a myofibril made of
- Thick filament: myosin

- Thin filament: actin, tropomyosin, troponin
Components of:
- I band
- A band
- H zone
- Z disc
- M line
- I band: just thin actin
- A band: thick and thin
- H zone: only thick bands.
- Z disc; where think filament meet
- M Line: central area of thick line.
How can contraction be explained by looking at the muscle.
A person needs to focus on the Z line which is the area it is possible to notice the lines thin filaments sliding towards one another.
What do the Head and tail of myosin look like?
- Heads: ATP binding site and Actin binding site
- tails: core of thick filaments.