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92 Cards in this Set

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Our whole body is made up of ____
what reactions underline all physical properties in our body?
Define Energy
the capacity to do work or to put matter into motion... also known as force that moves matter
Define Kinetic Energy
Energy in action/motion
Define Potential Energy
Stored energy, the CAPACITY to do work.
Define matter
anything the occupies space and has mass, a substance
what are the states of matter?
solid, liquid, gas
Potential energy has matter true or false
what are the 4 forms of energy
1. Chemical
2. Electrical
3. Mechanical
4. Electromagnetic
Define chemical energy
energy stored in bonds of chemical substances like ATP
Define electrical energy
energy formed by the movement of charged particles (ions) across cell membrane
Which energy is involved with directly moving matter
Another term for wave energy
electromagnetic energy
what form of energy is found in the food we eat?
What form of energy is used to transmit messages from one part of the body to another?
electrical energy
What type of energy is available when we are still? When we are exercising?
POTENTIAL then converted into KINETIC energy when we exercise
All matter is composed of ______
What are the four elements that make up 96% of our body weight
carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen
total elements in our body
Elements are composed of building blocks known as ____
An atoms consists of a ____ containing ____ _____, with ____ in orbit around the nucleus in shells
1. nucleus
2. protons and neutron
3. electons
All matter is composed of ______
What are the four elements that make up 96% of our body weight
carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen
total elements in our body
Elements are composed of building blocks known as ____
An atoms consists of a ____ containing ____ _____, with ____ in orbit around the nucleus in shells
1. nucleus
2. protons and neutron
3. electons
what does an electrically neutral atom have?
equal number of protons and electrons
the number of protons denotes the 1. ____ ____ of an element; the number of protons plus the number of neutrons equals the 2. ____ ____
1. atomic number
2. atomic weight
all the mass of an atom is where?
the nucleus
What do protons determine? It is what makes the important
what the element is
What do the electrons determine?
HOW the element will react or bonds with the other atoms
Define Isotopes
Atoms of an element with different numbers of neutrons
What makes an atom radioacitve?
if the # of neutrons in an atom's nucleus make the atom UNSTABLE!
True or False a compound is formed when two or more atoms combine
False a MOLECULE is formed in a COMPOUND. A compound is formed when atoms of DIFFERENT elements combine.
How do the terms atomic mass and atomic weight differ?
atomic mass is the number of protons and neutrons, atomic weight indicates the average mass of all isotopes of a given element.
An element has a mass of 207 and has 125 neutrons in its nucleus. How many protons and electrons does it have and where is it located?
82 protons in nucleus and 82 electrons in its orbit (electron cloud).
What two elements besides H and N make up the bulk of living matter?
Carbon (C) and Oxygen (O)
Why is sodium chloride (NaCl) considered a compound but oxygen is not?
NaCl are different atoms/elements combing, oxygen is a molecule.
Define Ionic Bonding
the TRANSFER of one or more electrons from one atom to another
How are covalent bonds formed?
by SHARING electrons to become stable with filled outer shells
what kinds of bonds form between water molecules?
hydrogen bonds
Oxygen (8 O) and argon (18 A) are both gases, Oxygen combines readily with other elements, but argon does not. What accounts for the difference?
Argons valence electrons are full, therefore it is nonreactive.
How does hydrogen bonding work?
It works more like an attraction than true bonding, hydrogen atom is already linked to another atom and a bridge forms between them, Water
When does a chemical reaction occur?
When chemical bonds are broken, formed between ions, atoms, or molecules
what is the difference between reactants and products?
reactants are those that are changed by chemical rxn, products are what is formed after chemical rxn
true or false synthesis is when two or more atoms can be joined
larger molecules can be broken down into smaller molecules by ______ ______
decomposition reaction
_____ reactions have an exchange of electrons between the reactants.
oxidation-reduction (redox rxn)
larger molecules can be broken down into smaller molecules by ______ ______
decomposition reaction
_____ reactions have an exchange of electrons between the reactants.
what are the three types of mixtures?
solutions, colloids, suspensions
solute particle are very tiny, do not settle out or scatter light.. I am
a solution (mineral water)
my solute particles are larger than in a solution and scatter light; do not settle I AM
a colloid (gelatin)
My solute particles are very large, settle out, and may scatter light I AM
a suspension (blood)
what are the two metabolic processes?
anabolic and catabolic
define anabolic
the build of larger molecules from small ones, requiring energy.
anabolism uses ____ ____ by removing a molecule to join smaller molecules
dehydration synthesis
give some examples of dehydration synthesis
polysaccharides, lipids, and proteins
define catabolism
breaks apart larger molecules into their building blocks
a peptide bonds forms between two amino acids true or false
catabolism occurs via ___, wherein a molecule of water is inserted into a polymer which is split into two smaller molecules
what controls the rates of all the metabolic reactions in the cells?
what is the function of enzymes?
complex proteins used to lower the activation energy of a reaction so it my proceed rapidly.
another name for enzymes is
there are two types of energy flow, what are they?
exergonic and endergonic
define exergonic
release energy-products have less energy than initial reactants- energy/heat give off (water)
define endergonic
ABSORB energy-reactions contain more potential energy in the chemical bonds
substances that release ions in water are known as _____
electrolytes that release hydrogen ions in water are called _____
electrolytes that release ions that combine with hydrogen ions in water are called ___
__ represents the concentration of hydrogen ions [H+] in solution
true or false

compounds that contain both hydrogen and carbon are inorganic, the others are organic
false, hydrogen and carbon or ORGANIC the others are INORGANIC
what is the driving force of metabolism
oxygen -- its needed to release energy from nutrients and a driving forces
1. ___ ____ is released as a 2. ___ ____ during energy-releasing metabolic reactions
1. Carbon Dioxide
2. Waste Product
True or False, all carbon dioxide is release during metabolic reactions
False, not all
what is the driving force of metabolism
oxygen -- its needed to release energy from nutrients and a driving forces
1. ___ ____ is released as a 2. ___ ____ during energy-releasing metabolic reactions
1. Carbon Dioxide
2. Waste Product
True or False, all carbon dioxide is release during metabolic reactions
False, not all
what do carbohydrates provide for cellular activities
carbohydrates are made from _____
define steroids
a complex ring structures, and include cholesterol, which is used to synthesize sex hormones
define phospholipids
contain glycerol, two fatty acids, and a phosphate group, and are important in cell structures
another term for lipids is?
reserved energy
saturated fats have a single bond and unsaturated fats have a one or more double bonds. true or false
where is cholesterol produced?
the liver
cholesterol plays a big role in ____ ___ and _____
cell wall: vitamin D
what are the building blocks of proteins?
amino acids
proteins complex shape is held together by what bonds?
what forms genes and takes part of protein synthesis?
nucleic acids
what do nucleic acids contain?
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and phosphorus
what are two major types of nucleic acids?
True or False? DNA is the genetic information which carries out protein synthesis and RNA directs protein synthesis
False, DNA directs protein synthesis and RNA carries it out