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66 Cards in this Set

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What bone forms the saddle joint with the sternum?
sternal end of the clavicle
What does the acromial end form a joint with?
What part of the scapula serves as attachment for biceps and two other muscles?
coracoid process
What joins the clavicle to the scapula and is a site for muscle attachment?
Entire anterior surface in contact with the thorax
The three fossa house the?
rotator cuff muscles
What do the rotator cuff muscles do?
Rotate and stabilize the humerus
Glenohumeral joint is what type of joint?
ball and socket joint, which allows ample freedom of movement and rotation
Where is the glenohumeral joint located?
Movements of the scapula?
protraction, retraction, elevation, depression
Which is the only bone of the brachium (upper arm)?
Where do the rotator cuff muscles attach to on the humerus?
greater and lesser tubercles
Where do the other muscles on the humerus attach?
intertubular groove
Where does the deltoid muscle attach on humerus?
deltoid tuberosity
Where does the radius meet on the humerus?
The attachment for most of the muscles of the anterior forearm?
Medial epicondyle
The attachment for most of the muscles of the posterior forearm?
lateral epicondyle
What muscles are responsible for rotating the humerus?
"Rotator cuff" muscles
What type of joint is the humeroulnar joint? And what type of movements does it supply?
hinge joint
movements: flexion and extension
Movements of the humerus?
Abduction, Adduction, flexion, extension, rotation: medial interal rotation and lateral external rotation
What attaches to the radial tuberosity?
attachment site for flexors of the ulna
Radial head connects with what on the humerous?
capitulum, in a ball and socket
What attaches to the ulna tuberosity?
flexors of the ulna
Where do the tricep muscles attach?
oclecranon fossa
What does the pollux lack?
intermediate phalange
Movements of the wrist and digits?
flexion, extension, abduction, adduction
Where are the metacarpophalangeal joints found?
between the phalanges and metacarpels
What movements does the metacarpophalangeal joint allow?
flexion, extension, adduction and abduction
Where are the interphalangeal joints located?
between adjacent phalanges
What movements interphalangeal joints allow?
flexion and extension
Where do the two coxal fuse?
pubic symphysis (fibrous joint)
Sacroiliac joint
Connects the sacrum to the posterior illuium
What does the pelvis do?
It transfers the weight of the body from the axial skeleton to the legs
centrally located socket for the femur. It is made up of contributions of the ilium ischium and pubis
Pubis symphysis
Whether 2 coxa fuse through a fibrous joint
The angle formed by the rami of the pubic bones as they meet at the symphysis?
pubic inlet
What bone is larger and rounded in females specialized for the passage of the fetus?
pubic inlet
What is the opening at the bottom of the pelvis called?
public outlet
Where does the true pelvis lie?
inferior to the pelvic inlet
Where does the false pelvis lie?
superior to the pelvic inlet
What structures does the true pelvis house?
pelvic cavity and internal reproductive structures
What structures does the false pelvis house?
Abdominal cavity and large small intestines
What does the illium consist of? (4)
iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine, iliac fossa
What structure houses the flexor of the hip joint?
iliac fossa
What structure houses the illacus muscle?
iliac fossa
Where does the ingunial ligament attach to?
anterior superior iliac spine
Ingunial ligament
tough band that stretches to the pubis and creates a passageway for neurovascular structures passing to from the pelvis to the leg
Superior ramus joins the?
Inferior ramus joins the?
Serves as an attachment for the ingunial ligament?
pubic tubercle
Ischium contains what three structures?
ischial tuberosity, ishial spine, greater sciatic notch
Attachment site for the flexors of the hip and knee joint?
ischial tuberosity
Has the largest nerve in the entire body pass through it on the way to the leg from the pelvis?
greater sciatic notch
Knee joint
femur articulates with the tibla and the patella to form this
Movements of the tibia?
flexion and extension
Attachment for the patellar ligament from the quadriceps muscles of the thigh?
tibial tuberosity
What provides medial support for the tallus bone of the ankle?
medial malleolus
Supports the tallus bone of the ankle LATERALLY?
lateral malleolus
Movements of the femur?
Abduction, adduction, flexion, extension, rotation: medial and lateral
What does the femurs head articulate with?
Provides attachment of the lateral rotators?
Greater trochanter
Provides attachment for the hip flexors?
lesser trochanter
Allows the patella(knee) to glide superiorly and inferiorly on the anterior femur?
pateller surface
What kind of joint is the ankle tolecrural joint?
saddle joint
What movements does the ankle talocrural joint allow?
plantar flexion, dorsi flexion, inversion, eversion