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65 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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the middle mediastinum contains
heart and pericardium, ascending aorta, pulmonary trunk, arch of azygos and inferior part of superior vena cava
the purpose of the circulatory system is to what
pump blood throughout the body, including oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, water, hormones, etc
the heart is divided into 2 functional units
pulminary circuit (right side receives deoxygenated blood and pumps it to the lungs) / systemic circuit (left side receives oxygenated blood and pumps it throughout the body)
the heart has 4 chambers
2 atria (superior, entryway) and 2 ventricles (inferior, large spaces)
the heart is position in the thorax how?
situationed obliquely, 2/3 left, 1/3 right, apex (bottom of heart) directed anteriorly and left
anterior border
right ventricle
left or lateral border
left ventricle
superior border
left and right atria
each atria has a what
the pulmonary trunk and aorta exit the heart how
inferior border
left and right ventricles
the inferior vena cava aproaches the heart from the
inferior right side
around the heart
pericardium inner layer
pericardium parietal layer
parietal pericardium
pericardium outer layer
fibrous pericardium
pericardial space
a serous fluid filed space between parietal and visceral layers
cardiac tamponade
accumulation of blood, also called hemopericardium
lack of serous fluid causes pain when visceral and parietal layers adhere
the walls of the heart consist of 3 layers
endocardium (endothelial lining), myocardium (thick middle layer of cardiac muscle, INTERCALATED DISCS), epicardium (visceral pericardium)
the right atrium receives
deoxygenated blood from the superior and inferior vena cava
the left atrium receives
oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins
atria are the
filling chambers
ventricles are the
pumping chambers
right ventricle pumps blood through the
pulmonary arteries to the lungs
left ventricle pumps blood through the
aorta to the body
the right and left ventricles are separated by
an interventricular septum
the septum is ____ inferiorly and ____ superiorly
muscular, membranous
right atrium associated with
opening to the coronary sinus, fossa ovalis, sinoatrial node, atrioventricular node, crista terminalis
trabeculae carnae
beams of meat
conus arteriosis
cone of the artery
chordae tendinae
tendonous cords
papillary muscle
right ventricle includes
trabeculae carnae, conus arteriosis, chordae tendinae, papillary muscle, moderator band
moderator band
muscular bundle that runs from interventricular septum to anterior papillary muscle, electrical impulse, prevents over dilation of ventricle
left atrium
smooth walled chamber, valve of foramen ovale, pulmonary veins, joined by pectinate lined right auricle
left ventricle (strongest pump, thickest myocardium) includes
trabeculae carnae, chordae tendinae, papillary muscle
valves of the heart
atrioventricular and semilunar
tricuspid value
separates right atrium and right ventricle of the atrioventricular valve
bicuspid valve
separates left atrium and left ventricle of the atrioventricular valve
aortic semilunar valve
lies between ascending aorta and the left ventricle
pulmonary semilunar valve
lies between the pulmonary trunk and the right ventricle
arteries having valves
aorta and pulmonary trunk
sinus venosus
true/false: the fetus does not oxygenate blood in its lungs
coronary arteries
the arterial supply of oxygen to the muscles of the heart, under high pressure, brings blood away from heart
left coronary artery branches into
anterior interventricular artery, circumflex artery, left marginal arteries
right coronary artery branches into
right marginal artery, posterior interventricular artery
cardiac veins
venous drainage of deoxygenated blood from the muscles of the heart, under low pressure, brings blood towards the heart
cardiac veins include
anterior cardiac vv, great cardiac v, middle cardiac v, small cardiac v, smallest cardiac vv (thebesian), coronary sinus
the great cardiac vein becomes the coronary sinus which empties into the
right atrium
the middle and small cardiac veins empty into the
coronary sinus
the great cardiac vein runs along side
anterior interventricular artery
the middle cardiac vein runs along side
posterior interventricular artery
the small cardiac vein comes from the same area as the
marginal artery
cardiac skeleton
dense connective tissue, encircles the 4 valves, attaches myocardium together
sinoatrial node (SA)
atrioventricular node (AV)
located in the base of the right atrium, transmits impulses via AV bundle (bundle of his), purkinje fibers
purkinje fibers
are extensions of the bundle into the papillary muscles and myocardium
ventricular contraction (atria relaxing)
ventricular relaxation (atria contracting)
atrioventricular valve slams shut
semilunar values slam shut to prevent backflow of blood
heart sympathetic response
detects low blood pressure and high carbon dioxide, vessel diameter constricts and blood pressure increases (vaso constriction, cardiac nerves)
heart parasympathtic response
detects high blood pressure and low carbon dioxide, vessel diameter increases and blood pressure decreases (vaso dialation, vagus nerves)