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80 Cards in this Set

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What was a dominant feature of greek society during the hellenic age?
emphasis on public life
What was the primary ideal the Greeks strived for?
balance or moderation in life
To the greeks, what two gods manifested the extremes of moderation and excess?
apollo (moderation) dionysus (excesss)
What did pericles boast about athens?
he boasted that athens was the model for all of greece
what characterized the "age of pericles"?
pericles directed athenian affairs, opened government service to all men, paid salaries to public officials, acropolis
what was the primary cause of the pelopennesian war?
athens began to dominate the other city-states
what was the dream of alexander the great?
dreamed of creating a world based on both Greek and Persian culture
what is the essence of classicism?
striving for perfection, an ideal form
what unique feature did greek dramas have?
they dealt with serious moral issues
what did aristotle claim was the purpose of tragedy in his poetics?
What important trilogy involved many moral issues?
what did euripides criticize in many of his plays?
contemporary values
who was the most successful comin playwright?
what was the primary feature and chief legacy of greek old comedy?
political criticism
in the play lysistrata why do the women of athens and sparta withold sex from their husbands?
so they will sign a peace treaty
why did the greeks believe music was particularly important?
they believed music fulfilled an ethical function in the training of young citizens
who are the two most famous greek historians?
herodotus and thuycdides
which of these historians wrote the best surviving history of the peloponnesian war as an actual eye witness?
why is thucydides considered to be the forerunner of modern historians?
he was the first to purposely keep account for historical purposes
who were the sophists?
teachers that claimed to offer their students knowledge that guaranteed success in life
what is the famous saying of protagoras?
"man is the measure of all things"
why did socrates criticize the sophists?
for their rejection of an enduring moral order
what did socrates mean when he said 'virtue is knowledge'?
if one knows what is good, that person will not commit evil acts
why was socrates criticized and considered dangersous?
they thought he was corrupting the youth
what is the socratic method of teaching?
focused on giving students questions not answers
who tells us the story of socrates?
what was plato's most important contribution to western philosophy?
school of idealism
who ruled the ideal society that plato created in the republic?
philosophers and kings
where did aristotle propose that knowledge originated?
argued that knowledge is derived from studying the material world
what was the focus of greek classical art?
how did aristotle influence western thought?
writings formed the core of classical learning
what were the major religious shrines of athens located?
the acropolis
what is the name of the central temple on the acropolis?
the parthenon
why has the pathenon become one of the most important architectural landmakrs in the west?
it is the essence of greek architecture
what kind of capital is on an ionic column?
scroll's end capital
which is more opulent-doric or ionic column?
which temple on the acropolic was deciated to athena, poseidon, and the legendary ruler who introduced the horse to athanes?
who designed the erechtheum?
what did the high classical sculptural style attempt to show?
what kinds of items were on the frieze that decorated the parthenon?
perfect human forms showing restraint in the midst of struggle.amazons v.s. men, greeks against trojans, and gods against giants
what was the most important contribution of hellenic greece to the western tradition?
skeptical spirit rooted in democracy
What role did Greek culture and society play in the hellenistic world?
furnished hellenistic world with its diplomatic and commercial lang, its bureucrats, and most cultural forms.
why is this age called hellenistic?
because it is greek mixed with other things
what is the time period of the hellenistic age?
the death of alexander the great in 323 bc to the triumph of rom over macedonian greece in 146 bc
with what event does the hellenistic age start?
the death of alexander the great
what new freedoms did hellenistic women have?
greek royals and nongreek women were allowed to conduct their own legal and economic affairs, unmarried women could work in the liberal arts as poets and philosphers etc
what was the political dream of alexander the great?
unification of the world into a single empire under a single ruler dominated by greek and persian people
what were the contributions of near eastern civilizations to hellenistic civilization?
concept of a ruler-god, mystery cultes that promised immortality, new aesthetic techniques and forms in the arts
was hellenistic society urban or rural?
what was alexanders enduring legacy to the hellenistic world?
new image of the city-alexandrias
what was were largest cities during the hellenistic age?
alexandria and pergamum
what trait of hellenistic civilization does the nike of samothrace represent?
ever present threat of war
what were some of the characteristics of hellenistic classicism?
eroticism and everyday themes
In hellenistic classicism, what was the goal of art?
to serve moral purposes
what was new comedy and what were its characteristics? who started it?
new comedy presented satirical scenes from middle class life, comic romances

created by menander
what was the favorite subject of new comedy?
middle class romances
which other major british author was influenced by new comedy?
what were the four major hellenistic philosophies and the ideas of each?
cynicism-denounced all religions and government

skepticism-philosophy of doubting-nothing can be really known

stoicism-identification with god with nature and reason, wisdom lies in doing one's duty without complaining

epicureanism- best life is lived withdrawn from the world, women attracted to epicureanism b/c of its equality among the sexes
how did stoics define the word logos?
reason, what is rational
why were hellenistic women attracted to epicureanism?
equality among the sexes
what were some of the characteristics of hellenistic temples and altars?
columns were decorated capitals, altars-large and more widespread
what is 'genre art'?
art taken from everyday life
was hellenistic sculpture generally realistic or idealistic?
was the laocoon group probably created by one individual or a group?
Were temples altered during the hellenistic period?
what does this statement describe? "greandeur enhanced the earthly majesty of the ruler who built them"
temples and altars
what are the legacies of the hellenistic civilizations-the idea of a new athens?
new philosophies and religions
grandiose architecture
exotic scholarships
multi-racial societies
state support of the arts
who authored the "republic"?
who authored 'the allegory of the cave'?
who does this statement best describe? investigation of human virtue and truth through questioning
how did aristotle differ from plato?
he argued that knowledge is derived from studying the material world
who used the syllogism?
who was pericles?
orator and popular leader
when was the age of pericles?
460-430 bcb
who built the acropolis?
who lost the peloponnesian war?
who was the first greek dramatist?
who was a major writer of greek old comedy?
what was aristophanes most famous play?
the birds
who wrote oedipus?