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24 Cards in this Set

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What is a system?
A system is a group of parts that work as a unit.
What is stability?
Changes over time that balance out a system.
What is an ecosystem?
A system made up of living things and their environment.
What is an organism?
Any living system.
What is population?
A group of the same species living in the same place at the same time.
What is a community?
A group of organism living together and interacting.
What is a habitat?
A place that meets an organism's needs.
What is a niche?
The role or part played by an organism in its habitat.
What is a producer?
A living thing that can make its own food.
What is a decomposer?
A living thing that breaks down dead plants or animals for food.
What is a consumer?
A living thing that eats other living things.
What is climate?
The average weather of a place over a long time.
What is diversity in an ecosystem?
The variety of plants and animals.
What is Salinity?
The amount of salt in something.
What do patterns give most natural systems?
What are the most basic parts of an ecosystem?
Living and nonliving things.
What is a population apart of?
A community
Why do some ecosystems include many living things?
Some ecosystems have lots of space, food and shelter.
What limits the kind of plant that can live in a mangrove swamp?
What are two examples of ecosystems that have a large variety of plants and animals?
Tropical rain forest and coral reefs.
What are the three levels of the food chain?
Producers, consumers and decomposers.
Why is a tree an open system?
It takes in inputs (water, sunlight, minerals) and let out outputs (oxygen, water, leaves, fruit).
What happens if there are too many of the same kinds of animals in a community?
Food becomes harder to find and the animal may starve or leave the area.
How are mangrove swamps and coral reefs alike?
Both are located in tropical areas, affected by salinity of water and their ecosystems are dominated by one type of organism.