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21 Cards in this Set

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Performance appraisal
means evaluating an employee’s current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards
Performance management
the process through which companies ensure that employees are working towards organizational goals and includes practices through which the manager defines the employee’s goals and work, develops the employee’s skills and capabilities, continuously appraises the person’s goal-directed behavior, and then rewards him or her in a fashion that hopefully makes sense in terms of both the company’s needs and the person’s career aspirations
Performance management approach
reflects manager’s attempts to more explicitly recognize the interrelated nature of the factors that influence employee performance
Effective Goals – SMART
S – specific
M – measurable
A – attainable
R – relevant
T – timely
Setting motivational goal
1) Assign specific goals – specific goals are more effective
2) Assign Measurable goals – put goals in quantitiative terms
3) Assign Challenging but Doable Goals
4) Encourage Participation
Why appraisal Performance 3 reasons
1) Appraisals provide important input on which the supervisor can make promotion and salary raise decisions
2) Appraisal lets the boss develop a plan for correcting deficiencies
3) Appraisals can serve useful for career-planning purposes
Who should do the Appraising
the immediate supervisor
Other options:
1) Peer appraisals – more popular with teams
2) Rating Committees – composed of immediate supervisor and 3 or 4 other supervisors
3) Self – Ratings – problem, employees rate themselves higher
4) Appraisal by subordinates – upward feedback – can help top managers understand teir subordiantes’ management styles, identify people problems and take corrective action with individual managers – can imporove performance
5) 360-Degree Feedback – performance info is collected all around an employee, from supervisors, subordinates, peers and internal or external customers
conduct the appraisal
1) Graphic Rating Scale Method – lists a number of traits and a range of performance for each
2) Alternative Ranking Method – indicates, among the employees, who the highest is on the trait being measured and who is the lowest
3) Paired Comparison Method – every subordinate to be rated is paired with and compared to every other subordinate on each trait
4) Forced Distribution Method – th manager places predetermined percentages of subordinates in performance categories as when a professor grades on a “curve” / forced distrubution grading systems are more unforgiving than are other means of appraising performance
5) Critical Incident Method – entails keeping a record of uncommonly good or undesirable examples of an employee’s work-related behavior and reviewing it with the employee at predetrimned times – supplement rating method
6) Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS) – combines the benefits of both narrative critical incidents and quantitative ratings – quantitifies scaled with specific narrative examples of good and poor performances
7) Appraisal Forms in Practice - appraisal forms typically merge several approaches/anchoring the scale with illustrative examples usually improves the appraisal scale’s reliability and bvalidity
8) The Management by Objectives method (MBO)
8) The Management by Objectives method (MBO)
a. Set the orgnization’s goals
b. Set Depatmental Goals
c. Discuss departmental goals
d. Define expected results (set indvidual goals)
e. Conduct performance reviews and measure the results
f. Provide Feedback
Electronic Performacne Monitoring
EPM systems usee computer network technoglogy to allow managers access to their employees’ computers and telephones – “allow managers to determine at any moment of the day…”
Preparing for the Appraisal Interview – three steps
1) give the subordinate at least a week’s notice to review his or her week and to read over job description
2) Employee should study his or her job descriptoipn, compare performance to standars and review past files
3) Choose the right place for an interview and schedul enough time
Conducting the Interview
1) interviews main aim is to reinforce satisfacitr perfomrnace
2) Get agreement before the subodinate leaves on how thing will be improved
3) Ensure the process is fair
4) Supervisor may have to deal with defensiveness
5) Job candidiates may try to influence recruiters by ingratiating themselves to them
Dealing with Common Appraisal Problems
1) Unclear Standards – appraisal scale is too open to interpretation/rating scale may seem objective – solve by including descriptive phases
2) Halo effect – means that the rating of a subordinate on one trait influences the way you rate the person on other trairs – ex. Unfriendly employee gets bad reviews
3) Central tendency – refers to a tendency to rate all employees about eaverage – can distort the evaluations
4) Leniency or Strictness – supervisors tend to rate all their subordinates consistently high or low – solution is to ranking the subordinates
5) Bias – appraisees’ personal characteristics can affect their ratings – appraisals often say more about the appraisal than about the appraised
Career management
process for enabling employees to better understand and develop their career skills and interests
Career development
the lifelong series of activities that contribute to a person’s career exploration, establishment , success and fulfillment
Career planning
deliberate process through which someone becomes aware of personal skills, interests…
Mentoring – suggestions:
1) Choose an appropriate potential mentor
2) Make it easier for a potential to agree to your request by clarifying what you expect (time and advice)
3) Have an agenda
4) Respect the mentor’s time
Career-oriented appraisals
manager is trained to also match the person;s strengths and weaknesses with a feasible career path
Job rotation
help the person develop a more realistic picture of what he or she is good at
Innovative Corporate Development Initiatives
1) Provide each employee with an individual caeer development budget
2) Offer on-site or online career centers
3) Encourage role reversal
4) Establish a “corporate campus”
5) Help organize career success teams
6) Provide career coaches
7) Proviode career planning workshops
8) Computeries on-and offline programs are available for imporivng the organizational career planning process
9) First USA Banks has what it calls the Opportunity Knocks program
10) Provide Web support
Suggestions for recruiting/retaining retirees
1) Create a culture that honors experience
2) Modify selection procedures
3) Offer flexible work
4) Phased retiement – includes reduced work hours, job change reduced responsibilities