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34 Cards in this Set

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In Rogers' theory, a person experienced anxiety when there was a discrepancy between experience and perception of the self. For Kelly, one experiences anxiety when

a) one is aware of imminent, comprehensive change in one's environment

b) one recognizes events that are outside one's construct system

c) undertaking a dangerous task

d) one experiences invalidated constructs

b) one recognizes events that are outside one's construct system

According to Kelly, when one recognizes events that are outside one's construct syste, one experiences ______?


Fixed-role therapy encourages clients to

a) represent themselves in new ways

b) behave in new ways

c) construe themselves in new ways

d) all of the above

d) all of the above

Which of these is NOT an aspect of Kelly's fixed-role therapy?

a) the client is encouraged to represent themselves in new ways

b) the client is encouraged to behave in new ways

c) the client is encouraged to limit their therapy to 16 sessions

d) the client is encouraged to construe themselves in new ways

c) the client is encouraged to limit their therapy to 16 sessions

Who's theory is this?

Fixed role therapy?


Who's theory is this?



Who's theory is this?

Client centred approach


Who's theory is this?



Who's theory is this?

Psych theories are more or less useful rather than more or less thruthful


Who's theory is this?

Actual - ought - ideal self


Who's theory is this?

Actual - ideal self


Who's theory is this?

Personality is composed of various Personal constructs through which each person views reality


Which approaches's theory is this?

ABC assessment theory


Who's theory is this?

Classical conditioning


Who's theory is this?

Operant conditioning


Which of the following is a criticism of Kelly's theory?

a) The process of construct change is not made very explicit

b) It has little to say about growth and development

c) It neglects some aspects such as feelings

d) All of the above are criticisms

d) All of the above are criticisms

Did Kelly make his process of construct change very explicit?

Yes / No


Does Kelly have a lot or a little to say about growth and development in his personal construct theory?

Only a little

True or false?

Kelly's personal construct theory has a lot to say about how feelings explain behaviour.


In Kelly's view, theories that are able to predict events are considered

a. useful

b. truthful

c. pragmatic

d. congruent

a. useful

As a scientist, Kelly viewed the person as

a) basically good

b) basically active

c) basically evil

d) a "tabula rasa" (blank slate)

b) basically active

The value of constructs is that they

a) help us to gratify our instincts

b) help us to impose order and regularity on the world

c) are associated with affect and motivation

d) all of the above

b) help us to impose order and regularity on the world

The concepts of range of convenience and focus of convenience suggest that

a) it is more convenient to use some theories for some things and other theories for other things

b) theories cover a range of phenomena and work best at points within this range

c) different theories work well with many research methods and best with some

d) different theories work well with many assessment techniques and best with some

b) theories cover a range of phenomena and work best at points within this range

According to Kelly, the following is a definition of what?

"Theories cover a range of phenomena and work best at points within this range"

Range of convenience

According to Kelly, psychopathology occurs as a disordered response to

a. threat

b. threat and fear

c. anxiety

d. anxiety and fear

d. anxiety and fear

True or false

According to Kelly, people are motivated to avoid threat and anxiety?


Although Kelly did not use a conscious-unconscious construct, he did employ a construct(s) which, in may ways, resembled (resemble) Freud's notion of the unconscious. That construct(s) is (are)

a) verbal construct

b) preverbal construct

c) submerged construct

d) both (b) and (c)

d) both (b) and (c)

A problem with the Rep Test is

a) it is not sufficiently tied to theory

b) it does not get at preverbal constructs

c) it is unreliable

d) its content cannot be analyzed

b) it does not get at preverbal constructs

The REP test stands for ________________?

Role construct repertory test

The REP test is designed to

a. evaluate the content of a person's construct system

b. tell you about the cognitive complexity of an individual's construct system

c. evaluate how an individual feels about their construct system

d. Both a and b

d. Both a and b

Kelly felt that people function the way they do in order to

a) expand and validate the construct system

b) avoid pain

c) obtain reinforcement

d) both (a) and (b)

a) expand and validate the construct system

A person anticipating the entrance of a new construct into the construct system would be most likely to experience ____________, according to Kelly's system

a) threat

b) anxiety

c) fear

d) both (a) and (b)

c) fear

A person would experience fear in response to

a. recognising events outside one's construct system

b. a change to the construct system which invalidates one's beliefs about the world

c. anticipating the entrance of a new construct into the construct system

d. all of the above

c. anticipating the entrance of a new construct into the construct system

Match these concepts:

a. fear

b. threat

c .anxiety

1. events outside one's construct system

2. change to the construct system

3. entrance of new construct into the system

a - 3

b - 2

c - 1