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154 Cards in this Set

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Visceral pain in the right upper quadrant may result from what
liver distention against its capsule in alcoholic hepatitis
Visceral periumbilical pain may signify the early stages of this
Acute appendicitis from distention of an inflamed appendix
Visceral periumbilical pain from early appendicitis gradually changes to which type of pain
parietal pain in the right lower quadrant
Pain in the duodenum or pancreas is found where
refereed back pain from the biliary tree to the right shoulder or right posterior chest
Where would pain from pleurisy or acute MI be referred to
Epigastric area
These mediate interconnected symptoms of pain, bowel dysfunction and stress
Neuropeptides (5-hydroxytryptophan and substance P)
A pt who is doubling over with cramping colicky pain indicates what
Renal stone
Sudden knife like epigastric pain occurs when
gallstone pancreatisis
Epigastric pain occurs with what
Gastitis or GERD
What does right upper quadrant pain and upper abdominal pain signify
This can present as indigestion but is precipitated by exertion and relieved by rest
These can cause bloating
inflammatory bowel disease
belching from aerophagia
swallowing air
These can cause upper abdominal discomfort or pain which can last over 3 months
Delayed gastric emptying
Peptic ulcer disease
psychosocial factors
What are the symptoms for GERD
Chronic upper abdominal pain discomfort
acid reflux
What are the risk factors for GERD
reduced salivary flow, prolonged acid clearance, delayed gastric emptying, selected medications, hiatal hernia
Angina from inferior wall coronary ischemia along the diaphragm may present as what
Patients with uncomplicated GERD who do not respond to empiric therapy, pts older than 55, pts with alarm symptoms all warrant what procedure
Endoscopy is used to detect what diseases
esophagitis, peptic strictures, barrett's esophagus (30-fold increase risk of cancer),
Approx what percent of GERD patients who have a endoscopy exam will have a disease detected
Dysphagia, odyophagia, recurrent vomiting, evidence of gastrointestinal bleeding, weight loss, anemia, or risk factors for gastric cancer are what type of symptoms
alarm symptoms
Right lower quadrant pain or pain that migrates from the periumbilical region combined with abdominal wall regidity is most likely this disease
In females could also be PID, ruptured ovarian follicle, and ectopic pregnancy
This usually is the cause of cramping radiating to the right or left lower quadrant
renal stone
Left lower quadrant pain with a palpable mass may be this
Diffuse abdominal pain with absent bowel sounds and firmness, guarding, or rebound pain indicates this
small or large bowel obstruction
Change in bowel habits with mass lesion indicates this
bowel cancer
Intermittent pain for 12 weeks of the preceding 12 months with relief from defecation change in frequency of bowel movements, or change in form of stool without structural or biochemical abnormalities is usually what
irritable bowel syndrome
Regurgitation occurs in these diseases
GERD, esophageal strictures, and esophageal cancer
Vomiting and pain indicates this
small bowel obstruction
Fecal odor occurs with these diseases
small bowel obstruction or gastrocolic fistula
Hematemesis may accompany these diseases
esophageal or gastric varices, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease
Pt who complain of unpleasant abdominal fullness after light or moderate meals, early satiety, inability to eat a full meal usually suffer from this
diabetic gastroparesis, anticholinergic medication, gastric outlet obstruction, gastric cancer, early satiety in hepatitis
Gurgling or regurgitation of undigested food occur in this structural condition
zenker's diverticulum
Drooling, nasopharyngeal regurgitation, cough from aspiration in muscular or neurologic disorders affecting motility are indicators of what
oropharyngeal dysphagia
Pointing to below the sternoclavicular notch indicates what
esophageal dysphagia
If solid foods provoke symptoms what should you consider
esophogeal conditions including stricture, schaztki's ring, web ring, neoplasm
if both solids and liquids provoke symptoms what should you consider
motility disorder
esophogeal ulceration from radiation, caustic ingestion, infection from candida, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, or hiv can cause this symptom
Pain on swallowing (odynophagia)
What would cause increased passing of excess gas
aerophagia, legumes or other gas producing foods, intestinal lactase deficiency, irritable bowel syndrome
What is the main cause for acute diarrhea
This is usually noninfectious in origin. Two examples are Crohn's disease and ulcerative collitis
Chronic diarrhea
What is the origin of high-volume, frequent watery stools
small intestine
Small-volume stools with tenesmus, or diarrhea with mucus, pus, or blood occur in this condition
rectal inflammatory condition
This usually has pathologic significance
nocturnal diarrhea
Oily residue, sometimes frothy or floating occurs with this
Fatty diarrheal stools occur from this
malabsorption in celiac spure, pancreatic insufficiency, and small bowel bacterial overgrowth
Medications such as penicillins, macrolides, magnesium-based antacids, metformin, and herbal alternative medicines all can cause this
Thin, pencil like stool occurs in this
obstructing "apple core" lesion of the sigmoid colon
Diabetes, hypothyroidism, hypercalcemia, multiple sclerosis, parkinson's disease, and systemic sclerosis all can cause this
This is a condition of extreme and persistent constipation caused by obstruction in the intestinal system
this signifies intestinal obstruction
this is the passage of black tarlike stools containing blood that has been acted on by the intestinal juices
The presence of as little as 100ml of blood in the upper gastrointestinal area can cause this
If more than 1000ml of blood is present in the lower gastrointestinal area this can occur
Blood on the surface of toilet paper is a sign of this
Impaired excretion of conjugated biliruben occurs with what diseases
viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, drug-induced cholestasis
These may obstruct the common bile duct
Gallstones or pancreatic carcinoma
Dark urine from bilirubin indicates this
impaired excretion of bilirubin into the gastrointestinal tract
Acholic (putty colored, lack of bile) stools may occur briefly in this disease
viral hepatitis as well as obstructive jaundice
Itching may indicates this
cholestatic or obstructive jaundice
Skin Pain may signify this
a distended liver capsule, biliary cholic or pancreatic cancer
Involuntary voiding or lack of awareness suggests this
cognitive or neurosensory deficits
This arises from decreased intraurethral pressure
stress incontinence
Trouble starting urine stream, weak flow and force, hesitation, dribbling are all common in men with this
partial bladder outlet obstruction due to BPH and urethral stricture
Pain of sudden overdisention accompanies this
acute urinary retention
Painful urination accompanies this
cystitis or urethritis
This symptom is found in bladder stones, foreign bodies, tumors, and acute prostitis
In women Internal burning occurs due to this
urethritis and vulvovaginitis
Urgency to urinate suggests this
bladder infection or irritation
In men painful urination without frequency or urgency suggests this
Abnormal high renal production of urine suggests this
frequency without polyuria during the day or night suggests this
bladder disorder or impairment to flow at or below the bladder neck
urination with increased intra-abdominal pressure suggests decreased contractility of urethral sphincter or poor bladder neck and is called this
stress incontinence
This is the inability to hold the urine and is a sign of detrusor overactivity
urge incontinence
type of incontinence where the bladder cannot be emptied until bladder pressure exceeds urethral pressure, this indicates anatomical obstruction by prostatic hypertrophy or stricture or neurogenic abnormalities
over flow incontinence
This may arise from impaired cognition, musculoskeletal problems, or immobility
Functional incontinence
Signs and symptoms such as fever, pain, chills occur during this
kidney pain
This is caused by sudden obstruction of a ureter (urinary stones, blood clots)
Renal or ureteral colic
These are all classic findings of alcohol abuse
spider angiomas, palmar erythema, peripheral edema
this thrusts the abdomen foward and tightens the ab muscles
arched back
Pink-purple striae is a observed in this
cushing's syndrome
Dilated veins that can be observed on the abdominal exam are due to these diseases
hepatic cirrhosis, inferior vena cava obstruction
This can be a cause of bulging flanks
this can be a cause of supra pubic bulge
distended bladder or pregnant uterus, hernias
What can cause asymmetry of the abdomen
enlarged organs or a mass
What are some causes for lower abdominal masses
ovarian/uterine tumor
This can cause increased peristaltic waves
intestinal obstruction
These are causes of pulsations in the abdomen
aortic aneurysm, increased pulse pressure
Bruits heard in the abdomen suggests this
vascular occlusive disease
When might bowel sounds be altered
diarrhea, intestinal obstruction, paralytic ileus, and peritonitis
A bruit that is detected in an area with both systolic and diastolic components suggests
renal artery stenosis which causes hypertension
also turbulent blood flow of partial aterial occlusion or arterial insufficiency
Friction rubs heard while auscultating the liver are a sign of
liver tumors, gonococcal infection around the liver, splenic infarction
A protuberant abdomen that is tympanitic throughout suggests what
interstinal obstruction
Large dull areas on percussion can be due to
pregnant uterus, ovarian tumor, distended bladder, large liver or spleen
Dullness in both flanks may be a sign of this
This is a disease where the organs are reversed resulting in an air bubble on the right and liver dullness on the left
Situs inversus
Involuntary rigidity typically persists despite maneuvers to relax the abdominals this is causes by
peritoneal inflammation
This is an example of a physiologic abdominal mass
pregnant uterus
this is an example of a inflammatory mass
divericulitis of the colon
This is an example of a vascular abdominal mass
abdominal aortic aneurysm
This is an example of a neoplastic abdominal mass
carcinoma of the colon
this is an example of a obstructive abdominal mass
distended bladder or dilated loop of bowel
Abdominal pain with coughing or light percussion suggests this
peritoneal inflammation
Rebound tenderness suggests this
peritoneal inflamation
When is liver dullness increased
when the liver is enlarged
When is the span of liver dullness decreased
when the liver is small or when free air is present below the diaphragm (perforated hallow viscus)
Serial observations may show a decreasing span of dullness with what
with resolution of hepatitis or congestive heart failure or fulminant hepatitis
This is a cause of liver displacement downward by the lower diaphragm
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
dullness of a right pleural effusion or consolidated lung if adjacent to liver dullness may falsely cause this
increase the estimate of liver size
Gas in the colon may produce this in the RUQ
Tympany in the RUQ, obscure liver dullness due to gas in the colon can lead to this
underestimation of liver size
When the edge of the liver is palpable this can lead to what
a doubled likelihood of hepatomegaly
Firmness or hardness of the liver, bluntness or rounding of its edge, and irregularity of its contour suggests what
abnormality of the liver
This forms an oval mass below the edge of the liver and is dull to percussion
obstructed, distended gall bladder
What does Tenderness over the liver suggest
inflammation, hepatitis, congestion as in heart failure
If percussion dullness is present palpation correctly detects this more than 80% of the time
Fluids or solids in the stomach or colon may cause dullness in this space
traube's space
What is suggested when you appreciate a change in spleen percussion from tympany to dullness on inspiration
splenic enlargement (this is a positive splenic percussion sign
Splenic percussion sign may be positive when the spleen is what
What are causes of splenomegaly
portal hypertension, hematologic malignancies, hiv, infection, and splenic infart or hematoma
When is splenomegaly eight times more likely to occur
when the spleen is palpable
Where is the spleen tip just palpable
left costal margin
What might left flank mass represent
marked splenomegaly or an enlarged kidney
When might you suspect splenomegaly
if a notch is palpated on medial border,
the edge extends beyond the midline,
percussion is dull,
fingers can probe deep to the medial and lateral borders but not between the mass and the costal margin
What attributes favor an enlarged kidney over an enlarged spleen
preservation of normal tympany in LUQ,
ability to probe your fingers between the mass and the costal margin but not deep to its medial or lateral borders
Where is an enlarged spleen palpable
2cm below the left costal margin on deep inspiration
What are causes of kidney enlargement
hydroenphrosis, cysts, tumors
what does bilateral enlargment suggest
polycystic kidney disease
What does pain with pressure or fist percussion of the kidneys suggest
pyelonephritis or may be musuloskeletal
What can cause bladder distention
outlet obstruction due to urethral stricture, prostatic hyperplasia, medications neurological disorders
This is the main symptom of bladder infection
suprapubic tenderness
The following are risk factors for what disease.
age 65 years or older, history of smoking, male gender, and a first degree relative with this disease
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
Whar do periumbilical or upper abdominal mass with expansile pulsations that are 3cm or more wide suggest
Screening by palpation followed by ultrasound decreases mortality for this disease
Rupture is 15 times more likely to occur in AAA that are this size
What are the causes of ascites
hydrostatic pressure in cirrhosis, congestive heart failure, constrictive heart failure, constrictive pericaritis, inferior vena cava/ hepatic vein obstruction,decreased osmotic pressure in nephrotic syndrome, malnutrition, ovarian cancer
When does dullness shift to the more dependent side whereas tympany shifts to the top
A positive fluid wave, shifting dullness, peripheral edema help make a positive diagnosis for what
An easily palpable impulse in the abdomen suggests what
Where does the pain of appendicitis classically begin
During appendicitis pain originates around the umbilicus and then shifts to which abdomanal area
increased by coughing
not as common to occur in older patients
Localized tenderness anywhere in the right lower quadrant even the right flank indicates what
Early voluntary guarding during appendicitis may be replaced with what
involuntary muscular rigidity
Right sided rectal tenderness may be caused by this
inflammed andex or inflammed seminal vesicle
What does rebound tenderness suggest
peritoneal inflammation in appendicitis
What does pain in the right lower quadrant during left pressure suggest
appendicitis (this is a positive rovsing's sign)
What does right lower quadrant pain on quick withdrawal indicate
appendicitis (referred rebound tenderness)
This test involves you placing your hand above the patient's right knee and asking them the raise that thigh against your hand. Then the patient will turn onto the left side and extend the right leg at the hip.
psoas sign for appendicitis
This test involves flextion of the patient's right thigh at the hip with the knee bent and the let rotating internally at the hip.
Obturator sign for appendicitis
This test involves you picking up a fold of skin along a series of points along the abdomen
cutaneous hyperesthesia
localized pain with this maneuver in all or part of the RLQ is a sign of appendicitis
What does a sharp increase in tenderness with a sudden stop in inspiratory effort indicate
positive murphy's sign of acute cholecystitis
How do you expose a bulge of a hernia in a supine patient
have them raise their head and shoulders off of the table
What is the reason why intestinal obstruction or peritonitis causation may be missed
overlooking a strangulated femoral hernia as a possible cause
A mass in the abdominal wall can be palpable true or false
an intraabdominal mass is obscured by what
muscular contraction