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93 Cards in this Set

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South America has __ countries.
What is the great and only mountain range in South America?
The Andes Mountains.
What lies between the two great ranges of the Andes Mountains... Meaning?
The Altiplano, or "High Plateau"
What landform is the Amazon River Basin?
What is "plains" in spanish?
What are the three main rivers of South America?
Amazon, Orincoco, and Parana
Where is the largest tropical rain forest in the world located?
In the Amazon River basin.
Name the 5 elevation zones in the Andes.
Tierra [H]elada, [P]aramo, Tierra [F]ria, Tierra [T]emplada, Tierra [C]aliente
Between what two countries was South America foremostly divided?
Spain and Portugal.
What religion are the majority of South Americans?
Roman Catholic.
What are the three mountain ranges of South America?
Andes, Guiana Highlands, Brazilian Highlands
How long is the Amazon River?
What lands does the Orinoco River drain?
The Guiana Highlands and Llanos
What lands does the Parana River drain?
The eastern slopes of the Andes, and the eastern Brazilian Highlands
Angel Falls is in...
Where is the world's largest tropical humid region?
The Amazon Basin
The Gran Chaco consists of...
The Pampas are... With a ________ climate.
Grasslands; Semiarid
Tierra del Fuego is an island divided between...
Argentina and Chile
The Andea Mountains have a ________ climate.
All three of South Americas major River systems drain into the...
Atlantic Ocean
In South Americas tropical wet/dry climate areas, the existing vegetation includes... (2)
Savannas and dry forests.
True or False; Patagonia has a large variety of animals.
What are Patagonias 2 climate types?
Arid, Semiarid
What is the driest region of South America? In what country is it located?
Atacama Desert; Chile
During El Nino, the Pacific Ocean is... And the climate is...
Warmer, and the climate is wetter
What country is the worlds largest producer and exporter of copper?
Columbia has long been famous for...
Its emeralds.
Name the natural resource of South America. (5)
Fertile soils, hydroelectricity, forest prod., mineral resources, and oil deposits.
What 2 countries in South America are landlocked?
Bolivia and Paraguay
What is South America's very salty lake called?
LAke popoo.
During El Nino, the Pacific Ocean is... And the climate is...
Warmer, and the climate is wetter
What country is the worlds largest producer and exporter of copper?
Columbia has long been famous for...
Its emeralds.
Name the natural resource of South America. (5)
Fertile soils, hydroelectricity, forest prod., mineral resources, and oil deposits.
Tepius are...
A chain of high plateaus in the Guiana Highlands
A tree line is the line of...
Elevation about which trees do not grow.
Tar sands are...
Rock or sand layers that contain oil.
South Americas industry includes...
Products for the local market and export manufactures.
Mercosur is a South American organization whose purpose is...
To expand trade, improve trans., and reduce tariffs among member countries.
South American urban life is often hard for...
Rural migrants
What economic activity reduces soil fertility in Brazil?
Growing coffee.
What are 2 hypothetic goals of South America?
Reducing poverty, lowering birthrates.
What are 2 environmental problems of South America?
Rainforest destruction, and soil exhaustion.
South America's violence are terrorism are often linked to...
Drug trade.
Minifundia are... Created when...
Small South American farms created when large colonial estates were broken up.
Favelas are...
Large slums around Brazilian cities
A country that is landlocked has...
No coast on the ocean.
Terrorism is...
The use of fear and violence as a political force.
How many years ago is it believed that people first entered South America?
12,000 years
The first settlers in South America were...
When did farming begin in South America?
5,000 years ago.
What Spanish conquistador conquered the Inca Empire?
Franciso Pizzaro.
What was one early civilization of South America's early history?
The Chibcha
In what years did Portuguese settlement begin?
The 1530s
What region did the Inca mainly occupy?
The Andean region
In what years did the Spanish conqueor the Incas?
The 1530s
What did the new European colonists bring in with their arrival?
New plants, animals, and diseases
What was one of the main crops during the colonial period in Brazil?
Between what years did the Spanish South American colonies gain their independence?
1810 - 1830
What did the newly found contry borders of South America resemble?
The original colonial divisions.
What South American country has the largest population of South American indians?
The majority of South America's people are...
95 percent of what country's people are Mestizo?
Name the main 5 races of South Americans.
European, American indian, African, East indian, and Japanese
Besides the main religion of Roman Catholicism, what other two religions exist in South America today?
Hinduism and Islam
T/F: The Nasca people buried their important leaders using mummification.
False, burial mounds
What Andean early civilization is comparable to the Roman Empire?
What is the Capital of the Nazca?
T/F: The Spanish barely won their war with the Inca.
Yanomami means...
"The fierce people"
What was the agriculture of the Yanomami people?
What was the religion of the Yanomami people?
Sorcery and shamans
What was the food of the Yanomami people?
Plaintains and manioc
About how many people did the housing of the 12 Yanomami villages hold?
50-250 people
About how many people did the housing of the Kalopalo hold?
110 people
How many varieties of bitter manioc are there in the Kalopalo culture?
Name one value of the Kalopalo.
What South American country has the largest percentage of European ancestry?
Free public education is given to the people of Peru from...
Free puclic education is given to the people of Brazil from...
Peru and Brazil both have what type of government?
A republic.
Where in South America would you find a Mediterranean climate?
What was the capital city of the Incan Empire?
What is government taking over through force called?
What is the driest region in South America?
The Atacama Desert
What are the 3 environmental issues for South America?
Soil exhaustion, deforestation, and over grazing.
What country specializes in beef?
What native group is known for creating line designs in the desert?
What native group is known for collecting heads?
Latifundia are...
Large estates in South America.
A buffer state is...
A small country between two larger, more powerful countries
A manioc is...
A tropical plant with starchy roots.