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68 Cards in this Set

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Laboratory Report Display

What is the SF-545?

CBC normal range

males 4.2-6 million/mm3
females - 3.6-5.6 million/mm3
newborns - 5.0-6.5 million/mm3

Hemoglobin % range

male - 14-17%
females - 42-52%
infants - 17-23%

Stab on finger puncture is no bigger than

2 mm

Degree of needle in venipuncture

15 - 30 degrees

NEVER leave a tourniquet on ....

for more than 1 minute

When should specimens be labeled?

Immediately after blood collection and NEVER before



Red - top

blood donation and infectious diseases

The type of microscope most often used in the the lab is referred as ___________________________?

compound microscope


supports magnification

handle by which MC is carried


where specimen is placed for exam, center of

stage is an aperture, avenue for light to enter

mechanical (movable stage)

holds specimen in place but can be moved on stage


where the microscope rests

Internal Light Source

provide source of light, located in base


focuses light from source onto specimen,

located below stage

Iris Diaphragm

control the amt of light, located on condenser

Illumination System

ideal for even light distribution via the condenser

Magnification System

2 lens systems, objective lens and ocular lens in order to magnify and detail focus

What are the 3 lens objectives?

low-power lens - 10X

high-power lens - 40X

oil-immersion lens - 100X

Ocular Lenses

located on body tube, magnify @ 10X

Coarse Control Knob

bring specimens image to focus

Fine Control Knob

sharpens specimen image

What do you do if specimen is too dark?

increase lighting by opening the iris diaphragm

Oil - immersion objective (100X)

used to study stained blood and bacterial smears

Where should microscopes be contained?

dustproof cover or in case

NEVER use this on a microscope


Red cell count drop below normal


Hemoglobin normal values

Woman ......... 37% - 47%

Men ............... 42% - 52%

medical term for WBC


normal WBC values

4,800 - 10,800 or 4.8 to 10.8 x 10^6

(per cubic mm)

Above WBC normal values

leukocytosis - local infections (bacterial) are present

(severe is exceeding 50K/mm^3)

Other factors causing Leukocytosis

shortly after birth, pregnancy, appendicitis, ulcers, emotional stress, anxiety, strenuous exercise

Abnormally low WBC normal values


Examples of leukopenia maybe caused by

anaphylactic shock







Differential WBC

determine type of WBC to examine severity of infection

5 types of WBC

1. Neutrophils

2. Eosinophils

3. Basophils

4. Lymphocytes

5. Monocytes

Granule stains

1. Neutrophils - purple

2. Eosinophils - red-orange

3. Basophils - blue-purple

4. Lymphocytes - sky blue w/halo

5. Monocytes - pale blue-gray

Functions of 5 WBC

1. Neutrophils - S/horseshoe, ingest bacteria

2. Eosinophils - respond to allergic reactions

3. Basophils - respond inflammatory disorders

4. Lymphocytes - defense against virus

5. Monocytes - largest of WBC, removes damaged cells, and control microbial & fungal infections

What is the largest of the normal WBC?


What are produced by bacteria and found outside the bacterial cell in the surrounding medium?


Normally, ________ to ________ leukocytes per high-power field will be seen on microscopic exam.

0 to 3

Urine's appearance may be reported as clear, hazy, slightly cloudy, cloudy, or ____________.


What are the physiological conditions than can cause leukocytosis? (7 things)

1. pregnancy

2. post birth

3. appendicitis

4. ulcers

5. emotional stress

6. anxiety

7. strenuous exercise

What causes Olive Green to Brown/Black colored urine samples?


RPR Card test is a non-specific, screening test for ____________.


The normal color of urine varies from _________ to __________.

Straw to amber

A Basophil is considered a white or red blood cell?


The primary function of _____________ is delivery and release of O2 to the tissue and facilitation of carbon dioxide excretion.


When an oil-immersion lens of microscope is not being used, remove the oil with _______ _________.

Lens tissue

What color is positive gram cocci and bacili?


Yersinia pestis is a type of infection also known as ___________ ____________.

Is it Bacilli positive or negative?

bubonic plague


What is the species name for known infection for boils, impetigo, endocarditis, and septicemia?

Staphylococcus aureus

Streptococcus pyogenes is also known as....

Strep throat

A frequently used method of detecting fungi is _________.

KOH - potassium hydroxide prep

Specific gravity normal range from ______ to _____

1.015 to 1.030

Urine appearing dark orange is due to a presence of this topical analgesic used to treat UTI


In the presence of disease, specific urine gravity of a 24-hour specimen is _________ to _________.

1.001 - 1.060

Spherical and appears in pairs, chains, clusters or packets?


The framework of the compound microscope consists of how many parts?


What are the 2 methods of obtaining blood specimens?

capillary and venipuncture

The normal daily urine volume for adults ranges from __________ to _________.

600 to 2,000 ml

The Walking Blood Bank (WBB) will be used in a _________ __________ situation if necessary and feasible in the operation setting.

Mass casualty

Urinary sediments formed by coagulation of albuminous material in the kidney tubules?


What body temp. do Mesophilic bacteria reproduce best?

35 degrees Celsius

What account for the largest % of leukocytes found in a normal blood sample, and function by ingestion invading bacteria?


On a microscope, what is responsible for the magnification and resolution of detail in a specimen?

objective lens

What is an index refractometer?

Reads specific gravity of urine by the light refraction through solid material