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38 Cards in this Set

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geographic reagion of Africa, europe & asia; called the old world
Age of enlightenment
important philosophical movement; 1700's - 1800's; scientific revolutionary to improve government; Voltair, lock, Russeau, Hume
north, South, Central called the new world
"Atahwolpa" Mountain range in Peru & Chilli, Inkas lived there, high mountains
Athenian Democracy
everyone had to vote, now we dont, takes too long; they FORCED people to vote
Octavian, most important Roman Empire, after Caesar, name means "Exulted One"
penal colony, aboriginal are the people there
Aztec Empire
Moctezuma or Montezuma is the ruler
economic & cultural center at Islam; famous for fountains and bringing water out like "magic" from aqueducts from far away
Battle of Hastings
William the Conqueror defeated Harold; picture with arrow in Harold's eye, William killed him that way; William used viking ships; 1066 is when Battle of Hastings takes place, last time England was conquered
Portuguese, huge, south America: Portuguese colony don't speak Spanish like the rest of South America. Natives still exist today because they ran inland to Amazon River
British East India Company
set up to trade between great Britain and India; had own army, Opium Wars were led by them
Eastern philosophy: started in India; meditating = enlightenment; group of Buddhists are spending 3 yrs, 3 months & 3 days in Arizona desert with no contact of speaking of any kind for enlightenment
Byzantine Empire
(Eastern Roman Empire) (Constantinople) Diocletian was the first ruler. he divided empire into 4, killed Christians because he wanted Paganism
"punic" city colonised by Phoenicians, powerful during roman empires Carthaginians were Punic: Hannibal was the greatest general and spent 15 yrs in Italy fighting. he used Elephants like tanks
Cavalry warfare
fighting on horseback; faster, higher, moving target, more accurate; people forgot about horseback. Greek fires = flame throwers. good for sea battles (wooden ships)
Central Powers
Germany, Austria Hungry, Italy know as the Axis group
French, Charles the magnificent, grandson of Charles Martel; stopped Islam from spreading all over. dad, Pepin the Short/Fat became king; Charlemagne became first holy Roman emperor
Code of convect for knights; save damsels in distress, rock stars of medieval times; Sons of lords (2nd or younger) options = monk or knight... Chivalry was way to control knights from hooking up with ladies in waiting
Confucias (Chinese dude that created confucianism) basic Chinese government
Roman Emperor, divides empire in half; makes capital Constantinople (city of Constantine)
"scientific revolution" scientist; found sun = center of universe, not Earth; Afraid to publish book in fear of being excommunicated, so he published it on his death bed
Russian word for Emperor like Cesar is Roman and Kaiser is German
Eastern Roman Empire
Bizynteen empire til 1450, 1000 yrs after western roman empire
Elite status
acceptionally good, have power, military: elite soldier
english civil war
Cromwell, parlememnt Charles I
Glorious Revolution
1688, William & Mary become king & queen of England, James II goes away
Europe, and Asia!!!
European colonial rule
nations in Europe canqures land, (north & South Americas and Africa)
European conquest
same thing as the European colonial rule, but with military aspects
European opium trade
Eurpe = drug dealers
Feudal society
lord, knights, peasants become cuz threats from vikings starts, ends charlemagne's reign
Genghis Khan
leaders of Mongols, from Mongolia, grandsom: Kubla Khan; unifies calvory, largest empire in world
Goddesses and gods
pagan religions; Deities; Diety
Great canal of China
connected 2 most important rivers, northa dn south rivers
Greek city-state
Greece, Sparta, Athans, Olympia
Gupta Empire
ruled India 200AD - 600AD golden age of indian civilization, important things developed, Aryabhatta develops concept of 0, Helicentric Theory of solar system, #s Arabic
religious pilgramage, go to Mecca for Muslims