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85 Cards in this Set

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General Reginal Dyer
banned public gatherings and headed the massacre
What did the Indians do to deny the ba n on public gatherings?
On April 13, 1919 more than 10,000 Indians gathered in the city of Amritsar
British troops opened fire- and 379 Indians died

This even was later named “The Amritsar Massacre”
Amritsar Massacre
On April 13, 1919 more than 10,000 Indians gathered in the city of Amritsar
British troops opened fire- and 379 Indians died
truth force
who was Ghandi inspired by?
Henry David Thoreau
civil disobedience
which is refusal to obey unjust laws
What did Ghandi do for civil disobedience?
called for a boycott of all british goods!
The Salt March
British laws forbade Indians to make their own salt. They could only buy highly taxed British salt

Gandhi led a 200 mile march to the ocean to make salt
How many Indian's were arrested in the Salt March?
“Quit India"
India refused to fight in WWII, saw it as Europea's war and did not want part. British saw they could not keep
What year did India get their independence?
Jawaharlal Nehru
first prime minister of India
Muhammad Ali Jinnah
first governor general of Pakistan
how many people moved in the migration from India to Pakistan and other way around?
15 million
Who shot Ghandi?
Hindu extremist
What did India's constitution include?
ncluded a central government and governments of 25 states and 7 territories
What country did India model their constitution after?
T or F- India’s central government has more power than the US Federal government
parliamentary democracy
In it, the power lies in the hands if the political party that wins the most seats in parliament. The leader of the power becomes the Primes Minister
2 houses of India's parliament-
Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha
how many political parties does India have?
political parties represent the differences in
castes, language, religious, and regional groups
Bharata Janata Party
leaders stressed Hindu views
what party dominated India's parliament for a very long time?
Congress Party
several parties join to rule a country
Dividing forces of India
Caste System
Cultural Diversity
Sikh Separatism
Hindu- Muslim Clashes
India’s large population has more than doubled since independence
Although the government has tried to meet the needs of more than 1 billion people, poverty and illiteracy are still widespread
Caste System
The government has tried to limit the effects of the caste system
When trying to help the lower castes and the poor, there is often opposition from the hight castes
The Untouchables
The group that suffered the most out of the caste system was the untouchables, who were forces to live outside of society 1949- there was a law abolished untouchables
Despite the laws, untouchables are still not fully accepted by Indians
Cultural Diversity
Some ethnic and language groups have demanded their own states
Violence often ensues
Sikh Separatism
Sikhism is a religious that blends Hinduism and Islam, It teaches belief in one god and an end to the caste system
Sikh separatists want to break away and form a separate country
Hindu- Muslim Clashes
Although many Muslims fled to Pakistan more than 100 million Muslims still live in India
Numerous attacks between the two groups still are a dividing force in India
Unifying Forces of India
The reason India has survived is its commitment of most Indians to democratic traditions.
Another bond is there religious faith that ties them together
Jawaharlal Nehru
Nehru led India for 17 years after independence
His goal was to create a casteless, secular India
country is one that has no official religion
Indira Gandhi-
In 1966, Nehru’s daughter India Gandhi was elected Prime Minister
In 1984, two of her Sikh bodyguards shot and killed her
Ragiv Gandhi
After her death, Indira’s son Rijiv Gandhi was elected Prime Minister
In 1991, he was murdered by group known as the Tamil Tigers
who created a 5 year economy plan for India?
Jawaharlal Nehru
what did Jawaharlal Nehru do to help the economy?
He limited foreign investment to prevent foreigners from controlling Indian businessesi
India is what number in the worlds economy?
tenant farmers
people who rent land from large landowners and pay the owner a portion of their crops
Green Revolution-
when scientists invented seeds that produced larger harvests.
when do the earliest remains of Indian art show up?
Indus Valley civilization
what helped shape are in India
Buddhist religion
first great supporter of the arts, had builders construct tall columns inscribed with messages praising peace and nonviolence.
dome shaped burial mounds- remains of Gandi and other men
Cities grew around ____
sculptors decorated every inch of temples with ___
rich carvings
Symbol of Buddha
lotus flower
what is important in Hindu and Buddhist?
the wheel
Islam forbids the use of ______
images of people or aniamls
ornate form of writing
Two epic Hindu poems
Mahabharate and Ramyana
long poem tells about a 12 year war between two branches of a royal family
traditional melodies
traditional rhythms
hand gestures used for dancing
where is Kashmir located?
in the mountains that border India, Pakistan, and China
the nation that controls Kashmir controls _____
irrigation water
what causes so much trouble in Kashmir?
ruled by a Hindu prince and made up of mainly Muslims
popular vote, to let the people of Kashmir decide their future
Does India and Pakistan have nucleur weapomds?
Where did India stand in teh cold war?
not on either side
what territory strained relationships between China and India?
where did Pakistan stand during the cold war?
it chose a very strong non communist act
____ and ____ create close ties between Pakistan and the Middle East.
Geography and the close cultural relations
Osama bin Laden
leader of terrorist group al Qauda
two areas of Pakistan
West and East
3 things that West and East have not in common
geography languages and traditions
which part of Pakistan dominated the governmemt?
What caused East Pakistan to break away
1970 cyclone caused enormours damage and governmemt aid was slow so they broke away- VERY MAD
what country did East India want to form?
T or F- Bangladesh is densely populated.
_____ and ____ have limited progress in Bangladesh.
natural disasters and huge populations
The countries of South Asia
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afganistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, India, and Nepal
environmental issues
how modernizatin will affect pollution etc
Narmada Valley Project
The Narmada Valley Project is the building of more than 30 major dams 3000 smaller dams on the Narmada River
Supporters of Narmada Valley Project
claim that the project will provide water to irrigate millions of acres of land
The dams will also produce electric power for thousands of villages and towns
haters of Narmada Valley Project
Claim that the NVP will cause more harm than good
They believe that the dams will flood the farmland, destroy wildlife and displace up to 25,000 people
The Accident of Bhopal
In 1984 ,an American owned chemical plant in the city of Bhopal India- leaked a deadly gas into the atmosphere that killed over 2000 people.
How many more people does South Asia?
26 million
main reason for many environmental problems
Reasons for Such Large Families*
1)Many farmers depend on children to work the land and support them in their old age
2)In areas where infant mortality is high, couples have many children to guarantee that some will live to adulthood
3)Many couples will keep having children until they have at least one son
buffer state
situated between two larger hostile countries
cottage industry
a business or manufacturing activity carried on in a person's home.
infant mortality
the rate and number of how many children under one die each year