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31 Cards in this Set

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Luigi Galvani
frogs & electricity
emil du bois-reymond
measured polarization change of active neuron
hermann helmholtz
measured speed of neural impulse
spirits & stuff: opposed by Helmholtz
see back of the eye
Young-Helmholtz Theory
trichromatic theory; red, green, and violet photoreceptors
Opponent-process theory
theory involving excitation and inhibition of photoreceptors
Place theory of pitch perception
basilar membrane varies in width
Helmholtz-Hering Debate
Helmholtz: space perception is learned; Hering: innate
Ancestry of Social Psychology
Hering, Stumpf, Gestaltists, Lewin, Social Psychology
Ancestry of Cognitive Psychology
Helmholtz, Wundt, Titchener, Cognitive Psychology
Bell-Magendie Law
Dorsal nerves are sensory, ventral are motor
Doctrine of specific nerve energies
nerves are specialized by modality; some sense only light when stimulated, etc.
localization of brain function makes individual differences in personality and intelligence discernable as bumps in the skull
Gall and Spurzheim
Two phrenologists
Ablation method
removal of brain parts to determine function
used the Ablation method to discover localized functions
Phineas Gage
brain damage caused change in personality
Pierre Broca
discovered the area of the brain responsible for speech production
Carl Wernicke
discovered the area of the brain responsible for language comprehension
Fritsch & Hitzig
two psychologists who discovered the motor cortex in dogs via electrical stimulation
Ferrier & Munk
discovered that occipital lobe's involvement in vision via electrical stimulation
psychologist who electrically stimulated a conscious woman's exposed cortex
Nerve network vs Neuron Doctrine
continuous nerves versus nerve cells
developed stain for observing neurons
Ramon y Cajal
discovered the synapse
discovered that nerve impulses travel slower if it crosses a synapse
Otto Loewi
discovered neurotransmitters
Hodgkin & Huxley
studied squid neurons
Weber & Fechner
made laws that describe just noticeable differences