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115 Cards in this Set

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- Believed Montanus was the Holy Spirit and prophesied differently than anyone else.
- Anyone who followed Montanus would also receive inspiration.
- Kingdom of God will come in Phrygia.
- Pre-millenialism -- God is coming soon!
- Concerned with ethics --> Those who will rule must have clean lives
- New attention to discipline = new outpouring of the Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit did not stop talking; people stopped listening
- Believed you should be able to identify a Christian by their lifestyle.
Against Heresies
- Irenaeus
- Directed against Gnostics
- World created by 1 God and Jesus will save ALL
- Emphasized the resurrection of the body
- Recapitulation Theory of Atonement
State of the Roman Empire
(Under Augustus)
- Empire was unified, but not organized
- Emperor supported anything that maintained good order
- Jews and Christians would not worship the other gods
- Augustus granted Jews privileged monotheism -- Christians did not receive the same privilege
- Predisposed against Christians and had all expelled from legions and other areas of power
- Accused Christians of setting fires
- All Christians in the imperial court must offer a sacrifice to the gods
- Must cruel persecutions
Vincent of Lerins
- Laid down a consensus of interpreting Scripture
- If these three criteria are not met, it is not orthodox
- Bishop who was AWOL during persecutions
- Wrote On the Lapsed and On the Unity of the Church
- His followers believed his loyalties changed since he fled persecution
- Demanded that Novatians who wanted to return to the Catholic Church need to be re-baptized
3-Tiered Structure
- Development of the monarchical episcopate
- Bishops in the major cities: ROME, Byzantium, Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria
- Created to develop unity
- Separated Bishops and Presbyters
On the Lapsed
- Cyprian
- Treaty --> there is no forgiveness for apostasy
- Deflected negative attention from himself by pointing the finger at the apostates
- Later amended to allow forgiveness at a bishop's discretion -- leads to opposition and 2 bishops in Carthage
Septimius Severus
- Ended civil wars in the empire
- Promoted syncretism --> Unconquered Sun
- Outlawed (death) all conversions to Christianity and Judaism
- Local persecutions
- Martyred Perpetua and Felicitas
- Apologist
- Pagan gods were created to give full reign of human vice
- Argued -- How can a god who needs their statue protected from being stolen offer protection to its followers?
Marcionite Gnosticism
- Creator God (OT) vs. Redeemer God (NT)
- Single-minded dedication to the Gospel
- OT has been abolished
- Forget the lineage of the ancestors and follow Christ
- The True God remained hidden until Jesus
- Christ appeared in flesh, but it was only an appearance. He appeared as a full-grown man
- Used Paul's letters and Luke (after being cleaned up)
- Major outbreaks of persecution after 303
- Reorganized the empire into 2 halves with an Augustus and a Caesar for each (tetrarchy)
- Mutiny in the army, so he has augers read livers. Christians present crossed themselves and the livers were silent --> led to extreme persecution
- Much of the persecutions occurred in the West
- Born to Alexandria, Christian parents
- Early instruction in Scripture and philosophy
- Concerned for the deeper meaning of things and how to interpret Scripture
- Banished under Severus
- Reconstitutes the Didascalia
- Ordained in Palestine which angers Demetrius because Origen was a eunuch
- Imprisoned, tortured, and killed during Decian persecution
Peri Archon
- First complete outline of Christianity
- Defended apostolic teaching (against Gnostics)
- Son is coeternal with the Father who always existed
- Clearest place of philosophy and Christianity
- 2 Creation stories: Circling and Singing/Jesus incarnate
Constantine's Impact
- Cessation of persecution of Christians
- Development of an "official theology"
- Less congregational role in worship --> heavy reliance on the hierarchy
- Holiness of relics
- Elaborate and ornate churches (Basilicas)
Tertullian's Apology
- Christianity is the divine foolishness
- Better to say God is not love
- Philosophy and Christianity should not mix (What has Athens to do with Jerusalem?)
- Divine seed in all of us (Spermaticos Logos) that is preserved in the Church (Scripture and Creeds)
- Lays out liturgical practices
- Original Sin --> Our nature is sinful
- Saved through grace, but still need words (The more we punish ourselves, the less God will.)
- Heavy persecution of Christians
- Return to Pagan religion to restore prosperity
- Required emperor worship and for everyone to carry a libellus (certificate of sacrifices)
- Systematic persecution -- He did not want to silence Christianity; he wanted to eliminate it.
Novatian (as Bishop)
- Rivaled Cornelius
- Rigorous requirements to join the church (Must be rebaptized in Novatian waters)
- Primitive concept of the Church
- Persecuted by the Orthodox Church
Similarities between mystery cults
- Fertility cults
- Male and female deities
- Participate in the dying and rising of the deities
- Telos --> gnosis
- Asceticism
- Egalitarian
Novatian (as Presbyter)
- Presbyter in Rome and later a rival to Bishop Cornelius
- Distressed over lax moral standards because he wanted to be able to identify Christians from appearances
- Return to primitive church --> No forgiveness for post-Baptismal sin (Should lead to a purer life)
- Shut the lapsed out forever!
- Material world is what's real
- There is no transcendental world/realm
- Body and Soul make up the same entity --> Soul is not immortal
- They cannot exist apart from each other
- Soul is always in movement between bodies
- Unmoved Mover puts all this in motion
Ignatius of Antioch
- Bishop who was condemned to death
- There were divisions in Antioch and he opposed those he thought to be heretical
- No clue who turned him over
- Dictated 7 letters while in transit to the Capital
- Ordered Roman Christians not to save him, but to pray for strength to withstand the torture
- Childhood in Carthage --> Pagan
- Studied law and practiced in Rome
- Became a Presbyter in Carthage
- Wrote an Apology and Regula Fide
- Beginnings of how we understand the Trinity
- One substance, one essence, one power
- Son subordinate to the Father. Holy Spirit subordinate to the Son (This later changes to there not being a Father without the Son).
- Differentiates Christianity from tritheism
- Becomes a Montanist
Eusebius of Caesarea
- Wrote his Church History --> Best source of ancient Christian history
- Saw Constantine and Licinius as measures of divine design
- Elected Bishop during the Arian Controversy
- Peace and unity are of prime importance
- Faith and Empire are compatible
- Augustus of the Empire (East)
- Civil war with Constantine and lost his power
- Was not Christian, but feared the Christian God
- He viewed Christians praying for Constantine as treason and began persecution
Justin Martyr and Early Creeds
Combined Matthew, Mark, and Luke into 1 Gospel
Marcion and Early Creeds
- Published the first Canon
- "The Lord and the Apostles"
- Gospel of Luke and Paul's letters (purified)
- Rejected OT Canon
- Acts appeared later
- Gospels answered other questions and appease curiosity
Christian identity
- Christian life looks different for each person
- Show continuity from the apostles and their identity with Israel
- Centralized authoritative books
- Still needed to find a way to deal with differing voices within the Church
Philosophy and Christianity
- Interpreted Christianity through Philosophy
- Fuller knowledge of Christianity is found through philosophy
- Philosophy has been created by God and is therefore good
- The one who actively seeks knowledge will have a higher understanding
- We push for more knowledge
- Logos always existed and became incarnate in Jesus
- Christianity is the perfection and fulfillment of Greek philosophy and OT Law
Clement of Alexandria
- Pantenus' student
- Pagan background
- Agreed with Platonism
- Converted to Christianity and did not give up on philosophy
- Attended the Didascalia and eventually became head master
- Synthesis of Christianity and philosophy
- Express the divinity of Jesus as Divine Logos (Not Docetic)
Justin Martyr
-Dialog with Trypho
- Studied philosophy and emphasized combining philosophy with Christianity (Stoicism and Platonism)
- There is a transcendent reality
- Apology to Rome: Only punish Christians for crimes
- Christianity is the truest philosophy
- Divine logos is everywhere
- Son is subordinate to the Father
- Christianity = Rational
Clement's Works
Protreptikos (Exhortations): Convert Pagans with evangelism
Paidagogos (Tutor): Instruction manual in Christian Ethics
Stromateis (Random thoughts): Random notes about Christianity
- Raised Christian --> Father was a bishop
- Anti-Jewish and anti-material
- Rivaled the Orthodox Church for years
- First instructor at the Didascalia
- Clement studied under him
Philo of Alexandria
- Contemporary of Jesus
- Show the best of Pagan philosophy agreed with Hebrew scriptures (The Greeks drew from the Hebrews)
- Scripture is to be understood allegorically
- Revitalized emperor worship and sent those who refused to the lions
- All were required to swear to the emperor
- Refusal was seen as treason and atheism
- Admitting you were a Christian is enough to be killed
- Childhood in Smyrna under Polycarp
- Survived persecution and was made Bishop
- Regula Fide
Valentinian Gnosticism
- In some, there is a spiritual element. In some there is a soul element.
- Rooted in the human attempt to explain evil -- How/Why does it exist?
- No flaw in God's nature because God did not create the world (Evil)
- The world is created by a Demiurge
- God does not change, does not create evil, and is not involved
- Circling and Singing!
- Martyred and consecrated widow with 7 sons
- All were ordered to death in different parts of the city to appease different gods
- Accused of teaching the immortality of the soul
- Everyone, including the devil, will be saved
- Origen combined Christianity and philosophy to the point where Christian witness was lost
- Gradually gained power over the entire empire
- Reversed Diocletian persecutions
- Found great favor with Christians
- Similar to Novatians
- Sacraments depend on the piety of the administrator
- If the administrator has not led a pure life, the sacraments cease to be sacraments
- Opposed Stephen
- Church of St. Peter vs. Church of Judas
- Alive and well today
- Friend of Ignatius
- Hid for days when he was being persecuted and eventually decided that his arrest was the will of God
- Burned in martyrdom
On the Unity of the Church
- Cyprian
- Unity is the principle attribute of the church
- If there is division, there is no church
- Bishop is the core of unity
- To forsake the bishop is to forsake the church and therefore forsaking your salvation
- "Outside the Church, there is no salvation."
How to address the accusations against Christians
- Works of the Apologists
- Spell out the faith in the Creeds and Canons
What are apologists?
- Literal defenders of Christianity
- Court-like settings
- Were not successful at first
- Showed a clear exposition of faith by attacking claims against the church
- Spelled out theology by addressing each aspect of the Creeds and elaborating
St. Mark
- Credited with the Gospel of Mark
- Brought Christianity to Alexandria
- His shoe broke and the shoemaker became his first convert
- Attempted to burn him, but he would not catch on fire
- Dualistic transcendent religion of salvation
- Chasm between material and spiritual worlds
- Mixes apostolic doctrine and pagan philosophy
- God's nature is alien to the universe --> Does not create or govern the universe
- A fall within the Spiritual realm led to Creation
- Demiurge created the world
- Some humanity have a spiritual element and will be among the elect
- Individuals are brought to Earth to teach these how to attain salvation
- Logic, metaphysics, and ethics
- There is a divine spark within us
- Live in accordance with nature and conquer yourself
- Spermaticos logos
- Follow natural law
- Emphasized ethics -- live and live well
- Highest law is to follow your futy
- Passion and lust are enemies because they skew our views
Transcendental World/Realm
- Ontological from the Realm of Being
- Things down here are reflections of the Forms
- Allegory of the Cave
Bishop Stephen
- Opposed Cyprian
- Baptism in the name of the Triune God is a sacrament no matter who does it
- Welcomed all who had been baptized in the Trinity
- Returns to Episcopal primacy --> Roman Bishop has the ultimate authority
- One of 5 catechumens sentenced to martyrdom
- Responsible for saying much of the text in the Martyrdom
- She is a Christian and nothing can change that
- Sent to the lions and asked to retie her hair before being martyred
- Tolerant to all that did not encourage sedition
- Rule was done by provinces, not the emperor
- Burned Rome in 64 AD
- Blamed the Christians --> Arson, hatred of the human race
- Christians were punished because they worshipped other gods
- Christians' deaths were made a spectacle
Immortal Soul
- "Recollection"
- The soul will continue to live after the body dies
- Soul belongs to the Realm of Being, not that of the Becoming
- The soul knows forms from its previous existence which effects our knowledge of forms and Forms
- Not affected by the body's decay
- Immortal
- How do we know what we know?
- We cannot obtain knowledge through our senses, but can through other means
- Everything is always changing
- Knowledge must be certain and infallable
- Must be real
- The mind can perceive groups of objects --> Real
- Look for the shared characteristic
- Anti-trinitarian
- Jesus is not one with the Father
- Jesus is almost, but not fully divine
Outline of the 3-Tiered Structure
- Single bishop --> Presbyter --> Deacon
- Bishops were the guardians of unity
- Presbyters - Eucharist, teach, Office of the Keys
- Deacons - Eucharist and charity
- Ultimate authority lied in Rome
Council of Hippo
- 27 Books (West)
- Accepted Hebrews and Revelation
Emperors' Policy with other religions
- Augustus: Privileged monotheism for Jews
- Nero: Persecution; fire
- Domitian: Severe persecution
- Trajan: Don't ask, don't tell.
Apologists' Arguments
- Atheism: By that logic, all philosophers were atheists
- Outlined statements of faith (Canon and Creed) to dispel rumors
Marcus Aurelius
- Emperor who was against emperor worship
- Ordered that Christians be persecuted
- Believed Christians were to blame for bringing the wrath of the gods on the Empire
Regula Fide
- Short summary of the main events of redemption
- Writing against the gnostics
- God created the Earth and bodily aspects of ascension
- Christianity is not a secret, it's readily accessible
- Orthodoxy remains historically contingent and is traced to apostles
- Must been written by an apostle, have orthodox content, and be used by the majority to be considered Orthodox
- Traditional interpretation of Scripture (norming norm)
- Tradition is the normed norm
- Having Scripture is not enough. Also need an Orthodox interpretation
Dialog with Trypho
- Justin Martyr tells about his conversion to Christianity
- Old man on the beach
- Christianity provides the answer to all philosophical questions and fulfills Platonism and the OT
- Blames Jews not accepting Christ for the destrction of the Temple in 70 AD
- Hebrew text, 4 Greek translations, and his commentary
- There is nothing in Scripture unworthy of God
- 3-fold sense of Scripture
1) Body - Literal
2) Soul - Moral and ethical
3) Spirit - Allegory
Early Christian Worship
- Gathered on first day of the week
- Not for repentance, but celebration
- Communion is highest act of worship
- 2 parts: Word and Sacrament
- Only those who are baptized can attend
- Non-baptized can attend first part
- Communion at graves (Catacombs) on anniversaries of deaths
- Mostly gathered in private homes
- Sunday - Celebration; Wednesday and Friday - Penance
- Baptism was 2nd most important and occurred on Easter Sunday
Unconquered Sun
Picked by Septimius Severus as the god above all other gods in the empire
- Born in Egypt
- Broke from the Church because he couldn't become a priest
- 2nd-3rd Centuries
Conforming to what is generally true
Why were Canons created?
- Create unity and refute heresies
- Find the authoritative source for Scriptures
- Find the norming norm
Paul's Work
- Paul was not the first to bring the Gospel to some areas
- Greatest contributions were his Epistles written in conjunction with founding churches
- Travelled as a missionary, but most who spread the Word were in the lower class
- He would preach to the Gentiles after talking with the Jews
- Israel has not been abandoned by God, but rather the Messianic age has dawned
- Christianity is open to Gentiles
Charges against Christians
- Arson
- The name
- Atheism - not worshipping Roman gods = all misfortunes are their fault
- Anarchy - would not worship the emperor
- Haters of the human race
- Forced to meet in secret = political mistrust
- Cannibalistic orgies
- Thyestean banquets
- Incest
- Not punished for following Jesus. They were punished for ONLY following Jesus
How are you initiated into a mystery cult?
- Secret ceremonies after a learning period
- Focused on secret formulas and guarded objects
- Lead to gnosis and a mystical unity with gods
- Bishop of the Church
- Old Roman Symbol
- Picks and chooses from the other schools to create a unique school of thought
- Not being creative, they're being pragmatic and finding something that works
- Ethical system:
- Humans have free will and responsibility --> Will be held responsible
- Act on the principle the Divine/Supreme Being will reward and punish
- Formed the lines of the empire
- Unified the army, treasury, and language
- People viewed him as a Divine Messenger
- Began emperor worship
- Saw this as another way to unity the Empire
Athanasius' Easter Letter
- 27 books (East)
- There are other books that are good to read that are not included in the Canon
- Writes to emperor to prove validity of Christianity
- Pagan gods are lifeless statues
- People have given the statues divinity. It is not inerrant
- Not successful
- Big Bang --> the world was formed by chance
- Material is what matters
- There is nothing past this world --> death is the end
- Soul is not immortal
- Goal: Mental bliss, free from what annoys
- Strict aesthetics: Do what you need to do to come to the state of bliss
- AKA: Teaching of the 12 Apostles
- Not written by the apostles
- Manual outlining guidelines for Christian life and worship
Tri-Partite Structure
- Rational: Apprehends truth
- Spiritual: Nobler emotions
- Appetitive: Carnal desires
Old Roman Symbol
- Hippolytus
- Earliest and closest parallel to the Apostle's Creed
- Question and answer format
- Originally for converts and were local, not universally binding
Muratorian Canon
- 200 AD
- 4 Gospels, Paul's letters, John, Jude, Revelation, Acts, Revelation of Peter, Wisdom of Solomon
- Hebrews is missing
Recapitulation Theory of the Atonement
- Christ is the new Adam. What he did wrong, Christ corrected
- Adam and Eve were created for immortality, hinging on obedience. Disobedience led to mortality
- Recovery of Eden in all of us
- Mary is the second Eve and the knot of disobedience is loosened because of her obedience --> why she is holy
- Pagan priest who converted in AD 155
- Began prophesying because he had been possessed by the Holy Spirit
- His movement was the beginning of a new age
- Believed the last age of history had dawned
Platonism and Christian similarities
- Concept of Transcendence:
- Defines what is down here, not vice versa
- Contains what is real
- Telos of existence:
- There is a greater purpose to existence
- We desire to return to our natural state (it is not a climb)
- Providence
- Life is not random. There is a purpose.
- The goal is to return to the Transcendental Realm
Organization of Early Christianity
- 3-tiered structure: Bishops, Presbyters, Deacons
- Varied from place to place
- Turned more to the Episcopate because of the influx of Gentiles
- 2nd century - leadership is all male
- Church would consecrate women to serve the church ("widows")
Origen's Works
- Hexapla
- Contra Celsus
- Peri Archon
Ruler to determine what is right and true in our faith
Origen's Apology
Contra Celsus
Union of Greek philosophy and Christianity
Justin Martyr
Separation of Greek philosophy and Christianity
Belief/opinion contrary to an orthodox belief
Not conforming to Orthodox views
What did early Christian life look like?
Different for each person
Who are the first persecutors of Christians? Why?
- Jews
- They wanted the emperors to know they were not the same as Christianity (a heretical sect) so they could keep their privileged monotheistic status
Mulvian Bridge Battle
- Constantine sees a vision of a Chi-Rho and hears a voice
- Believes it is the Christian God
- Paints a Chi-Rho on the shields of his men
- He is victorious --> Eastern part
Edict of Milan
- Granted Christianity full religious freedom
- Did not make Christianity the national religion
- Lightened the persecution of Christians
- Wrote to Pliny with questions about punishing Christians
- Don't ask, don't tell
Why create a 3-tiered structure?
- Unity
- There should be one place that determines what is right
- Every church agreed Rome held the authority
- Created the Episcopate
Montanists' reaction to 3-Tiered Structure
- Saw this as a shift toward order and not spontaneity
- 2 forms of discipleship: Martyrdom and obeying the bishop
- All Christianity needed good order, but not this type
- Catechetical school in Alexandria
- Used the model of the philosophical schools
What is real?
- Transcendental Realm
- Realm of the Forms
What is real?
- Material world
- The here and now
- If you can touch it, it's real
Combination of Greek characteristics and other conquered civilizations
St. Catherine
- Admonishes the emperor for his treatment of Christians
- Imprisoned and converts/baptizes scholars sent to refute her
- They are beaten and imprisoned
- Emperor's wife is converted and baptized
- Ordered to be broken on the wheel --> it broke when she touched it
- Beheaded
St. Maurice and Theban League
- Maurice was in command of the League
- Would not offer sacrifices to Roman gods for the victory
- Unit is decimated twice
- Maurice promises them all a place in Heaven if they hold true
- All are killed
- Christ only appeared on Earth
- He was not incarnate, but an apparition
- Christ could not have taken a physical body because it is filled with excrements
Origen's Creation Stories
Circling and Singing:
- Spiritual beings circling the godhead with free will
- Turned away from God and fell (cooled and encased in a soul)
- Souls cannot exist without a body, so all receive bodies
- Bigger bodies = more sin
Jesus incarnate:
- No fall --> intentionally turned
- After death, there is a purifying fire and then we're clothed with a lighter body --> then education
- No one passes the last class until everyone is there, including the devil
- Return to original form
- Leaves the chance to fall again because we will still have free will
Allegory of the Cave
- How Plato explains the Transcendental World
- We don't realize what we know isn't all there is
- We are forced to see the truth and it is painful at first
- Tatian
- Combined Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to make one Gospel
- Doubts all other philosophical schools
- Inner breakdowns of all convictions
- Cannot find an answer for the way of life in the world in the other schools
- Refuse to lay judgement on the other schools
Characteristics of Alexandria
- Trade city
- Melting pot
- Lots of people from foreign countries
- Mixture of Hellenists and Hebrews
- Commitment to intellectual pursuits
- Impressive library
- Where East meets West
- OT was first translated here
Pharisees: Party of the populace; no gifts from Rome
Sadducees: Conservatives (politics and religion)
Essenes: Ascetics who wrote Dead Sea Scrolls
St. Mary
- Pagan prostitute in Alexandria
- Could not enter the church because of a mysterious force
- Repents at a statue of Mary
- Enters Chapel and prays for guidance
- Spent 47 years in the desert and met with a monk every Maundy Thursday for communion
Apostolic Succession
- There is an unbroken line of continuity from the Apostles to the current bishops
- They are representatives of Christ himself
- To obey the Bishop is to obey Christ