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64 Cards in this Set

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Kaiser Wilhelm abdicates

9 Nov 1918

Armistice is signed

11 Nov 1918

Sparticist Uprising

6 Jan 1919

Ebert steps down as Chancellor

(Bread 1 mark)

13 Jan 1919

Scheidemann becomes


Feb 1919

Weimar Constitution Meeting

Feb 1919

German Worker's Party

March 1919

Treaty of Versailles signed

26 June 1919

German Worker's Party changes name to NSDAP

24 Feb 1920

Nazis 25 point programme

25 Feb 1920

- "Lebensraum" - Living space could be gained, Germany should grow as a nation and occupy more land/space to look


Kapp Putsch

3 March 1920

Hitler became leader of the Nazi party

28 July 1921

-Occupation of the Ruhr


-Rentenmark (temporary currency)

- Bread 100,000 marks

11 Jan 1923

Stresemann becomes Chancellor

Aug 1923

Munich Beer Hall Putsch

8-9 Nov 1923

Dawes Plan

April 1924

- Annual reparation fees reduced

- American banks invest 800 mil marks in German Industry

- French leave the Ruhr

- German economy recovers

Rentenmark replaced with Reichmark - controlled by Reichbank

Aug 1924

Locarno Treaties

16 Oct 1925

- Declaration of peace in Western Europe

- Troops removed from Rhineland

- Germany not dictated to

- Ebert dies

- Hindenburg becomes president


Stresemann persuades League of Nations to accept Germany


Kellogg Briand Pact

Aug 1928

- 65 countries in agreement that no war should be used to achieve foreign policy aims

100,000 members in Nazi Party


Young Plan

Aug 1929

- Reparations cut from £6600 mil to £1850 with 59 years to pay

- 2.05 mil marks a year

Stresemann dies of heart attack

3 Oct 1929

Wall Street Crash

Oct 1929

- Hindenburg invokes Article 48

- SA has 400,000 members


Burning becomes Chancellor


Harzburg Front


- Alliance of parties who went against Chancellor Bruning

Presidential election

- Hindenburg - 18 mil votes

- Hitler - 11 mil votes

- Communist party - 5 mil votes

March 1932

Run-off Presidential election

- Hindenburg - 19 mil votes ✔

- Hitler - 13 mil votes

- Communist party - 4 mil votes

April 1932

Bruning bans SA and SS

April 1932

Franz von Papen appointed Chancellor in place of Bruning

1 June 1932

Kurt von Schleicher becomes Chancellor

3 Dec 1932

Hitler becomes Chancellor and von Papen Vice Chancellor

30 Jan 1933

Reichstag Fire

27 Feb 1933

- Nazis blame it on Communist party and asks Hindenburg to govern in decree of emergency

Party Election

- Nazis win - 44% with 288 seats in coalition with DNVP and DVP

5 March 1933

Opening of Reichstag at Potsdam garrison church

21 March 1933

Enabling Act

23 March 1933

- Hitler could rule without approval from the Reichstag for 4 years

- made permanent - Hitler bans Communists

Dachau opened

March 1933

Nazis ransack and ban trade unions

2 May 1933

Law for the Encouragement of Marriage

5 July 1933

- Loan given to couples when they have their first child

- Nazi women

- Children, kitchen and church

Law against formation of parties

14 July 1933

Foundation of RAD (Reich Labour Service)

July 1933

Night of the Long Knives

30 June 1934

- SS shot at SA

- Schleicher was killed

- Hindenburg dies

- Hitler makes himself president

2 Aug 1934

DR Hjalmar Schacht becomes Minister for Economics and General Plenipotentiary for the war economy

March 1935

Nuremburg Laws

15 Sept 1935

Jews lost:

- Right to marry non-Jews

- Citizenship

- Right to vote/hold office govt.

Lebensborn Programme

12 Dec 1935

- Designed for unmarried women

- Donate a baby to the state by getting pregnant by SS men

- Helped make Aryan race pure

Jews banned from being dentists, lawyers, teachers etc

April 1936

Compulsory for young Germans to attend Hitler Youth Organisations

1 July 1936

Hitler Jugend (boys 10-14):

- Marching, shooting, map-reading

Yung Mädel (girls 10-14):

- Cooking and setting up camps

Cap on Anti-Jew campaign for Berlin Olympics

July-Aug 1936

Secret memo of four year plan


- Prepares Germany for war

- Went on till 1944

Jews possessions were confiscated

March 1938

Jews had to carry identity cards

July 1938

Jewish men added "Israel" and women "Sarah" to their first names

Aug 1938

Jews had a red "J" stamped on their passports

Oct 1938


9 Nov 1938

- Jewish businesses were attacked

- Jews were arrested + put in camps

- Young Parisian Jew shot a German

- Hitler said if Germans wanted to take revenge they could

Start of WW2

1 Sept 1939

-Living conditions - shortages of bread and meat, food went into black market

- Impact of fighting - longer working hours


White Rose Group executed

18 Feb 1943

- Hans + Sophie Scholl sent peaceful opposition leaflets

- Found and executed by Gestapo

Himmler ordered crackdown


- Edelweiss Pirates beat up Hitler Youth members

Attempted assassination of Hitler by Clause von Stauffenberg

20 July 1944

- Took bomb into Hitlers office in briefcase, but it under map reading table

- Clause left to take phone call, briefcase moved Hitler mildly injured

- 5,000 people arrested and executed

Hitler commits suicide

30 April 1945

Unconditional surrender of Germany to the Allies

8 May 1945