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75 Cards in this Set

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1. The original settlements in the thirteen British colonies were all located
A. East of the Appalachian Mountains
B. Along the Gulf Coast
C. On the Great Plains
D. West of the Mississippi River
A. East of the Appalachian Mountains
2. The presence of which pair of geographic conditions discouraged the development of a plantation economy in the New England colonies?
(1) Wide coastal plain and absence of good harbors
(2) Rocky soil and short growing season
(3) Numerous rivers and humid climate
(4) Flatlands and lack of forest
(2) Rocky soil and short growing season
3. Which statement about the British colonial policy of mercantilism is most accurate?
a. Raw materials from the colonies were shipped to England
b. England encouraged the colonies to seek independence
c. The colonies were required to send manufactured goods to Europe
d. The British opposed the use of slave in the colonies
a. Raw materials from the colonies were shipped to England
4. In colonial America, the House of Burgesses, the Mayflower Compact, and town hall meetings were all developments that led to the
(1) Colonial attempts to build a strong national government
(2) Efforts by the British to strengthen their control over the colonies
(3) Steps in the growth of representative democracy
(4) Early social reform movements
(3) Steps in the growth of representative democracy
5. During the early 1770s, how did the British government respond to increasing American protests of British colonial policy?

(1) It offered self-government to the colonists.
(2) It increased efforts to maintain order and enforce laws.
(3) It agreed to grant the colonies representation in Parliament.
(4) It asked France for help in controlling the colonists
(2) It increased efforts to maintain order and enforce laws.
6. What was the main cause of the French and Indian War (1754-1763)?

(1) Disputed land claims in the Ohio River valley between the French and the British
(2) Conflicts between American colonists and the
French over control of the Great Plains
(3) Taxation of American colonists without representation in Parliament
(4) Violation of trade agreements between European nations and Native American Indians
(1) Disputed land claims in the Ohio River valley between the French and the British
7. The writings of John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Baron de Montesquieu are significant in the United States history because they

(1) Opposed the use of slave labor in the
(2) Supported the absolute right of the king to
impose taxes
(3) Encouraged the formation of political parties
and political machines
(4) Influenced the authors of the Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution
(4) Influenced the authors of the Declaration of
Independence and the Constitution
8. The Declaration of Independence contain a

(1) Proposal for reuniting the colonies and
(2) Statement of grievances against the King of
(3) Request for a treaty between the colonies and
(4) Plan for organizing the western territories
(2) Statement of grievances against the King of
9. “…Everything that is right or reasonable pleads for separating. The blood of the slain, the weeping voice of nature cries, TIME TO PART…”

What is Tomas Bain trying to convince the colonists to?

(1) Accept the Proclamation of 1763
(2) Break a treaty with Spain
(3) Declare their independence from England
(4) Dissolve their alliance with France
(3) Declare their independence from England
The primary purpose of the Articles of Confederation was to

(1) Provide revenues for the national government
(2) Establish the basic framework of the national government
(3) Give the national government the power to regulate interstate commerce
(4) Guarantee a bill of rights to protect citizens from the national government
(2) Establish the basic framework of the national government
11. Critics of the Article of Confederation argued that it
(1) Imposed unfair taxes on the states
(2) Used a draft to raise a national army
(3) Provided a strong system of federal courts
(4) Placed too much power in the hands of the states
(4) Placed too much power in the hands of the states
12. Shay’s Rebellion of 1786 was significant because it
(1) Showed that the English still had influence after the American Revolution
(2) Convinced many Americans of the need for a stronger national government
(3) Revealed the increased threat from rebellious Native American Indians
(4) Endangered the lives of many recent immigrants
(2) Convinced many Americans of the need for a stronger national government
13. The writers of the Constitution corrected an economic weakness under the Articles of Confederation when they
(1) Granted Congress the power to levy and collect taxes
(2) Created an executive branch headed by the president
(3) Granted the president the authority to negotiate treaties
(4) Created a two-house legislature
(1) Granted Congress the power to levy and collect taxes
14. Which constitutional principle best protects the public from abuse by one branch of government?
(1) Equality
(2) Federalism
(3) Executive privilege
(4) Checks and balances
(4) Checks and balances
15. Which action is an example of judicial review?
(1) The president proposes a bill to reduce the powers of the federal courts.
(1) Congress increased the number of justices on the Supreme Court.
(2) The Supreme Court declared part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional.
(3) The Supreme Court heard a case involving a United States ambassador.
(4) The Chief Justice presided over the impeach-ment trial of President Andrew Johnson.
(2) The Supreme Court declared part of the Judiciary Act of 1789 unconstitutional.
16. Which statement most accurately describes federalism?
(1) The judicial branch of government has more power than the other two branches.
(2) The president and vice president divide executive power.
(3) Power is divided between the national government and the states.
(4) Power is shared between the two houses of Congress.
(3) Power is divided between the national government and the states.
17. -A bicameral legislature is created in which states have equal representation in the Senate, but representation in the House depends on population.
-An enslaved person is counted as three-fifths of one person for purpose of both representation and taxation.

These two statements describe

(1) Grievances included in the Declaration of Independence
(2) Provisions found in the Articles of Con-federation
(3) Compromises reached at the Constitutional Convention
(4) Amendments included in the Bill of Rights
(3) Compromises reached at the Constitutional Convention
18. “All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representative;…”
-Article 1, Section 7, United States Constitution

The main reason the writers of the constitution included this provision was to

(1) Give citizens more influence over taxation issues
(2) Assure that all citizens would pay taxes
(3) Deny presidents the power to veto revenue bills
(4) Provide the government with a balanced
(1) Give citizens more influence over taxation issues
19. The outcome of the Whiskey Rebellion (1794) strengthened the authority of the
(1) National government
(2) State governors
(3) Territorial legislatures
(4) Local police
(1) National government
20. The major benefit of having the elastic clause in the United States Constitution is that it
(1) Allows the government to respond to changing conditions
(2) Protects the rights of racial minorities
(3) Prevents one branch of government from becoming too powerful
(4) Establishes a postal service
(1) Allows the government to respond to changing conditions
21. Alexander Hamilton’s proposal to create a national bank and Thomas Jefferson’s proposal to purchase the Louisiana Territory were criticized because both actions would

1) Place too much power in the hands of Congress
(2) violate protections in the Bill of Rights
(3) increase foreign influence in the United States
(4) require a loose interpretation of the Constitution
(4) require a loose interpretation of the Constitution
22. …Europe has a set of primary interests which to us have none or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies, the cause of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate (connect) ourselves by artificial ties in the ordinary vicissitudes (changes) of her politics or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities (antagonisms)
-President George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796

According to the passage, President Washington believed that the United States should

(1) Seek financial aid from European nations
(2) End all existing European friendships
(3) Avoid involvement in the political disputes of Europe
(4) Discontinue commercial relations with Europe
(3) Avoid involvement in the political disputes of Europe
23. A major reason for purchasing the Louisiana Territory (1803) was to
(1) Gain access to the Ohio Territory
(2) Remove the British from the borders of the United States
(3) Secure control of the port of New Orleans
(4) Open the Rocky Mountains to miners
(3) Secure control of the port of New Orleans
24. The decision in Marbury v. Madison (1803) was significant because it established that the Supreme Court

(1) Restricting the use of the elastic clause
(2) establishing the power of judicial review
(3) upholding the constitutionality of the National Bank
(4) interpreting the interstate commerce clause
(2) establishing the power of judicial review
25. The Erie Canal contributed to the development of the United States by

(1) Eliminating the need for railroads
(2) Linking the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Coast
(3) Becoming the major trade route to California
(4) Allowing southern planters to ship their
cotton westward
(2) Linking the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Coast
26. What was one result of the Supreme Court’s decisions in Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
(1) The power of the federal government over interstate commerce was strengthened.
(2) The rights of accused individuals were expanded.
(3) The power of the judicial branch was limited.
(4) The Court declined to hear cases involving disputes between states.
(1) The power of the federal government over interstate commerce was strengthened.
27. President Andrew Jackson used the spoils system to
(1) Attack the Tariff of Abominations
(2) Reward supporters with United States government jobs
(3) Win support for construction of the Erie Canal
(4) Gain passage of the Indian Removal Act
(2) Reward supporters with United States government jobs
28. The United States government is creating memorials along the Trial of Tears because it was

(1) An important road used by settlers going to the frontier
(2) The location of injustices against many Native American Indians
(3) The site of victories by General Andrew Jackson during the War of 1812
(4) The route followed by the first trans-continental railroad
(2) The location of injustices against many Native American Indians
29. In the 1840s, President James K. Polk’s belief in Manifest Destiny led to

(1) A war with Mexico
(2) An alliance with several South American nations
(3) The establishment of new colonies in the Caribbean
(4) A ban on the activities of northern abolitionists
(1) A war with Mexico
30. “Compromise Enables Maine and Missouri to Enter the Union”
“California Joins the Union As Part of Compromise of 1850”
“Kansas-Nebraska Act Establishes Popular Sovereignty in the Territories”

Which issue is most closely associated with these headlines?
(1) Status of slavery in new states
(2) Negotiation of the Oregon Treaty
(3) Expansion of land for reservations
(4) Influence of political parties on economic development
(1) Status of slavery in new states
31. The majority of immigrants who arrived in the United States between 1800 and 1860 came from
(1) East Asia
(2) Latin America
(3) Northern and Western Europe
(4) Southern and Eastern Europe
(3) Northern and Western Europe
32. During the 1850s, Irish immigrants were often discriminated against because they
(1) Refused to participate in local politics
(2) Displaced slave labor in the South
(3) Arrived in the United States with great wealth
(4) Practiced the Roman Catholic religion
(4) Practiced the Roman Catholic religion
33. Before the start of the Civil War, many Southern political leaders supported
(1) States rights
(2) Higher tariff rates
(3) Voting rights for women
(4) Repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act
(1) States rights
34. In his first inaugural address, President Abraham Lincoln stated his main goal for the nation was to

(1) Use the vote to resolve the conflict over slavery
(2) Free all slaves in the United States
(3) Uphold the Dred Scott decision
(4) Preserve the Union
(4) Preserve the Union
35. A primary reason for the passage of the 14th amendment in 1868 was to
1) Prohibit the secession of states
(2) Uphold the legality of the Black Codes
(3) Continue the presidential plan for Recon-struction
(4) Guarantee citizenship rights to the newly freed slave
(4) Guarantee citizenship rights to the newly freed slave
36. Jim Crow laws passed in the South during the late 1800s were designed to

(1) Support civil rights for African Americans
(2) Create a system of legal segregation
(3) Give free land to formerly enslaved persons
(4) Compensate landowners for damage done
during the Civil War
(2) Create a system of legal segregation
37. Poll taxes, literacy tests, and grandfather clauses were adopted in Southern States primarily to
(1) Enforce the terms of the 15th amendment
(2) Keep African Americans from exercising their right to vote
(3) Stop criminals and immigrants from voting
(4) Eliminate bribery and corruption at polling places
(2) Keep African Americans from exercising their right to vote
38. During the late 1800s, the idea of Social Darwinism was used to explain the
(1) Development of the Granger movement
(2) Need for settlement homes
(3) Creation of a national parks system
(4) Success or failure of businesses
(4) Success or failure of businesses
39. Which statement best expresses a common belief among nativists in the late 1800s and early 1900s?

(1) “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.”
(2) “The streets are paved with gold.”
(3) “All immigrants strengthen America.”
(4) “America is for Americans.”
(4) “America is for Americans.”
40. In the late 1890s, the main goal of those who supported United States imperialism was to
(1) Bring self-government to areas under United States control
(2) Obtain overseas markets and naval bases
(3) Defend against attacks by enemy nations
(4) Spread democracy to Africa and Latin America
(2) Obtain overseas markets and naval bases
41. The theory of laissez-faire economics was used during the late 1800s to

(1) Justify unregulated business growth
(2) Call for more consumer protection
(3) Support Progressive programs
(4) Achieve equal distribution of income
(1) Justify unregulated business growth
42. In the late 1800s, the term robber baron was used to describe some owners of big businesses primarily because they

(1) Favored free trade
(2) Eliminated competition using ruthless methods
(3) Opposed the formation of corporations
(4) Provided workers with high wages
(2) Eliminated competition using ruthless methods
43. The actions of muckrakers in the late 19th century and early 20th century resulted in
(1) Supreme Court decisions that expanded the right to vote
(2) Government regulation of unfair business practices
(3) Increases in the power of monopolies
(4) Reduction of the president’s power to manage the economy
(2) Government regulation of unfair business practices
44. The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) affected African Americans by

(1) Granting voting rights
(2) Expanding civil rights
(3) Upholding racial segregation
(4) Guaranteeing equal wages
(3) Upholding racial segregation
45. During the late 1800s, which developments lead to the other three?

(1) Formation of labor unions
(2) Increased demand for natural resources
(3) Federal regulation of business trusts
(4) Growth of industry
(4) Growth of industry
46. The Progressive movement supported the idea that the federal government should
(1) Regulate big business
(2) Reduce immigration
(3) Build an overseas empire
(4) Reduce the number of farms
(1) Regulate big business
47. President Theodore Roosevelt’s conservation efforts were influenced by a desire to
(1) Protect natural resources for the future
(2) Increase revenues through land sales
(3) Reduce the role of the federal government
(4) Return tribal lands to Native American Indians
(1) Protect natural resources for the future
48. “…In other words, our demand is that big business give the people a square deal and that the people give a square deal to any man engaged in big business who honestly endeavors to do what is right and proper…”
-Theodore Roosevelt, “A Charter for Democracy,” February 21, 1912

This statement reflects President Theodore Roosevelt’s position that the federal government should

(1) Leave regulation of big business to the states
(2) Cease regulation of business activities
(3) Regulate abusive business practices
(4) Seize control of all trusts
(3) Regulate abusive business practices
49. The Meat Inspection Act (1906) and the Pure Food and Drug Act were efforts by the federal government to
(1) Protect public health and safety
(2) Support business monopolies
(3) Restrict foreign competition
(4) Regulate child labor
(1) Protect public health and safety
50. We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona . The settlement in detail is left to you…
-Telegram of January 19, 1917

This telegram was part of an effect to
(1) Form an alliance between Germany and the United States
(2) Convince several western states it secede from the United States
(3) Bring Mexico into World War I on the side of Great Britain and France
(4) Enlist Mexican support for Germany if the United States declared war
(4) Enlist Mexican support for Germany if the United States declared war
51. Publications of this telegram in United States newspaper helped to

(1) Reelect Woodrow Wilson as president
(2) Convince the American public to support entrance into World War I
(3) Encourage Congress to pass neutrality legislation
(4) Grant statehood to Arizona and New Mexico
(2) Convince the American public to support entrance into World War I
52. The United States published these World War I posters to encourage Americans to
(1) Increase military enlistments
(2) Reduce the use of consumer goods
(3) Invest in the war effort
(4) Conserve scarce resources for the military
(3) Invest in the war effort
53. The Senate’s opposition to United States membership in the League of nations was based mainly on the
(1) Cost of membership dues
(2) Failure to give the United States veto power
(3) Fear of being drawn into future wars
(4) Concern that United States businesses would
be damaged
(3) Fear of being drawn into future wars
54. What was the primary reason many African Americans migrated to the North both during and after World War I?
(1) More economic opportunities existed in the North.
(2) Few chances to gain political office were available in the South.
(3) Racism and discrimination had been eliminated in the North.
(4) Southern cities were overcrowded
(1) More economic opportunities existed in the North.
55. The Supreme Court decision in Schenck v. United States (1919) and the passage of the USA Patriot Act (2001) demonstrated the principle that the federal government can

(1) Guarantee citizens the right to bear arms
(2) Restrict the power of the president
(3) Limit individual rights in times of national emergency
(4) Expand the liberties protected by the Bill of Rights
(3) Limit individual rights in times of national emergency
56. The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s most enhanced America culture by
(1) Pressuring southern states to extend voting rights
(2) Expanding African American access to education
(3) Popularizing African American contributions to the arts
(4) Convincing the Supreme Court to allow affirmative action
(3) Popularizing African American contributions to the arts
57. What was one feature of the United States economy during the 1920s that contributed to the Great Depression?
(1) Increase in federal regulation
(2) Expansion of easy credit
(3) Growth of the trade deficit
(4) Influence of foreign corporations
(2) Expansion of easy credit
58. One of the major causes of the stock market crash of 1929 was

(1) Excessive buying of stocks on margin
(2) Overconsumption of goods and services
(3) Failure of international banking systems
(4) Low prices of stocks and bonds
(1) Excessive buying of stocks on margin
59. The Red Scare, the growth of the Ku Klux Klan, and the murder convictions of Sacco and Vanzetti were influenced by
(1) The rise of organized crime
(2) The passage of immigration quota acts
(3) A distrust of foreigners
(4) An effort to stop fascism
(3) A distrust of foreigners
60. The repeal of National Prohibition in 1933 showed that
(1) Alcohol consumption was not socially acceptable
(2) The government should lower the drinking age
(3) Crime rates had fallen to record low levels
(4) Unpopular laws are difficult to enforce
(4) Unpopular laws are difficult to enforce
61. During the 1930s, the conditions show in this photograph occurred mainly
(1) On the Atlantic Coast
(2) On the Great Plains
(3) In the Rocky Mountains
(4) In the Pacific Northwest
(2) On the Great Plains
62. Many farmers in the region affected by the conditions shown in this photograph reacted by
(1) Migrating to California
(2) Accepting aid from the Tennessee Valley Authority
(3) Investing in better farm equipment
(4) Marching on Washington, D.C.
(1) Migrating to California
63. During the Great Depression, one way New Deal programs tried to stimulate economic reacted by
(1) Raising tariff rates
(2) Increasing interest rates
(3) Creating public works jobs
(4) Lowering the minimum wage
(3) Creating public works jobs
64. As part of the New Deal, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) were created to

(1) Allow for a quick recovery of stock prices
(2) Provide direct loans to businesses
(3) Protect individual investors from stock fraud and bank failure
(4) Allow banks and companies to invest in the stock market
(3) Protect individual investors from stock fraud and bank failure
65. What was the goal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s plan to add more justices to the Supreme Court?
(1) To help the Supreme Court implement its
(2) To limit judicial opposition to New Deal
(3) To convince Congress to enact new economic
(4) To replace the Chief Justice of the Supreme
(2) To limit judicial opposition to New Deal
66. In the years immediately following World War II, United States foreign policy was primarily focused on
(1) Securing peace in the Middle East
(2) Containing the spread of communism
(3) Sending volunteers to developing countries
(4) Maintaining neutrality in world conflicts
(2) Containing the spread of communism
67. The GI Bill helped soldiers who served in World War II by
(1) Mandating integration of the military
(2) Funding college education for veterans
(3) Requiring women to surrender their wartime jobs to men
(4) Eliminating union seniority rules that hurt veterans
(2) Funding college education for veterans
68. Which factor directly contributed to the growth of suburban communities after World War II?
(1) Mass transit systems closed.
(2) Property taxes were eliminated in many towns.
(3) Returning veterans created a demand for housing.
(4) Widespread mortgage foreclosures caused farmers to leave rural areas.
(3) Returning veterans created a demand for housing.
69. President Dwight D. Eisenhower sent federal troops to Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957 to

(1) Supervise local elections
(2) Enforce school integration
(3) End a bus boycott
(4) Break up a steel strike
(2) Enforce school integration
70. … It is important that the reason for my action be understood by all our citizens. As you know, the Supreme Court of the United States has decided that separate public education facilities for the races are inherently unequal and therefore compulsory school segregation laws are unconstitutional…
- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, September 24, 1957

What Supreme Court Case is referred to in this quotation?
(1) Dred Scott v. Sanford
(2) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
(3) Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States
(4) Tinker v. Des Moines School District
(2) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka
71. … Come mother and fathers
Throughout the land
And don’t criticize
What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin’
Please get out of the new one
If you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin’
-Bob Dylan, “The Time They Are A-Changin’,” 1963

Which concern of the 1960s is being commented on by the author of these lyrics?
(1) Rural poverty
(2) Adult illiteracy
(3) Environmental protection
(4) The generation gap
(4) The generation gap
72. The Supreme Court decisions in Mapp v. Ohio (1961) and Miranda v. Arizona (1966) directly expand the rights of which group?
(1) Students with disabilities
(2) Women in the military
(3) Homeless Americans
(4) Persons accused of crimes
(4) Persons accused of crimes
73. A major goal of the Great Society programs begun under President Lyndon B. Johnson was to
(1) Stimulate oil production in the United States
(2) Provide tax concessions to manufacturers
(3) Reduce poverty in the nation
(4) Increase the size of the armed forces
(3) Reduce poverty in the nation
74. Which heading best completes the partial outline below?
A. Trade restrictions
B. Laissez-faire
C. Trickle-down theory
D. Wage and price control

(1) Social Reforms
(2) Constitutional Amendments
(3) Economic Policies
(4) Religious Beliefs
(3) Economic Policies
75. Which pair of events shows a correct cause-and-effect relationship?
(1) Mexican War→ Trail of Tears
(2) Harlem Renaissance → Great Migration
(3) Increase in organized crime → adoption of national Prohibition
(4) Passage of Interstate Highway Act → increase in suburbanization
(4) Passage of Interstate Highway Act → increase in suburbanization